The News

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By Doug Creamer

            What have you been doing the last week? I have been looking at the news every chance I get to see what is happening over in Ukraine. You would have to be living under a rock not to know that Russia has violated the sovereignty of another nation. They have committed an act of war against the people of Ukraine.

            I look at multiple websites, trying to develop a balanced view of what is happening in the world. Each news source slants the news to fit their political views. Whatever your source of news, there are certain undeniable facts: women and children are suffering, families have been divided, and young men are dying…those are circumstances of any war.

            The images from Ukraine are not pretty. Missiles have hit apartment complexes and tanks are driving down roads that should hold cars and trucks. Schools are not places of learning but places where people hope to find shelter from the falling bombs. Places where children once laughed and played are now silent.

            We know little of what the governments around the world are doing. Wisely, they keep quiet lest they become targets of Russian attacks. We wonder what the governments can do to stop this aggression. We know that governments have stopped the flow of money and refused to allow Russian planes to enter their airspace.

            We also know that some countries have sent supplies and weapons to help in the fight. We may wonder why countries haven’t sent military men and women to help Ukraine. If a country sends military help into Ukraine, it would be joining a war and therefore committing that whole country to help fight in the battle. It would also open the door for Russia to attack that country. The answer to this Russian invasion is not easy.

            Each country will have to struggle to answer the very difficult question of how to help. Some will call for military intervention, while others will protest against any involvement. Sadly, the losers in these situations are the families who have been displaced and those who lose loved ones during the conflict. There is much suffering for both sides. 

            Last night I thought about the people in Ukraine while I took my shower. I thanked God as the warm water rolled off me, wondering how many of them had not had a warm shower in a week. I got some ice cream, brushed my teeth, and climbed into my very comfortable bed. As I lay there I couldn’t stop thinking about them sleeping in bomb shelters on hard floors. They were probably hungry, cold, and wondering if they would make it through the night. My prayers seemed so feeble, but I prayed hard for them.

            This morning I stood at the kitchen window watching and listening to a beautiful cardinal singing a cheerful song. I thanked God. For the last couple of days I have been especially thankful for each of my meals. I imagine many in Ukraine are not getting three square meals. I am also thankful for the safety I feel here at home.

            I walked around my yard this afternoon, enjoying all the signs of spring. There were some beautiful flowers blooming, my blueberry bushes are budding, the saucer magnolia tree is blooming, and the sun was warm and comforting. It was amazingly peaceful in my yard today and I thanked God for all that I had seen and enjoyed. My life is good: the power is on, the water flows, and the house is good and warm.

            My wife shared a ray of hope from Ukraine last night. The world-renown chef José Andrés is in Poland at the Ukrainian border serving meals to thousands of refugees trying to escape the fighting. Chef Andrés is the founder of World Central Kitchen, a non-profit which provides meals in response to humanitarian, climate, and community crises. I have seen him interviewed; he is awesome. It never ceases to amaze me how good people can rise up in the worst of circumstances and do incredible and wonderful things for others.

            I want to encourage you first to be thankful for the many blessing in your life. Maybe things are tough for you, but there are always things for which we can be thankful: our food, shelter, a good job, and great friends. Secondly, I encourage you to pray for the people of Ukraine and the world’s leaders. Your prayers make a difference. We serve the God of the impossible. Trust Him, give your life to Him, and thank Him for His many blessings. 

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Bill Foley’s Belt

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By Roger Barbee

Every morning when I ride the stationary bike, I used a worn, blue belt to hold my knees together. The belt keeps my paraplegic legs from flopping about and being hit by my hands as I crank the wheel. The belt belonged to Bill Foley, who I had the honor of coaching when he wrestled at Bishop Ireton in Alexandria, VA. in the early 1970’s.

Today his brother Ward called to tell me that Bill had died earlier in the morning in his Mt. Crawford home.

Bill Foley was an outstanding wrestler who won both major tournaments his senior year for which he was eligible . In the St. Albans finals he defeated a defending champion and in the Virginia Independent State Tournament, a week later, he defeated the defending national prep champion.. Those two tournaments personified Bill as a wrestler

But Bill was so much more than a wrestler who worked to achieve success on the mat. He was a gentle, kind young man who studied academics and wrestling. He cared about his peers and teammates. He helped coach younger wrestlers in our room, setting an example. After graduating from James Madison University he, not surprisingly, became a counselor. He continued helping others.

After Bill graduated from BI our paths separated, but years later when his baby brother and he were inducted into the BI Athletic Hall of Fame, he asked me to introduce him. Wrestling, once again, connected us, and at the induction we discovered that we lived a few miles apart in the Shenandoah Valley. By then the Parkinson’s was present in Bill’s body, but not obvious. He and I, however, determined to stay in touch this time; we did.

During those years, Bill not only learned how to live with Parkinson’s, but his wife, Cecilia, died of cancer. Bill continued living as he had wrestled: Dedicated to his children and grandchildren and a right-way life. One day he phoned me to tell me that he wanted to purchase some summer clothes;  I drove to his home, and we went shopping. I enjoyed advising him of colors and styles- feeling much like I had done as his coach, knowing all along that he knew what to do, but was allowing me to speak.  After choosing new shorts and shirts, he chose a new belt, and his old, blue belt ended up in my car. When I discovered it some days later I told Bill, but he said he  didn’t want it. That is how I began using it for my stationary rides. But as odd as it seems to me, on the morning of Bill Foley’s death, I  felt puny, out of sorts, and decided not to ride, not to have Bill Foley’s Belt around my knees, helping me in my workout.

In 1896 A.E. Housman’s tribute to a village athlete, To an Athlete Dying Young, was published. The young man celebrated in the poem ran a race that Housman describes as “The time you won your town the race”, and Bill, like the athlete in the poem, won championships for his family, his school, and finally for himself. However, this morning, Bill, like the young runner of Housman, came to “the road all runners come.”  Now, we honor Bill like the young athlete who was celebrated in Housman’s words, “Shoulder-high we bring you home.” For years you carried us; now we do the same for you.

Reducing Chronic Body Inflammation

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By David Freeze

A couple weeks ago, I was contacted by the University of North Carolina HRC lab in the Kannapolis Research Campus. I have been on their list for eight years and have enjoyed participating in quite a few studies. All of them are performance research studies, often centering on how a certain product or supplement affects exercise or specific wellness improvement.

This particular study involved using a certain type of fish oil supplement to decrease body inflammation, the culprit with a long list of wellness issues. A researcher called and asked 14 questions, qualifying me for a blood draw to see what my body inflammation level actually is. I did the blood draw and after a couple of days was notified that I had been booted from the study. The reason — my level of inflammation was very low. That’s good news! I was a little disappointed not to get $475 promised for completing the study. That is one beach trip that won’t happen.

There are two types of inflammation in the body. Acute inflammation is an important part of our immune response. It is the body’s way of healing itself after an injury, repairing damaged tissue, and defending itself against pathogens. In this way, inflammation is beneficial.

Having chronic inflammation, the bad inflammation, in the body has been listed as a major cause for lots of problems. Many of the reasons that we might have inflammation are similar to why we might have LDL (bad) cholesterol issues. Some of the causes for having chronic inflammation include:

  • Physical inactivity: An anti-inflammatory chemical process occurs in the bloodstream when your muscles are in motion. People who don’t meet the minimum activity recommendations for optimal health (about half of all American adults) have an increased risk of age-related diseases.
  • Obesity: Fat tissue, especially visceral fat (a deep layer of fat around the abdominal organs), actually produces pro-inflammatory chemicals.
  • Diet:Diets high in saturated fat, trans fat, and refined sugar are associated with increased inflammation, especially in overweight people. Processed foods are a culprit here.
  • Smoking:Smoking cigarettes lowers the production of anti-inflammatory molecules and increases inflammation.
  • Low sex hormones: Sex hormones like estrogen and testosterone suppress inflammation. Lower levels of these hormones, common in advanced age, increase the risk of inflammatory diseases.
  • Stress: Psychological stress is associated with increased inflammation.
  • Sleep disorders: People with irregular sleep schedules have more markers of inflammation than people who get a regular eight hours a night. I can’t remember the time I got eight hours of sleep.
  • Age:Research shows that chronic inflammation gets worse as we age.

Chronic inflammation is one of several contributing factors in disease onset and progression. So far, the strongest link between chronic inflammation and disease has been seen in type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Other conditions associated with chronic inflammation include:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Kidney disease
  • Various types of cancer
  • Depression
  • Neurodegenerative disorders (like Alzheimer’s disease)
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fatty liver disease

Chronic inflammation often progresses quietly, with few independent symptoms. Despite its subtlety, chronic inflammation represents a major threat to the health and longevity of a large population of individuals.

Some of this information came from I’m challenging myself and my new doctor to prove that I can lower my LDL cholesterol without taking a pill to do it. I’ve been intrigued to find out that the body really wants me to win the challenge and the double positive will be that my chronic inflammation shouldn’t become a problem either.

Next Saturday’s local race is the Ninth Annual Will Run for Food 5K and Fun Run. Look for it and other upcoming events at

From Hoopalah to Hootenanny

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By Lynna Clark

I mentioned in an earlier story that we had a refrigerator hoopalah. So here’s what happened. Our old house is a wonder; as-in I wonder how we should fix that? I wonder what’s under that carpet? I wonder how much it would cost to change that out? The faux slate tile linoleum in the kitchen had long outgrown its loveliness. In fact, while we were having our den floors refinished, we accidently tore it when we had to move the sofa into the kitchen. Good times. BUT it gave us a peek underneath. Ooooh. More pretty linoleum. I had been shopping for retro flooring in keeping with the style of the house. So we decided to pull up the top layer since it didn’t seem to be glued down. It came up rather easily. I can say that because David was the one on his knees ripping it out. When he got to the cubby that used to be a closet but now holds the refrigerator, we couldn’t get the rest of the lovely fake stone out. Both of us worked way beyond our vast wisdom and strength. But the stupid stuff wouldn’t budge. Plus even though he used an appliance dolly, the refrigerator would not co-operate. David is a strong man so basically he manhandled the fridge out of the little hole and we eventually got enough of the old flooring out so that it wouldn’t be too obvious when we resituated things. Then we worked together to get the crazy thing leveled in our very UN-level kitchen. Since there were no leveling feet or wheels this brought the tension up to ‘lose your mind’ level, which was not the level we were striving for. Then! And this is where the hoopalah comes in, during the night, our refrigerator died.

Yes it was plugged in.

We’re not sure what happened. But apparently during all the wrestling of said appliance the poor thing gave up the ghost. It made both of us so sad because our Life Group Bible study friends had purchased that refrigerator for us when David had been out of work for a while. Now once again there was nothing to do but buy a new one. Poor David was so discouraged. Though we’d saved a couple thousand dollars by finding and uncovering the old linoleum, now we had to buy something we didn’t really want to spend house money on. He sat at the kitchen table staring at the dead elephant in the room while I browsed online for a refrigerator that would fit in that hole. Though I found one just like the dead one, I pondered the wisdom of buying the same brand hoping for a different result. The thing was not that old. To the side of the screen an ad popped up. Apparently Amazon keeps track of our dreams. At some point I had drooled over retro appliances in bright colors, only to determine we could never afford them. But I clicked on it anyway. And guess what. They were having a very short sale, 35% off.
For less than what I was about to spend on an appliance I did not love, I could get the RED one of my dreams! AND it would fit perfectly in the hole. PLUS it came the next morning! Oh my stars! It is just so pretty!
Every once in a while, things fall into place. Well… I’ve heard that about other people but I never assumed it could be true for us. So mark it down my friends. Our hoopalah was turned into a hootenanny. Only the Lord of all creation would care about my crazy love for Fiesta Ware and all things bright and colorful. Thanks to Him my new/old kitchen is a party waiting to happen. I just love it!

uncovered retro

PS- I ordered a rug from Home Depot. It covers enough of the old linoleum that I am completely in love with my brand new old kitchen. Oh happy day!

Receive it

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By Ann Farabee

     The beautiful ten year old girl with long blonde hair, dressed in a magnificent pink and white outfit, picked up the next birthday gift to open. Ripping the ribbon and the paper away so she could get to it quickly happened in a split second, as those at her party watched.

     When she finally got into the box, she began to cry. She threw it onto the floor, with the gift still inside, while screaming, “I don’t want it!”

     I am certain that her mother was quite embarrassed as party-goers were standing by to see her open the gifts they had brought. For the party not only included other 12 year olds, but also their parents. The reason I am so certain the mother was embarrassed is because I was the mother!

     To say I still remember that moment from over 25 years ago would be an understatement.

All the parents in attendance had politely laughed it off, but I was not laughing. Mortified would be a better descriptive word.

     Not only had she rejected the gift, but she did not even care enough to take it out of the box to look at it.

     What on Earth was she thinking?

     That beautiful gift remained in the box on her closet floor for way too long. Then, one day, she opened it, put the outfit on, and proudly pranced around to show it to us. I could not help myself – I had to remind her that she had said she didn’t want it. Her response, “I didn’t know how beautiful it was! I do want it!”

     It became her favorite. It became the outfit she would not – and could not – live without.

Had she never opened it up and received the gift, she would have missed out on the greatest outfit ever!

     Thankfully, we are not like that! No, we would never respond that way. Only a child would not accept a gift that had been so freely given, right?

       * Ephesians 2:8 tells us that by grace are we saved through faith – and not of ourselves.

It is the gift of God.

It’s a gift. Don’t reject it! Receive it!

      *Romans 6:23 tells us that the wages of sin is death – but the gift of God is eternal life.

It’s a gift. Don’t reject it! Receive it!

     *Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 tells us that the ability to rejoice and enjoy life is a gift from God.

It’s a gift. Don’t reject it! Receive it!

      *James 1:17 says that every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the the Father of lights.

Look toward the sky and envision our heavenly Father – who is the Father of lights – showering down every good and perfect gift from above directly onto us.

It is the gift of God.

Receive it!

Yes, the ten year old rejected her gift. She thought she did not want it – but time proved her wrong! She did want it!

We can be the same way – by not receiving the gift of God.

What on Earth are we thinking?

I mean – what in Heaven’s name are we thinking?

I am not sure what we may all be thinking in heaven – but we will always have the gift of the power to praise our Savior. Bowing around the throne to worship, we may say something like this, “Alleluia, Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power unto You, the Lord our God. Thank You, Lord! We praise You!”

There are – and will always be – gifts of God.

They are available for us on Earth and in Heaven.

We just need to reach out to receive them.

Ukraine Thoughts

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Pastor Greg Laurie offers some positive thoughts about what is going on with world events including Ukraine. He encourages all of us to pray for the people of Ukraine, so do I. It is a short video, but it offers some Biblical perspective on events happening around us…. Listen….

The Little Visitor

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By Doug Creamer

            The Easter bunny came for a little visit last Sunday. I’m getting ahead of myself here; let me start at the beginning. I was walking around the side of the house after church last Sunday when I saw a neighbor out in her yard, so I waved. She called out, “Do you own a rabbit?” I responded, “No, why?”

            There was a beautiful white rabbit hopping around my backyard. We watched it for a little while and were both concerned for its wellbeing. We’ve seen hawks and owls in our neighborhood. It was friendly and we both petted the little bunny. It was obvious to both of us that this rabbit was someone’s pet.

            I decided to catch the rabbit. I got out our cat carrier and some gloves to be careful, and scooped the little rabbit up. He was just about in the cage when the rabbit began to kick me with his strong back legs. With his head inside the carrier, I thought I had won. When I released my grip he twirled around and hopped away.

            He didn’t run very far. He was playing a little game with me. I swooped around and captured him again. This time I put a hand around those strong back legs. He slid right in the carrier this time and I got the door closed. Mission accomplished, but now what?

            My neighbor and I looked at the beautiful rabbit and then we got a carrot for him. While he munched on it, we talked about options, including keeping the little guy. We each encouraged the other to keep it. I don’t think either of us was ready to adopt a new pet.

            We called another neighbor and asked if she would post about the lost rabbit on our community Facebook page. We took some cute pictures and she posted about it. Wow, did that create a stir. There were tons of comments on the little rabbit. No one said it was their rabbit, but there were several who were willing to adopt it.

            The last I checked on it, the bunny has a new home. I have heard through the grapevine that the family is very happy with their new rabbit. That little rabbit may not know it, but it brought a much-needed ray of sunshine to our little community. I admit it; the little white rabbit brought sunshine to my soul, too.

            I like a happy ending, when the lost become found. This little rabbit who lost his way has found a new home where he will be loved and cared for by a warm, loving family. Does that story remind you of any other story? Yes, me too.

            All of us know people who are like that little rabbit. They seem content, hopping around in their daily lives, but their souls are lost and unprotected. Their souls don’t have a place to call home. They are in need of someone to come along and rescue them.

            Some people don’t even realize that their soul is in danger. They don’t know the perfect peace that God gives His children. They have never met Jesus and discovered His love. They don’t realize that Jesus has paid for all their sins and made a way for them to come home. They don’t have a safe place from the storms of life because they don’t know their Creator.

            Sadly, these souls don’t realize that there is a family just waiting for them. The family of God has opened the doors and their hearts to receive them. I know the family of God is not perfect, nor is any family on earth. My family isn’t perfect, but I love everyone in my family and pray for them often. The same holds true for my church family. We aren’t perfect, but we are a wonderful family who love each other deeply. We laugh hard and hold each other close when the road gets rocky. I wouldn’t exchange my church family for anything.

            I want to encourage you to get connected with a church family. I know you haven’t figured everything out yet, but that’s okay, we haven’t either. I know your life is a mess, that’s okay, because none of us has a perfect life either. I know you may be afraid and you want God to answer some questions, that’s okay, too. None of us knows all the answers, either…that’s what faith is all about…trusting God with what you don’t understand. Come home before it is too late. Come home where it is safe. Come home where you can find love and acceptance. Come home to the family of God. Come home!

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Garden Enigma

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By Roger Barbee

Garden Enigma

Early evening and suddenly every bird at or near one of the three bird feeders in our back garden disappears. No bird song. Only the silent flutter of wings as the quiet before the storm passes, and the storm settles on a limb of a dogwood tree.

The resident Cooper’s Hawk perches, facing the house. Its roan-tinted chest plumage reflects late sunlight as the eyes study every piece of the small garden. Its flat crown reminds me, in a silly way, of the flat-top hair style some boys paraded during my youth. But this flat top half crowns two dark, piercing eyes that  search for a meal in our garden, the one where we feed its potential prey for our pleasure, not for its food.

The head moves from side to side and soon the body of death turns and faces the wider, back expanse of garden, perhaps hoping to find food in the larger area. But, when none presents itself, the grey-shoulder hungry one drops to the ground and peers into the thick, green foliage of the gardenia. One hop of grey death flushes a male cardinal that flies low to the ground before escaping to the safety of the rhododendron.

Unruffled, the Cooper’s Hawk takes dominion over our side garden and Doug’s large front yard by perching on the white fence dividing our properties. Unruffled, but obviously hungry, it sits there for some moments before gliding away to expand its search. Within moments of its departure, a fat squirrel appears on the ground below one of the dogwood trees, and birds return to the feeders.

The small, back garden returns to another cycle, one that is an enigma of sorts since we humans attract the birds and squirrels for our pleasure by feeding them, not to provide for the fearsome but beautiful Cooper’s Hawk.

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