By Graham Cooke
Thanks for Thanksgiving
By Doug Creamer
I went for a walk on Sunday afternoon and saw some neighbors decorating the outside of their house for Christmas. I also saw some Christmas trees through some people’s windows. But wait, it’s only the middle of November, right? Are we just going to skip Thanksgiving?
I guess I’d better be careful. I was looking at the forecast and thinking it might be nice to do some of my outside decorating while the weather is warmer. With Thanksgiving coming up, I try to have the outside of my house all lit up for Christmas by Thanksgiving weekend.
The last couple of years I have combined cleaning the gutters with hanging the icicle lights. Once I get that done, there are only a few more things to do to complete the job. I promise that if I do put my Christmas decorations out before Thanksgiving, I won’t light them up early.
My wife and I noticed that on November first the advertisers were full-on Christmas. They are showing all these snowy scenes; don’t they know it doesn’t snow in the south this early? It doesn’t matter if you are ready or not, the holiday season is here.
Before we go rushing past Thanksgiving, let’s stop and enjoy it. We can all start by watching the Thanksgiving Day parade. Last year it was a modified version; I am hoping we are back to a full-fledged Thanksgiving Day parade.
The next thing that comes to my mind is all the delicious food. I can smell the turkey and dressing just thinking about it. Last year my wife and I made our first Thanksgiving dinner at home. We made several of our favorite sides and had a nice quiet Thanksgiving here at home.
Whatever your plans are, I hope you get to enjoy a great meal surrounded by the ones you love. What I want to encourage you to do is sometime before, during, or after the big meal, take a few quiet moments to reflect on the many things in your life for which you are thankful. You can always begin with the basics. Thank Him for all the wonderful food that you will consume. There are many people who do not have such a wonderful feast to enjoy. The next basic thing that comes to mind could be your good health. I know of many people who are suffering in many ways physically. You may find yourself in that boat, but consider again that maybe your eyes, ears, nose, fingers, or toes are working well. Thank Him for that.
All of us have many things, possessions for which we should give thanks to our Heavenly Father. We have cars, roofs over our heads, comfortable beds to sleep in, closets and dressers filled with clothes, and all the electronics or gadgets that we enjoy. I also see special treasures from family and dear friends. We are all blessed with many things. Sometimes we get focused on what we want and forget to be thankful for all we have.
I think we should all stop and be grateful for the people in our lives. I immediately think of my family. I am so thankful that we are all still here and safe. Many have lost loved ones, whether from COVID or due to other causes. We should also be thankful for our church family. What about our neighbors who help us with both small and big things? When I was teaching, I was thankful for my colleagues, who were sometimes as close as family.
Thanksgiving opens the doors to Christmas. I am so thankful that Jesus chose to lay everything down and come to earth as a baby so everyone could access Him. I am thankful that He completed His mission and died on a cross to save me from my sins. I am thankful that He took the whipping to bring health to my body. I am thankful that He loves me, accepts me, forgives me, has a great future planned for me, and that He calls me His friend.
God loves a thankful heart. I want to encourage you to offer up to God the thanks that He deserves for all the good things in your life. Oddly, we ought to thank God for all the trials and difficulties that allow us to draw closer to Him and to know that He truly is our Savior. I hope this Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for you and those you love. I pray that you will feel safe and loved and that your heart will be filled with Thanksgiving.
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or
LBLJ a Review
To listen to Victor’s podcast click here.

Hello Peeps
By Lynna Clark
It’s been a while. I won’t go into the wherefore and the whyfore. Let’s just say I’m struggling with a good bit of pain and brain fog. The following short story is meant to encourage those of you who have been there and done that, and especially you who are currently in the midst of a struggle. I don’t much like the story but I always try to write from where I am. For if I can’t be honest, then why write. Right? So here you go. Also a little bit of news will follow. Much love!
Have you ever begged God, pleaded with Him on hands and knees for mercy, but none would come? That’s the place I found myself a few weeks ago. Except I wasn’t physically on my knees because I knew I wouldn’t have the strength to get back up. So much pain coursed through my body that I could not get relief.
“Lord, are you there? I can’t get away from this agony. I can’t even get comfortable in my best chair. Seriously, I NEED You. Can I get a little help here?”
As usual, the heavens were silent.
Though I reviewed and confessed my sins, tried to think of ways to please the Almighty, read Psalms of praise, even lifted trembling hands in search of His help, none came.
Had a doctor walked in and said, “Sorry. The diagnosis is not good. You are dying.” I would have hugged his neck and praised God that the misery would soon be ending.
I couldn’t help but wonder if the Lord had turned his back on me. I can’t remember feeling so forsaken.
In the background the pastor on television spoke of Satan desiring to “sift Peter as wheat.” Sounds about right. I’ve somehow landed on a big ol’ sifter and been shaken until all the parts of me have been torn asunder. Yet the sifting continues. I left the room and tried again to get comfortable somewhere else. Later I asked David. “So what was the point of the message? Where was the Lord when Peter was being ‘sifted?’
My sweet man smiled while tears of compassion pooled in his eyes. “Jesus was praying for His friend.”
I looked at the passage in Luke 33:31. Not only was Jesus praying, it says He was pleading. What was He begging the Father for?
“That your faith would not fail.”
New understanding came with the thought. Apparently it’s important to the Lord that I not give up, that I not question my faith in Him. Because that’s what He’s praying for me.
He loves me, even enough to pray for me.
“Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us. Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble?” -from Romans 8:34 & 35
Praise God for His great love!
Lord, today I submit again to Your great plan, no matter what that means. And if it could be Your will, I would love for the sifting to stop.
Now’s your chance to get my books at half price, which is cheaper than it costs to print them. BUT ONLY LOCALLY. I can’t do this on Amazon. HOWEVER! While supplies last, Missions Pottery in Lexington, NC at the square and Attractions on Main in Salisbury, NC still have a nice selection. Not to mention, you are going to LOVE the unique items in each shop. Stop by and support our local businesses. Thank you!
Running Pays Off
By David Freeze
Sutton Webb began playing soccer when she was 3 in a Salisbury Parks and Rec league.
“I remember that our practices consisted of us trying to kick over as many plastic cones as possible before my teammates could get to them,” she said. “Not much soccer was involved.”
Moving up to competitive soccer at age seven, Sutton instantly fell in love with the sport, and it has been her focus since. She played with FCCA, then moved up to Lake Norman Soccer Club and finally to a massive club called Charlotte Independence. Sutton is now in her final year in that league and will conclude her soccer career this spring at Salisbury High School. Next year, Sutton will compete at the NCAA Division 1 level at the University of Georgia. An official signing will happen soon.
I had read about Sutton’s soccer success and really wasn’t surprised when she became a cross country runner during her sophomore year. Sutton said, “I was a late addition to the team. They needed another girl runner before the season started and I was recruited by Mrs. Pittman. I had minimal experience besides running up and down the soccer field every day. I ran track my eighth-grade year at Sacred Heart Catholic School but nothing like cross country.”
Usually, a new runner doesn’t achieve immediate success, but Sutton broke that mold by quickly becoming a factor against more seasoned runners. She said, “With the little experience that I had running, I was surprised with my success to some extent, especially since it came pretty quickly. Having played sports my whole life, I am a very competitive individual who is always looking to be successful. Knowing that I was new to cross country, I decided to push myself every day to become the best runner I could possibly be. I believe this year that my work has finally paid off.”
Sutton’s best moments in cross country have included qualifying for the state meet as a junior and then being named county and conference runner of the year, finishing second in the region and running a 5K personal best of 20:51, all during her senior season. She raced at the state meet in Kernersville on Saturday, posting a time of 21:29.07 for 27th place in the 2A division.
Sutton continued, “Soccer, track, and cross-country complement each other as they each allow me to continue to improve and be successful in the other. Cross country keeps my stamina at its best for soccer, especially important since I have been recruited to play wingback in college which requires playing both offense and defense on the field. Track, on the other hand, has helped improve my sudden bursts of speed that are used constantly on the soccer field. Running has helped keep me in shape and although I am not motivated to run at times, I know it is shaping me into a better athlete. Besides the fitness piece, running has also helped me create lifelong friendships in which I am extremely thankful for.”
Sutton’s other main interest is working out. Early this year, she joined the Ultimate Athlete gym in Charlotte, where she can likely be found when not on the soccer field or running. Sutton enjoys spending free time with family and friends.
Thankful for each of her family members, Sutton says each of them have been always involved with her athletics. She said, “My dad is John Webb, a local dentist, and he will occasionally run with me. Jamie Webb, my mom, is a patient care coordinator at Hearing Solutions in Salisbury. She is always there cheering me on from the sidelines. My brother Lucas is twelve years old and also very involved in sports. He plays soccer, basketball, and track and field and is a stud in all three. I strive to be the best role model I can be for him every day.”
Already, the Rowan County Female Athlete of the Year as a junior, the future is very bright for Sutton Webb. Spring sports are just ahead where she will balance both track and soccer with the cooperation of her coaches. In track, she’ll run the 100 meter, 800 meter, 1600 meter races and multiple relays. Not bad for a girl who first began running to fill out SHS’s cross country team.
The Clean Water 5K will take place at Grace Lutheran Church on Saturday, and the Girls on the Run graduation celebration 5K is set for Sunday. Find these and other upcoming events at
The List
By Ann Farabee
The List
My mother made lists for everything. After her three children had grown up, she began traveling by bus with members of her church to attend a week-long camp meeting in Myrtle, Mississippi. Perhaps it had a more official title, but camp meeting is what she called it.
She stepped out of her comfort zone in going the first year, but after that she had gained the reputation of being the best bed short-sheeter in history, and became well-known among the Myrtle, Mississippi crowd, so I suppose she went annually to defend her crown.
In anticipation of the trip, she would begin months ahead of time making that list of needed items to take. The last list she made was written on a notepad she used at her 3rd shift job in Cannon Mills.
She would talk about it daily, get packed, wait in expectation, and be ready to go. She would be spending her time with others who loved God as much as she did. They would worship, read God’s Word, pray with one another, sing songs of praise, hear preachers preach, and leave the cares of this world behind.
Once on the bus, she was at peace, because she heading to the place she had been longing to go. She always said it was the most beautiful place she had ever been, and being there was what she expected heaven to be like.
During her last trip to Myrtle, she got sick, and the group returned a day early, so she could be admitted to the hospital. A few days later, she was admitted into heaven.
It was the place she had longed for. She had left the cares of this world behind, and was worshipping around the throne of God.
Her last list? I found it in her Bible.
Toothbrush, etc.
Change of clothes
Bedroom slippers
Jacket or sweater
I smiled as I read it.
Not one thing on that list was needed.
All she needed was access to one book – the Lamb’s Book of Life – that her name had been written in when she accepted Jesus as her Savior.
If she could speak to us from heaven, I believe she would say something similar to this, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Be sure to put accepting Jesus at the top of your list. Why give your heart and life to Jesus today? Because in Revelation 22:20, Jesus says, “Surely I come quickly.”
Why I Choose Jesus
This is a YOUTUBE by Denzel Washington….A great speech.
Getting Ready
By Doug Creamer
Getting Ready
We had some freezing temperatures the other night, which put an end to the gardening season. Well, almost. I put some sheets out over my green beans and butter beans, and they survived! I know I am pushing my luck, but I am hoping to get a few before they bite the dust.
The rest of the vegetable garden needs weeding. Then I will put all the leaves from the yard into the garden to feed the worms. I keep adding good stuff to my raised beds to help improve the soil.
There are a number of things to finish up before winter finally settles in. The tropical plants are safely in the garage. We are still working on the leaves that are still falling from the trees. The fall chores will be interrupted in a few weeks with putting out the Christmas decorations. I better get busy and get things finished up.
My Mom has noticed that the squirrels seem very busy hiding nuts for the winter. We’ve noticed that, too. I haven’t heard what the wooly worm is predicting for this winter, but the only one I have seen this fall was all black. That would mean a cold winter ahead. Some people rely on the persimmon seed for their winter forecast. One person wrote that they found knives and forks, but mainly spoons in their persimmon seeds. That means it could be a snowy winter with a mix of warm and cold temperatures.
The almanacs are predicting competing forecasts. One says it will be a cold but dry winter. The other says it will be a wet and mild winter. NOAA is calling for a mild and dry winter for our area. If you know me, you know that I am hoping and praying for at least one good snowstorm. I recently came across some weather records for the Tidewater area of Virginia, where I grew up. The website showed three record snowfalls in the winter of 1980. I remember that winter!
People have asked me what I am predicting for this winter. I don’t have the tools or the knowledge to make such predictions. However, when a storm is on the horizon I am watching the models closely and monitoring the forecasts. I do share my prediction with a few friends when storms are close, but it is only for fun and bragging rights.
Watching the winter storms and the hurricanes is a hobby that gives me great joy. Making my weather predictions is just a fun extension of my weather obsession. Knowing what is coming and being prepared comes from the Eagle Scout in me. I don’t like my phone’s alarm going off telling that there is a tornado in my area that I don’t know anything about…which happened a few weeks ago.
There are some predictions about the future that should capture all of our attention. I have some friends who believe that Jesus is coming back for the rapture of the church within the next five, or at the longest, ten years. Some of my friends follow the signs of the times as closely as I follow the weather. According to them, many Bible prophesies have been and are being fulfilled very quickly. I have some other friends who feel just as strongly that the church isn’t ready for the rapture. Who’s right?
Jesus told the parable to of the ten virgins. In the end, five virgins were ready and five were not. We are being warned in the parable to make sure that we are ready. The Boy Scout in me says to “Be Prepared!” Jesus told us that no one knows the day or the hour of His return, but He did teach us that we could know the signs preceding his return.
Maybe both sets of my friends are right. His return is soon, but not imminent. It’s like the storm is coming, but we have been given time to prepare. How can we prepare? How can we be like the five virgins who were ready?
I want to encourage you to believe in your heart that He is coming soon for you. That means you need to spend some more time in His presence so your heart will be ready. It’s always good to read God’s word and allow those words to cause your love for Him to grow stronger and deeper. Finally, it is important to warn your family and friends so they can get themselves ready for Jesus’s return, too. I believe there is still some time, but don’t let your guard down. Be prepared and make sure you are ready!
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or
Voltage Chapter 14
Click here to listen to Chapter 14 of Voltage.
He Answered
By Ed Traut
Psalms 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
- There is a seeking that we must reach for; a real earnestness of wanting to hear from Him.
- God does answer!
- And He will deliver regardless of what our situation is or who we are, He does answer and delivers.

Prayer: I praiseYou this day Lord, because You are a God that not only hears but answers. I seek You with all my heart continually because You are my God and there is no one like You. I bless Your holy name. Amen.
Ed Traut
Prophetic Life