No Easy Way

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By Lynna Clark

Have you ever wished for Cliff Notes of the Bible? Like yesterday when I gave you all that Scripture and you started hearing, “Blah blah blah designer shoes blah blah …” Well, here ya go.

I came across a passage that sums it all up. In Matthew 22: 34-40, Jesus is being questioned by the religious experts of the day. These guys were careful to obey the details of the law down to the length of their sleeves. Trying to trick Him, they asked what He considered to be THE most important law. His reply is well known, but not well practiced. “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important. Love your neighbor as yourself.” Then He says it.

“All the other commandments and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” So here’s the scoop. If we get those two things right, all the other stuff falls into place. The God of details gives us an easy button. Well, at least He narrowed it down to two things. So should I take that job? Can I fulfill Christ’s royal law of love there? No? Then the money is not worth it. Should I work in the yard today? Will I in any way defeat the goal of loving God and loving people? No? Then go for it.

Just a little jump off the Nehemiah bus for today. Because if we bear down on these two things, Christ says we’re good to go. Love God. Love people. And it’s also amazing that He places loving others “equally important” as loving Himself!! Knowing that He is a jealous God and wants us to love Him with every ounce of our being, makes that statement even more astounding!

Can I be real with you? Loving Him and loving people is certainly harder some days than others. I bet you already knew that. Here’s what I prayed. You fill in the blanks where you have been.

Strengthen me Lord to love You so much that I never doubt You again. When people hurt me and You are silent, help me rest in Your Word and believe You when You tell me You love me. When we both lose our jobs, both cars break down, the house has a tax lien, and medical bills mount up, [summer of 1990] help me remember that You love me. When I blow my cool and bless out the person I feel to be responsible for our job loss; when I slam the door so hard the windows are still rattling, [also summer of 1990] help me to know that You still love me. When I lose my strong and beautiful mother because she gets an illness that is so rare that only 3 in one million in the U.S. get it [winter of 2004]; When my very first grandson dies before I hold him in my arms, [summer of 2010] help me to rest in the fact that You love me. And when we come out on the other side of heartache with a stronger understanding of Your great love, help us use that understanding to love people better. Everyone is going through something. Strengthen me, and all of us today, to lighten someone’s load just a little; Because You love me while I am most definitely unlovable.
More: Ephesians 3:14-21; Romans 8:31-39; Matthew 22:34-40

Where Have You Been?

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By Ann Farabee

Where have we been?

Once upon a time, I went through a corn maze, with the emphasis on the word once. What began as a nonchalant, leisurely, confident walk through the maze with my 6th grade students, quickly turned into thick tall towering stalks of corn terrorizing me.

Being directionally challenged, I tried to keep up with my students, but they abandoned me and found their way to the exit easily. I could hear them laughing and talking outside the maze – and wondering what had happened to their teacher.

What had been fun for them – had become fearful for me.

For I was the one who got lost.

After realizing I was walking around in circles, I began to cry out, “I’m lost! Where is everybody?” My students responded in unison from outside the maze, “We’re over here!”

That was not a helpful response.

Where exactly is over here?

And how do you get to over here?

After sensing my frustration, one student called out, “I’ll come back and lead you through!”

He did.

I sure was glad.

In Jeremiah 2:6, the people were reminded of where they had been.

In Jeremiah 2:7, the people were reminded of how God led them through.

They had been in the uninhabited and unfriendly wilderness –

GOD led them through.

They had been in the barren and desolate desert –

GOD led them through.

They had been in the deep dark pit –

GOD led them through.

They had been thirsting in the land of drought –

GOD led them through.

They had been in the darkness of the shadow of death –

GOD led them through.

What else did Jeremiah have to say to the people?

*He told them to move forward with their lives.

*He told them to pray for the nation that had enslaved them.

*He told them there was no time or place to stop.

We do not have to stay in a difficult place forever –

GOD will lead us through.

We do not have to pass through the difficult place alone –

GOD will lead us through.

I do not know your circumstance –

But I do know –

GOD will lead you through.

Where have we been?

We have been with God –

And God has been with us.

We need to trust in the Lord with all our heart –

And lean not unto our own understanding.

Slow Down

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By Doug Creamer

            I was putting a few things on the calendar the other day when I realized that we are almost in June. That can’t be possible. It seems like we just had Valentine’s Day and Easter. I haven’t gotten my garden in. Come on calendar…slow down!

            My pastor seeks the Lord each year for a word for our church to focus on. My favorite to date was: Even Greater. That year we were to expect even greater things than we had seen the Lord do in our lives. The scripture comes from John 14:12 – 14. Jesus tells His disciples that if they will believe in Him that they will do even greater things than He did.

            In January my pastor gave us our new word for this year: Slowdown. I had just accepted a new job teaching Adult Basic Education. Some people might think that I have been teaching for 36 years, what is the big deal? Anytime you have some new curriculum you have to learn, it’s a big deal. We teach in eight-week cycles, so that means I had to create eight weeks of lesson plans for two courses. For the first eight weeks of this year, I felt overloaded. How could I slow down?

            I finished the first eight-week cycle with joy. I knew I would still need to refine my instructional method and materials, but at least I had a base from which to work. I thought, now I can slow down. My supervisor mentioned to me that there was an online course I could take that would earn me a nice raise. It was a ten-week class that didn’t look overwhelming. I had the first cycle under my belt and the raise was enticing. Sign me up!

            I am about to finish the course. I can’t remember a time in my life when I have been busier. Wait a minute…I am supposed to be retired! The idea of slowing down is the very definition of retirement, right? My calendar is packed through the end of May, when am I supposed to slow down?

            Will I be able to slow down in June? We do have a few days off at the end of June and the beginning of July. But I am sure the garden will need weeding and we would like to see our family. I also promised that I would work on some painting projects that I have put off. I have also been working on another book and need to devote some time and energy to that. There goes summer.

            How do you slow down? I like staying active. I enjoy engaging with life. It’s hard for me to slow down. It seems there is always a list of things to do, people I want to see, places I need to go, along with all the regular weekly activities. With so many things going on, what is the Lord saying when He tells me to slow down?

            I haven’t started to plant my vegetable garden. I tilled half the garden back in March but hadn’t done a thing in the garden since then. I decided I wanted to see if I could get started on my garden before we get rain over the weekend. I ran to a of couple garden centers after work on Monday so I was ready to get going when I got home on Tuesday.

            It was peaceful. There was a wonderful breeze. The birds were singing. I was planting seeds and some tomato transplants. I love the feel of the soil. I heard a dog bark somewhere and a child playing. I felt His presence in a sweet and wonderful way. Joy filled my heart.  

            I believe slowing down is something different for each one of us. For some it is reading a book on the porch, going for a walk or a run, riding a bike, cooking or baking something, going fishing or hunting, painting, playing an instrument, going for a hike, or walking on the beach. I believe slowing down means disengaging with all the craziness of everyday life and spending quiet time doing the very thing we love best…with Him. He wants to join us and enjoy being with us.

            I want to encourage you to figure out how you can slow down and be with Him. It doesn’t require a vacation, it does require us to remove distractions and focus on Him. He isn’t expecting anything from us, just allowing His presence to surround and envelop us. He wants to enjoy us as we enjoy Him. Let His peace, love, and joy surround you. You will be glad you slowed down.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Qoheleth Knew

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By Roger Barbee

 Near my stationary bike is a bird box which is fastened to one of the 42 pines trees in our front yard. In years past the nesting box has been occupied by titmice, but this year a brown-headed nuthatch pair claimed it. The small birds are busy with their brood, and I marvel as I watch the parents come and go with morsels in their beaks. As I ride for my morning workout, I watch them and listen as they call to each other.

Yet the front yard with its many tall pine trees is not all life. After last weekend’s storm, I have found five robin hatchlings under various trees that had been blown out of their nests high in the pines. This is a yearly result of spring storms, but even after my fifth season of finding small bodies on the ground, it still saddens me. However, during such times I find that the words of Qoheleth ease the sorrow: “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.”

Riding and watching the nuthatches feed their hatchings, I see a robin fly into a tree under which I found one small robin body. Curiously I watch it and  try to locate its nest high in the pine tree, but I lose sight of it in the green needles. But wait, there is more life on the ground under the same tree.

A red-bellied woodpecker attacks the ground. It pecks furiously and tuffs of dirt arch into the air to land nearby. The searcher stands in one place and pecks, then hops to another spot and pecks again and again. It assaults the ground, puffs of dirt fly about, and I resolve to later inspect that postage stamp of yard under a pine tree. But as suddenly as it appeared the woodpecker leaves to search for some morsel in other earth or dead wood.

Robins. Woodpeckers. Brown-headed nuthatches. So much living wrapped in the sweet, spring fragrance of the Ligustrum across our road. From its topmost branches a mockingbird proves Atticus Finch correct, and during my morning workout I am privileged to observe so much life in the pine forest we call our front yard.

The Owl in the Birdbath

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By Lynna Clark

We love riding our motorcycle through the country. Unchartered territory! Exploration at its finest! One day we passed a huge ceramic owl in a birdbath. I wondered if we were supposed to be tricked into thinking it was real. Who would put an owl in a birdbath? Was that to scare off the other birds? Then why have a birdbath in the first place if you don’t want birds? A house down the road had the entire dwarf clan plus a gnome, snow white, and Santa thrown in for good measure. It was redneck utopia.

On another ride we passed a country church with a sign out front that said, “Be a fountain, not a drain.” Was this meant to be spiritual insight? Perhaps a reprimand to an unruly church member… Usually church signs just get on my nerves trying to be all spiritual, but this one cracked me up. So one day when one of my afore-mentioned godly daughters was griping, [notice in this story she only gets a small “g” in godly], I said to her, “Be a fountain, not a drain.” She replied with an Aretha Franklin head wag, “I’ll have you know that drains are necessary too. Without drains all kinds of stuff gets backed up!”

Had to agree.

Some guys in Nehemiah 4 were being drains, and not in a good way. There was mocking and rage involved. Have you ever been the victim of gossip and anger? Hurts doesn’t it. If only people would give you a chance to explain. Have you ever been the one making fun of a work or a plan? Have you ever given your opinion at the expense of a ministry? I am very sorry to say that I have. The results were very displeasing to the Lord. I have been a part of the naysayers in ministries past. But with great conviction I am asking the Lord to strengthen me to never take part in negative speech regarding ministry again. It takes effort. There is always a better way to do things. But why tear a wall down when you can build one up?

Hebrews 10:24 says, “Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.” I like how the King James phrases this verse. “Encourage one another while it is yet today.” Sounds more urgent. It is not an accident that the next verse says, “And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do…” God knows we need encouragement. And so do all the people around us. Today, “while it is yet today,” encourage someone. Refrain from negative speech. Build someone up. Take notice of something praiseworthy and point it out in front of the person you are building. Do that for your children. Say to a parent so their child can hear, “I saw Jesse being kind to his little sister today. He must be growing stronger in the Lord.” Watch their response. It’s catching.

With all that said, today’s prayer is for positive speech, and intentional building up of those around us. Encourage one another while it is yet today. And watch out for all those owls splashing around in a birdbath near you.

More Proverbs 6:16-19 Proverbs 14:1

Saving the World

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By Ann Farabee

He was not there to save himself.

He was there to save the world.

THE ANGUISH:  What must it have been like for Jesus to anguish in prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, going a little farther, falling on his face, his sweat like great drops of blood falling to the ground, praying and asking his Father to take this cup from him?

What happened as Jesus prayed? An angel appeared from heaven strengthening him. We are also strengthened by angels from heaven when we pray.

THE ACCEPTANCE: During the time of the trial of Jesus, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus. But, when Mary Magdelene and Mary found the tomb empty, the angel specifically told them to tell Peter that Jesus was risen.

We have a Savior who accepts and forgives us. He is our God of second chances. Peter denied Jesus, but Jesus did not deny Peter.

THE ACCUSED: Jesus was falsely accused. Pilate could find no fault in him, but he chose to wash his hands of the situation. The crowd cried, “Crucify Him!” The crowd cried for Barabbas, a prisoner, to be released to a new life.

Pilate didn’t set Barabbas free. The crowd didn’t set Barabbas free. Jesus set Barabbas free, because he knew he was there to complete the work God sent him to do.

THE AGONY: Jesus was mocked, and had a crown of thorns driven into his scalp. While in agony, he had to bear the heavy weight of the cross. Spikes were driven into his hands and feet. On the cross, his body pulled down on his outstretched arms and shoulders, intensifying the pain.

Jesus willingly bore the weight of the world on his shoulders, as he carried the burden of all our sins – past, present, and future.

THE ASSURANCE: As Jesus was placed on the cross, he said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” As the thief on the cross beside Jesus was dying, he said, “Lord, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus responded, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.”

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!

As we leave this world, we will be with Jesus forever.

THE ARISEN: Mary Magdelene and Mary came to the tomb and found it empty. The stone was rolled away. Jesus was not there. He was risen! 

Jesus conquered the grave and covered our sin!

HIS-story is the greatest story ever told in the history of the world!

Serving Others

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By Doug Creamer

            I am enjoying working in the Adult Basic Education program at the community college. We have a great group of students. My colleagues are big-hearted teachers who work hard to encourage, challenge, and motivate our students to achieve success. My supervisor works hard to create a team atmosphere and to provide support for our students.

            My supervisor set up a great activity for us to build unity and to give back to our community. She connected with Habitat for Humanity and signed us up to volunteer. Last Friday morning a group of teachers and students showed up to work. The location had three houses in various stages of development. We were given several options on what to do.

            The project manager is a great guy and was so thankful for our help. One of the houses was ready for some light sanding and painting, and that seemed to be our best option. Several from our group climbed some scaffolding to sand and paint the peak of the house. Others worked on the other side of the house, painting the side and trim. I was in a group that painted the storage shed for the house.

            The storage shed was a nice size, good for a lawnmower and some outside tools. The sides were already painted. We painted the trim. I started by taping off the trim. It’s not hard and it saves a lot of time and keeps the trim paint off the sides. One of my students was working with me and she was painting almost as quickly as I got things taped off. 

Once everything was taped off I picked up a brush and started to paint. I painted all the high places that required a ladder. As soon as we finished the first coat of paint we started working on the second coat. I didn’t think we would finish the whole storage building with two coats, but we did. We pulled the tape off and it looked great…very rewarding and satisfying.

The people working on the house got their parts finished, too. The project supervisor was pleased with our progress. He had another group of high school boys working that morning. Those younger, stronger guys were working on laying the subflooring on a different house.

The Habitat project supervisor told me that there haven’t been as many groups volunteering since COVID hit. There is still plenty of work that needs to be done. Many church and civic groups have volunteered in the past, and he needs people to step up and help again. The need for housing has increased in recent years.

Habitat for Humanity’s mission is seeking to put God’s love into action by bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. They envision a world where everyone has a decent place to live. President Jimmy Carter has worked with Habitat for many years since he left office. The project supervisor I worked with on Friday has a heart to help people find a home where they can raise their families.

Jesus teaches us by His own example that we should serve one another. Jesus said that He came to serve, not to be served. There are so many ways and opportunities for us to serve people. I think that Jesus not only wants, but I think He expects us to step up and serve others. It is a way of showing the love of God to the lost. People will know that we are Christians by our love and by our good deeds.

It’s also important to help our fellow church members. There are probably people in your church who need a helping hand. It could be something as simple as helping with a household chore, or it could be something big like building a ramp so they can get in and out of their house. For members who are shut in, serving them might be as simple as stopping by for a visit.

We can all do something, and I want to encourage you to find ways that you can help and serve others. Every church I know needs help in the nursery and children’s department. Your warm smile as a greeter could help to make someone’s day. Helping serve the less fortunate through Habitat for Humanity could be the right place for you. My pastor always tells us that God is looking for those who will serve. Look for your opportunity and jump in. The people you serve will appreciate your time and effort, and God will certainly notice you, too.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or


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By Roger Barbee

Take a moment and consider these stress-causing issues: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; The Supreme Court leak; Abortion; Political primaries for everything from the United States Senate to county commissioner; Hunter Biden; COVID variants; A seasoned deputy aiding a criminal to escape; Personal problems that affect us all; and feel free to add to my list.

Stress! We live in a world where we are constantly told by headlines “What you need to know.” I don’t know about you, but I resent that statement and avoid reading anything in a newspaper that professes to know what I need to know. The constant clatter of print and talking head news confirms that William A. Percy was correct.

Recently I re-read his autobiography Lanterns on the Levee. While I take issue with certain parts of his story (such as his racist paternalism), his writing is exquisite and a joy to read as it is chock-full of literary allusions. Published in 1941, it is dated in a way, but like all good literature, it carries a message for us these 80 years later. For instance, in writing about his years at Harvard Law school, he tells how students during the early years of the 20th century were restricted in having parties and social evenings. Thus, he writes, “Our chief dissipation was conversation.”  Each night at eleven after studying was finished, a coffee percolator was started in someone’s room and a night of superior talk about various topics was begun. However, Percy writes, “I wonder if this most civilized form of entertainment is fated for extinction by man’s effective mental opiate, the radio?” (italics mine)

Our world, it seems to me, is full of mental opiates: If a television is not blaring so called news that we must know, a machine pipes in unwanted music in public spaces such as airports. Many runners and walkers have the white plugs in their ears that carry music or other clatter directly to their brain. It is all, as someone observed, “A clattering of cymbals.”

Ours is not the first to have problems of a plague, wars, famine, and more. Yet, ours is the first to be able to watch these monsters as they consume us. Instead of taking months for  news to cross the Atlantic it arrives via social media immediately. That marvel causes stress like has never existed. Instead of reading about a death weeks later, we see it happen on a screen as it is played over and over. Stressful for sure, and that stress takes a toll on individuals and cultures. But what to do?

Unplug! Percy and other sages have warned us. Our parents knew of and told us of the dangers of hearing too much. Unplug from the mental opiate machines at least for a while. Stop the noise whether it be something we need to know, a game of snooker or football, a realism show that is likely pre-programed, and more. Stop the noise and sit under a tree or on a bank of a creek or anywhere that has as its “noise” the sound of nature. Let the wind going thorough a tree tell you about its trip to you or hear a bird announce its news or just sit and give yourself permission to not know what is happening in the secular world. Sit with a neighbor and hear about his or her joys. Converse with nature and the dear ones in your life.

Unplug! Even Wordsworth told us that “The world is too much with us; late and soon,”

In the end there is little that we need to know about the secular world for it, too, will pass. But we need to take care of each other and have stimulating, common discussions. After all, we were told to be good stewards of our world, and that includes each other, not just the trees, birds, and such.

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