Proof I’m not riding along – By David Freeze
Part ll
Part l with the surveyor still is one of the best stories about my bike rides and of my life. But this summer’s ride to Alaska has a continued lesson about His presence on my cycling adventures. You’ll see why I ask every day, “Lord, ride with me.”
On just my third day of the Nevada to Alaska cycling adventure, I found myself on a warm day with lots of hills and my water consumption had increased to the point that I needed water soon. I had left Doyle and then Milford, California, assured in both places that there were supply points ahead. I had all my bottles filled with water and a squeeze filter strainer should I need it to drink out of a creek or stream. This option didn’t appeal to me unless the water was moving significantly, although the packaging said that even standing water would be safe. I had 3,000 miles to ride and didn’t want any gastric conditions.
With temperatures in the lower 90s, I kept pushing north through the challenging terrain. On US 395 in these parts, traffic is insignificant. I did find on my map that there was a Federal Land Management fire station well north of where I was, but there was no guarantee of available water there.
On a day that reminded me of the day six years ago when I needed water, the same situation soon became a reality. I was out of water again and if the FLM facility wasn’t staffed, would still have close to 50 more miles until the first town. It was a time to stop the bike and say again, “Lord, ride with me,” and this time I was specific about the need for water and how soon it was needed.
Just a few miles after the prayer and on another steep and hot uphill, I spotted a no longer used rest area. This one had signs and concrete barricades to keep cars out. I stopped a quarter mile away and prayed something like this, “Lord, its hot and dry and I need water. I have never seen a rest area out here with water, particularly an abandoned one. But Lord, if its OK with you, I ask you to provide me with a source of water.”
I pedaled on and rode through a gap in the barricades and looked around. The bathroom buildings were locked and signs were everywhere to keep out. But off to my left was the most uplifting sight of my trip, a long galvanized pipe spewing spring water at a constant rate. My incredibly selfish prayer had been heard, although that pipe had probably been there for years.
Within minutes, I drank three bottles of the wonderfully delicious water, ate a few cookies, and felt wonderful. The peace of knowing that my prayer connection has such power comforts me incredibly.
I left the rest area with a huge smile, but wondering how often those around me realize the power of prayer. No doubt that the Lord does ride along daily.
On ahead, once I topped the summit of this particular mountain, I did find that FLM fire station. Firefighter Ryan Rodd had me come in for a fantastic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, made even better because I was no longer thirsty. Still Ryan, from North Carolina, told me that I could top off my water bottles in his station. I did, but nothing could possibly have beaten the taste of that spring water!
Lord, Ride with me today! is the title of my first book and remains my thoughtful request to start a cycling day. I have no doubt that He is with me today and every day.