A New Adventure

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By Doug Creamer

            The dream to write has been a driving force in my life. Each time I sit down to write my column I am excited by the opportunity to fulfill the dream. I have also dreamed of putting together a magazine and writing books. I am a storyteller at heart; I love telling a good story.

            A number of years ago I circulated a monthly newsletter. We had a good group of writers and we put out well over a hundred copies a month. Computers were not as advanced back then and I was using Microsoft Publisher. We had lots of fun for about five years, but it became cost-prohibitive and ate up lots of time.

            As the internet grew and websites became easier to create and maintain, I jumped back into the creative process. I found other writers who were looking for the opportunity to get their creative work out. We came together to create EncouragingU.com. We have been growing slowly and having fun in the process.

            We decided to create a book of our writing for Christmas last year, “An EncouragingU Christmas.” It was a blast to create and so much fun to share with family and friends. We felt so good about it that the idea to create a summer book almost seemed natural. We kicked the idea around for a couple of days, and before you knew it, we were all writing summer stories in the middle of winter.

            Our hard work has paid off in a new book to take wherever you like to travel in summer. The book is called, “EncouragingU: Summer Stories.” We now have six writers who contributed a variety of stories. There is a summer topic for every reader. Both books are available through Amazon or by contacting one of the writers.

            This is my fifth book, all of which are available through Amazon. Working with Amazon to create a book is an interesting process. One might think it looks easy, only a few decisions and steps before you, too, can have a book in print. Don’t be fooled. They want things in a very specific way before they will agree to print it. It took me several days to get everything in the exact order for them to accept and print.

            I haven’t held the first copy yet—I hope it comes tomorrow. It is an exciting, fun, and yes, challenging process to get six writers to turn in their work. Each of us is refining and rewriting up until the last minute, and even then, catching a comma here or a wrong word there. We want our book to be perfect. The artist that created the cover feels the same as the rest of us. He wants his work to look great because he understands that first impressions can make it or break it.

            The main thing we all hope is that everyone will enjoy our new book: “EncouragingU: Summer Stories.” Some of the stories are just fun, relatable tales that will keep you dreaming of summer days. I tried my hand at writing a summer love story. Some of the stories are adventures that will take you around the country. Many of the stories will renew and refresh your spirit. We can’t wait to share our little treasure with you.

            I think some of our stories are like parables. Most of what Jesus taught His followers were parables. They were lessons about life, spiritual principles to guide His listeners to a better and a more fulfilling way to live. Being a teacher, I often wondered why He didn’t just teach the principles straight out. In plain language, just tell us how to live. I think the reason is that principles are easy to forget, but stories can be carried with us for a lifetime. If I mention the parable of the sower or the prodigal son, most of you could probably retell the story without looking it up in the Bible. The story sticks with you. I also believe that the lessons Jesus intended for us to learn can continue to speak to us long after we have heard the story.

            I want to encourage you to reflect on the stories of your life, the lessons you have learned, and how you can pass on those lessons to others through your stories. I love a good story and I love listening to someone tell a good story. Parables and stories are powerful, especially when we reflect on them and meditate on them. I hope you will be touched by the many stories in “EncouragingU: Summer Stories” and at our website, EncouragingU.com.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Constant Strengthening

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By Ed Traut

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.

  • It’s by grace that we are saved and by grace that He sanctifies us and keeps us.
  • We always have this good hope and encouragement in our hearts because of who He is. 
  • We are strengthened with words (which are important) and the things we do because His name is glorified through it.

Prayer:  Lord I do want to be strengthened in good deeds and words by Your Holy Spirit I lean on You for that and all the good hope and all the grace that You give.  I look to it today and I praise Your name for it.  I receive it Lord and I will not let the enemy steal from me my joy and confidence in You.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Main Street 5K and Fidler Update

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By David Freeze

China Grove’s 22nd Annual Main Street Challenge is on tap for Friday evening. Usually the largest 5K in the county, this race has a long history. Started in 1998 by Edie and Ricky Smith, the South Rowan YMCA has managed the race since the 2000 edition.

Always an evening event, the race started as a challenging journey through some of China Grove’s neighborhoods. After just a few years, it transitioned to a Main Street out and back. Start is just north of the fire department with the participants proceeding to the Food Lion at the corner of Kimball Road and Main before turning and retracing the same route back to the fire department.

It’s a fast course with some sizzling 5K records. Former Olympian Anthony Famigletti holds the course record at 14:19 and Caitlin Bullock has the women’s record at 16:36. There’s a $250 bonus for a new course record.

But what makes this event special is that a huge number of local runners and walkers of all abilities turn out for some challenging fun. Local residents pull their lawn chairs to the curb to watch the races that include a 200-yard Tot Trot and a half-mile fun run for kids. There’s music too, and a course without a real hill. Registration continues at runsignup.com and at the Y. Registration is also available on Friday evening at the race. Look for a printable brochure and more information on this and other events at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org

I promised to update Heather Fidler’s wellness journey. She’s closing out her third month working with me on a personal journey toward some big goals. Heather manages the Partners in Learning location at Catawba College. She was a college athlete and seeks a return to better health.

Heather Fidler at The Forum on Thursday. Photo by David Freeze

I asked Heather what she thinks is working and what’s not. She said, “When I only have to worry about me, while at work usually, it is very easy to make good food choices and drink water. We have made it a culture at work, so it is simple. But at home I am a very busy mom. I find that I fall victim to what I call family circumstance. I have to be very organized to make sure I follow my meal plans and proper calorie intake. When I forget to take something out for dinner, attend a track meet, get home at 7:30 p.m. and then have to thaw or prepare a meal, it’s too easy to find something processed or on the run.”

Water is a key to a good diet for all of us. Heather said, “Water is something I am still struggling with. To meet my water requirement, I have purchased a water bottle with times on it. I can often be on the go so much that I forget to drink, but with the times on it. I know that if it is 11:00 and I am only at 9:00, I need to get drinking. It gives me a tangible goal that I can see, so progress or lack thereof, is more in my face.”

Heather knows that goals are important. For June, she said, “I would like to lose 10-12 pounds. I will be focused more on meal planning and logging my caloric intake as we will not be on the go so much. Also, I would like to push myself more at the gym to increase what I am burning. I need to get more time in the gym. I try to be active outside, exercise and family time, but it doesn’t push me enough. My girls are awesome, so they understand if I walk or hike the trails with them that I still need to go to the gym.”

Heather wants to become a runner but prefers to wait until she’s dropped some significant weight before starting. Heather is now down 15 pounds since she began our program in early March. She has completed her first 5K by walking the Bare Bones 5K on May 1. I will update Heather’s progress at the end of June.

Addiction Hurts

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By Ann Farabee

Addiction is vicious.

My father and brother died from it.

My adult children struggled with it.

It separates you from those you love.

It feels like a private journey because it is difficult to share.

With drug addiction, heartache comes.

As does pain.

Some overcome.

Many do not.

Some overcome and relapse.

Then they overcome — and relapse again.

It is a cycle that for many never ends.

But sometimes it does.

Even if a relapse comes, they still overcame — for a while.

Hopefully, they will overcome again.

The road can be long. It usually is.

For some — once the problem begins — it lasts a lifetime.

If only the pain was just for the user of the drug — that would seem a little more fair.

But the pain also belongs to those of us who love them.

We wait for the call that no one wants to get — but fully expect.

The actively using addict tends to be self-centered.

They focus on their need for drugs — and on nothing else.

It controls their thoughts.

Priorities are re-prioritized — and the normalcy of their lives slips away.

It is so sad to watch — and to experience.

Does this mean we do not love them? No. We love them immensely. We love them enough to keep them in the corner of our mind 24 hours a day every day of every week of every month of every year — even if we rarely see them.

For approximately 2.7 million grandparents in the United States, that love is shown to their adult children who are addicts, when they take over the parenting of their addicted children’s children — their grandchildren.

Our boys came to be ours when I looked through the window of their home and saw one of them, who should have been playing and enjoying the joys of being a four year old, rubbing his mother’s head and trying to comfort her as she lay on the couch, lethargic and oblivious to his presence in the room.

That was when we knew. The children had to be safe. So we took them with us. We began to send them back less and less frequently, until one day, we all realized that our home had become the place our grandchildren would call their home.

We did not do that to their parents — we did it for their parents.

Proverbs 31:8 says, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.”

The children were too young to speak for themselves.

They deserved better.

We would give it to them.

Our journey as grandparents raising grandchildren had begun.

Thirteen years later, we are still on that journey.

Lord, be with the addict. Be with their children. Be with those who love an addict. Amen

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at  annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.

To the Class of 2021

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By Doug Creamer

To the Class of 2021

            My nephew graduated from high school in May. He will head off to Virginia Military Institute in the fall. He has a passion for the military and enjoys reading military history. I think he will do great things for our country. I am thankful for him and the many others who choose to serve our country.

            I feel bad for the class of 2021 because so many of the graduates who attend public schools have missed much of the fun stuff from their junior and senior year due to the COVID pandemic. I hope they understand this has been a world-wide event and they have not been singled out. Hopefully, things will improve going forward.

            The graduating seniors did miss out on some of the fun senior traditions. Many schools did not have their prom last year or this year. I did hear that some schools were able to have their prom this year. I also saw where some schools had their senior awards day. Maybe some things are beginning to return to normal.

            Many school systems are having or just had their final exams. Exams always signaled that the end was within reach. It was a busy time, but I always knew I was almost there. I have to admit that I do not miss the absolute exhaustion I always felt at the end of the year.

            I do think I miss…a little…going to the graduation ceremony. It’s not the ceremony itself that I miss, but saying good-bye to the graduating seniors. I liked walking through the crowd and seeing my students, shaking their hands, and wishing them good luck.

            I also miss the graduation speeches. While many of them had similar content, I always heard some unique thoughts that often inspired a new column. I have often wondered what I might say if I was given the chance to speak to a group of graduating seniors. I would have to keep my thoughts short.

            So here are my thoughts to the Class of 2021: Congratulations graduates! You have had a very unique journey to this day. None of us could have imagined what we have experienced over the last two years. The best thing to learn from the situation is that life can be very uncertain. No one knows what tomorrow holds, so live each day to its fullest.

            I encourage you to love the people in your life and let them know your love by your words and your actions. Love lasts forever and heals many wounds. People may not remember all that you accomplish, but if show them love, they will never forget you.

            Look for the good in life. Everyone has plenty of bad days, days you wish you had never gotten out of bed. Even on the bad days there is always something good in your life. Look for it, embrace it, and share it with others.

            Be thankful every day. Be thankful for your family, friends, job, place to live, and all the many possessions that you acquire in life. A thankful heart is joyful and contagious. A thankful heart builds within you an appreciation for all that is good in life.

            Always show appreciation to others. No one is successful on their own. It only takes a moment to thank someone. Honor people in your life who have helped you and encouraged you along the way. Don’t forget your teachers, parents, and pastors.

            Take good care of your physical body; it’s the only one you get. Life is full of ups and downs, so tend to your emotions. Give yourself the time, space, and permission to deal with them. Make it a priority in your life to grow spiritually. That includes praying and talking to your Heavenly Father. Reading books is great for the mind, but don’t neglect reading the Good Book. It is so important to stay connected with people, especially in spiritual matters. People can be there to lift you up on the bad days, challenge you to be the best you God made you to be, and encourage you when life is tough.

            I want to thank you for taking time to listen to my words. I want to encourage you to apply them to your life. You have learned so much in school, now comes the time to apply what you have learned so you can reach for the stars. God has made some great plans for your life, an exciting and wonderful adventure. Put your faith and trust in Him and see where the adventure takes you. Congratulations to the Class of 2021! We are proud of you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Having the Family Genes

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By David Freeze

The first time I saw Frank Adams Jr. run, I thought immediately of his grandpa, long-time sportswriter and well-known runner Ed Dupree. Frank favors his grandpa in appearance and two other ways that I know of. His pace is steady, and he enjoys the experience immensely. Last Saturday, Frank ran his first 5K at the Ed Dupree 5K at East Rowan High School.

I asked Frank what he thought of stepping up to the longer distance after dominating many of the recent half-mile fun runs. Frank, 7, said, “Running a longer race than a fun run was a lot harder.” Frank does the Daily Mile at Shive Elementary where he usually runs between 2 and 2.5 miles, so this race was his longest distance yet.

Frank thinks he could run faster with some practice and more training. He said, “I like to run and win medals. I like to run in races because my papa Ed was a big runner and I do it to remember him. I have some of Papa Ed’s medals and a trophy in my room.”

I noticed right away that Frank is a smart runner too. It is very comical to watch kids, 12 and under, start the fun runs. They sprint as hard as they can and nearly all run out of gas within a couple hundred yards. Not Frank, who coolly lets them sprint ahead and sticks with his pace. Frank wants to continue fun runs this summer to see if he can improve his best 800 time and I hope he continues to display his megawatt smile afterwards.

Frank will also run cross country with Run Cabarrus AAU in the fall.  The 7-year-old age group runs 1.2 miles in competition and have five meets scheduled. Frank ran the Run Cabarrus Invitational last fall, his first attempt at 1.2 miles and handled it with ease.

Allison Adams, Ed’s daughter, and husband Frank are premier athletes themselves. They support Frank and his 6-year-old brother Drew by taking both boys to fun runs and mom runs with them. Allison said, “As parents, we try to support our boys in all sports they enjoy — golf, baseball, running, tennis, soccer and basketball. We want them to be well-rounded.”

Drew ran his best time of 3:40 in the fun run Saturday. He has run some fun runs with Frank but hasn’t been hit by the running bug yet. Allison thinks it’s coming soon because Drew is quick on his feet and will head to kindergarten in the fall at Shive with his brother.

She continued, “Frank is self-motivated and loves to run and be active. Other ways he favors his grandpa is a natural ability to pace himself. Through the Daily Mile at Shive, Frank developed a love for running and runs almost daily (with the exception of weekends). Frank knows about Ed’s streak of 24 years of running without missing a day, as well.”

I asked Allison how both boys remembered her dad. She said, “Drew was very young when Ed passed away, one month short of 2 years old. Frank was 3 1/2 years old. They remember my dad taking them to Dan Nicholas Park to play putt putt and to Granite Lake Park. They remember their Papa as a runner. My mom and dad kept Drew and Frank at their house in Faith a few days a week when I went back to school. They remember how much their Papa liked to eat, especially at Ichiban!”

Ed did not get to see Frank race. He was planning on coming to the Erwin 50th anniversary race in September 2017, but that was when he originally hurt his leg before he had to go to Baptist. Allison did show him pictures of Frank running the fun run while sitting with him at Novant the night he was admitted. Of course, Ed asked what Frank’s time was.

“My dad would truly enjoy watching Frank run. With all the time he spent training kids with the Faith Flyers, it would mean so much to him to be able to watch Frank race and enjoy himself. I only hope he can somehow see Frank and Drew when they run.”

Look for the upcoming Main Street Challenge in China Grove and other events at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org .

The Roundabout

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By Ann Farabee

I don’t remember when. I don’t remember where. I don’t remember how.

But I do remember that I had no idea what to do.

It was — the roundabout.

I hate that my parents did not live to enjoy roundabouts. My dad would have gone all the way around one several times, just for fun. My mother, on the other hand, would definitely slow traffic down. Driving 5 mph would not have been fast enough.

What good are roundabouts?

Experts say:

• They slow us down.

• There is one way travel.

• They are safer.

• They improve traffic flow.

• They require yielding to others.

• We won’t be tempted to beat the stoplight, because there aren’t any.

I just about had roundabouts tackled until I came across three in a row.

Three roundabouts and my equilibrium do not go well together.

But, obviously there is a purpose for them. I mean — they are in the Bible, right?

You know — where Psalm 34:7 says that the angel of the Lord encamps roundabout his people forever.

As for camping, it has never been my favorite thing to do.

The daytime is fabulous — but the nights — not so much.

My last time in a tent overnight was on a trip to the mountains with around 100 members of our church. At dark, we would gather around the campfire to sing, testify, talk and roast marshmallows.

Then tent time came.

Sleep did not.

It was too dark to sleep.

My eyes opened. My eyes closed.

It looked the same — dark.

What were those noises? Everyone was asleep — I could hear them snoring.

What is that? Have you ever heard an owl? The screeching was horrendous.

Why is everyone still snoring?

What is that? Something brushed by our tent — on my side, of course.

Not only did I hear it — I felt movement against the side of the tent.

No doubt. It had to be a bear.

I then chose to stay awake all night to listen for bear noises, so I could scream to alert everyone, if needed.

If only I had remembered this important information about camping:

The angel of the Lord was encamping roundabout me.

To encamp means to settle in and establish. Roundabout means you go in one direction around the center.

The angel of the Lord encamps round about us, settles in, and establishes himself in our life situations, as we head in one direction toward our heavenly home — to be with Jesus forever.

Some times — some days — some long dark nights — we may not feel that the protection he gives us while he is encamping roundabout us will be enough.

But, when we doubt, we may just need to read on to the end of Psalm 34:7.

The end of the verse says that God delivers us!

God’s promise from God’s word brings victory — every time.

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