The Walk Home

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By Ann Farabee

It was a combination of fun, freedom, and fear. Each day as our elementary school dismissal bell rang, I would meet the other children from my neighborhood so we could walk home together, with textbooks and lunchboxes in hand.

About halfway down the first block, there it was!

The GIANT DOG! It was always looking for me!

It would bark.

It would run.

It would chase me.

Everyone else kept walking and talking and laughing.

Not me! I would keep screaming, flailing my arms around, and running for my life.

The monstrous dog would eventually stop and head back home.

I had survived another walk down Juniper Street!

Sometimes, the GIANT DOG would be sleeping as we walked by.

Then, the walk was fun.

Then, I felt freedom.

But on a day that dog was looking for me, I felt fear.

No fun. No freedom. Only fear.

When I got closer to home, I could not see my home, but I could see my next door neighbor whose name was Cannon Mills. It was ‘loom’ing in the distance and getting closer every step I took. We were very close neighbors, for we were only separated by a cotton-filled chain link fence about six feet away from my house.

Yes, our home was directly beside the very huge mill – but it was merely a backdrop for me – because I was looking for something else – HOME!

Mama would be standing at the door looking for me. She would have a snack prepared for me. She would talk with me about my day. It was good to be home – away from the fears of the world.

Home – there really is no place like it.

It is never perfect, but it sure is special.

My mother is now in heaven.

The house has now been moved.

The land the house was on is now an extremely close neighbor to the NC Research Center.

I still hold that home in my heart.

I can feel it, even though I cannot see it.

I remember the walk.

I remember the way.

I remember the welcome.

One more thing: I like dogs now.

One more thing: I was a teacher at the school I walked home from as a child.

But the feeling of heading home – and being home – has not changed.

In a way, we are all walking home, aren’t we?

Yes, we will have fun, freedom, and fears along the way.

But – Jesus walks with us.

He knows the way.

Actually – He is the Way.

As scary as a neighborhood dog was and as huge and loud as Cannon Mills was – I never really made them my focus – because home ‘loom’ed even bigger in my eyes. It was the place where my loved ones would be standing at the door waiting for me – and looking for me.

As Billy Graham once said, “My home is in heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.”

I think I will say it also:

My home is in heaven. I’m just traveling through this world.

Care for Body & Spirit

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By Doug Creamer

            My annual physical is always in the dead of summer. I remember getting my physical every other year because I was healthy and well. But one summer day my doctor told me that I was of a certain age and he wanted to start seeing me every year. I didn’t like being told I was of a certain age, but I have complied with his request.

            I always take a list of things to discuss with him, because otherwise I will forget something and have to wait another year to find out about whatever was on my mind. My doctor works through the list and then goes over anything that’s on his mind. Overall, I feel very fortunate to be in good health.

            Since I retired from the public schools I have been teaching Chinese students online. I love my job. I roll out of bed and in a few minutes I am talking with my students. This teaching job, unlike teaching in school, requires that I sit in front of my computer…sitting being the crucial word. I am not moving as much as I did when I walked the halls at school.

            I needed to start moving, exercising in some fashion. I explained to the doctor that I don’t like going outside in ninety-plus temperatures and two hundred percent humidity. He said I needed to find a way to start moving more…don’t tell him, but he was right. In spite of the summer heat, I started walking.

            I must admit that I wasn’t very good at the beginning. The walks were short and took more out of me than I cared to admit. As cooler weather has kicked in and my endurance has improved, I am doing much better walking. I walk longer, farther, and I feel better. A nice walk can help to clear the mind and the spirit, too.

            I look forward to my walks now. We have a great community for walking. There are a number of people who walk in our community. We always greet each other, whether I am out there walking or watching from the front porch. Some folks like to walk in the morning, I like an evening walk. Some folks walk their dog while others are walked by their dog. I find people of all ages out there walking. We have a few runners in our community, too. I have also seen one full-fledge sprinter, but he is in the minority.

            While my neighbors will wave as we pass each other while driving our cars, walking has given me the opportunity to speak with many of my neighbors. For some neighbors it is the regular pleasantries. For other neighbors, walking has opened a door to a conversation. I have met and heard people’s story and shared my own. I like connecting with people.

            There are many quiet moments when I am walking. While I enjoy watching birds flit around and seeing the leaves change color, I want to talk with my Father. Some days I have lots I want to talk with Him about, while others it seems like we are walking together in silence. Some days I pray for family and friends, while others I just want to hear something from Him.

            Walking is very good for the body, but it can be equally as good for the spirit. When we can find a quiet place without the distractions of everyday life, we can hear things from God’s heart. It’s nice to know that God loves us, but to feel the warmth of His presence in our hearts can change us in ways we cannot imagine. I am accepted in His eyes. The God of the whole universe is proud of me…His son. I am God’s child!

            Quiet reflection and meditation can make us strong in the spirit. Life is full of many challenges and difficulties, so we need to ground ourselves in God’s love and favor. We don’t face any challenge or walk through any trial alone. Sometimes we have to get alone to know that we aren’t alone. God is not only with us, but He is on our side. We will overcome!

            I want to encourage you to exercise your body and your spirit. We need to take care of the temple God gave us. We need to invite Him into our temple. We need to allow His Spirit to infuse our spirit, to refresh us and renew us. There is a world out there that needs to know God’s love. God wants to flow in us and through us to reach those around us.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Mental Benefits of Exercise

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By David Freeze

I have been home for just about a month now and most of that time has been wonderful. But every day at home seems to bring more news of rising prices and shortages of goods. This past week, the talk among runners and walkers includes the challenges of finding your favorite running shoe. Why does this matter as much as the rising costs of gasoline, home heating and groceries? Because the mental benefits of exercise help us deal with concerns and issues that seem overwhelming otherwise. I thought today was perfect to visit the reasons why exercise helps.

Exercise is not just about aerobic capacity and muscle size. Sure, exercise can improve your physical health and your physique, trim your waistline, improve your sex life, and even add years to your life. But that’s not what motivates most people to stay active.

People who exercise regularly tend to do so because it gives them an enormous sense of well-being. They feel more energetic throughout the day, sleep better at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about themselves and their lives. And it’s also a powerful medicine for many common mental health challenges.

This is by far the most important reason that I run. I tell people almost daily that I need it, not for the physical benefits but for the sense of well-being. I read last week that as many as 20% of everyone who reads this has a prescription for mood-altering drugs.

Regular exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety and ADHD. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood. And you don’t have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits. Research indicates that modest amounts of exercise can make a real difference. No matter your age or fitness level, you can learn to use exercise as a powerful tool to deal with mental health problems, improve your energy and outlook, and get more out of life.

Studies show that exercise can treat mild to moderate depression as effectively as antidepressant medication — but without the side effects, of course. As one example, a recent study done by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that running for 15 minutes a day or walking for an hour reduces the risk of major depression by 26%.

Exercise is a powerful depression fighter for several reasons. Most importantly, it promotes all kinds of changes in the brain, including neural growth, reduced inflammation, and new activity patterns that promote feelings of calm and well-being. Exercise can also serve as a distraction, allowing you to find some quiet time to break out of the cycle of negative thoughts that feed depression.

Exercise is a natural and effective anti-anxiety and depression treatment. It relieves tension and stress, boosts physical and mental energy, and enhances well-being through the release of endorphins, powerful brain chemicals that make us feel good.  Physical activity helps to relax the muscles and relieve tension in the body. Since the body and mind are so closely linked, when your body feels better so, too, will your mind.

When faced with mental or emotional challenges in life, exercise can help you build resilience and cope in a healthy way, instead of resorting to alcohol, drugs, or other negative behaviors that ultimately only make your symptoms worse. Regular exercise can also help boost your immune system and reduce the impact of stress.

You don’t need to devote hours out of your busy day to reap all the physical and mental health benefits of exercise. Just 30-minutes of moderate exercise five times a week is enough. And even that can be broken down into two 15-minute or even three 10-minute exercise sessions if that’s easier.

If you don’t already exercise, or not enough to meet these guidelines, consider doing it. But get your shoes right away!

Racing is back! Locally, we have the Spooky Sprint 5K, fun run and costume contest at Catawba College on Halloween afternoon, Oct. 31. Check it plus five more 2021 events coming soon at

You Saved my Life

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By Ann Farabee

You saved my life

Sometimes, he asked if he could go to church with us. He was 14 and was my daughter’s  friend. He lived in a very difficult home environment and was not doing well in school.  Sometimes, we took him to church. Sometimes, he would fall asleep at church. Sometimes, he would stay awake. Sometimes, he would actually listen.

It lasted for around a year. As it dwindled away, we lost touch.

Until this week – which was 24 years later.

He tapped on my car window as I was backing out of a parking space at a convenience store. Although he looked familiar, I hesitated. But, when he called out my name, I put the car window down to hear what he had to say. I am glad I did.

He told me his name.

My heart was filled with tenderness.

He began to explain, “I didn’t know what it was like to have a family. I didn’t know what a normal life was like. I didn’t know about going to church. I didn’t know about God. You showed me those things. It was all new to me. I am doing good. I have a job and a daughter and a home and I am doing the right things.”

He showed me her photo in his wallet. She was a beautiful sight to see.

He continued, “I am trying to teach her some things I learned from you.”

His next words, “You saved my life.”

The words brought tears to my eyes.

It was all new to me.

You saved my life.

His words also brought deeper spiritual understanding to my heart.

Small acts of kindness shown to a young teen had changed his life.

It was not a decision I had consciously made. It was a result of him being planted in my life and me responding with compassion. I did it without thinking. It was simple. And it introduced him to a different way of life that he later pursued.

Hearing this 14 year old as a now 38 year old – giving ME credit for saving his life – was definitely a God moment reminding me to keep going. There is not a time to stop.

God used me to introduce him to Jesus.

And I was unaware that I was doing it.

Maybe we all do that more often than we realize.

Maybe some of those daily moments that we refer to as ‘having a lot to do today’ will end up being moments that will save someone’s life.

Isn’t that amazing?

Do not neglect to do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Hebrews 13:16

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:4

Love one another as I have loved you.

John 13:34

We may save a life.

Oh Possum

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By Doug Creamer

            The other day we were so busy inside the house, we hadn’t been outside all day. My wife called me and asked if I had been in the garage. I told her no. She told me I had better go out there and take a look around.

            When I stepped out the door, I saw the problem immediately. Stuff was scattered all over the floor. I knew instantly we had an animal hidden in the garage. I opened the doors, hoping something would run out. All remained quiet. I backed the cars out to provide optimal escape routes. This animal was definitely bigger than a mouse!

            I cautiously went around the garage, tapping and poking with a broom. I picked up all the fallen objects and swept the garage out. I left the garage open for a few hours, hoping whatever had found its way in would find its way out.

            I quietly eased my way out into the garage about ten o’clock that evening. I looked around, and there sitting on a table in the back of my garage sat a cute little possum. He must have sensed my presence, and crawled back behind some things on the table. I opened the back door, hoping he might sense his access to freedom.

            At eleven o’clock, I quietly eased my way out there again. I knew his hiding place now and could see his tail and nose. I didn’t want to go to bed with the back door open. I was afraid he might go get some buddies and decide he found the perfect winter home. I decided the best thing to do was leave the garage door opened just enough for him to sneak out after we had gone to bed. It worked and the garage is now possum-free!

            My possum adventure reminded me of a story I wrote nearly thirty years ago. One of my colleagues from North Stanly had a couple of daughters and a son. One day while they were out, they discovered a mother possum that had been killed, but her babies were still clinging to her. The family rescued the baby possums and took them home.

            I went over to their house to see them. I wrote a story about the girls, who are now grown and married. The newspaper sent over a photographer, who took some pictures of the girls wearing the possums as earrings. The picture and my story made the front page of the paper. When the possums were big enough to survive on their own, the family set them free.

            I know that many of my readers care deeply about animals. Most of you have a furry friend who lives in your house. We have always had a cat. I know that many people love and care for their cats and dogs like they were children. A good pet is a member of the family.

            Many of us also care for the wildlife that lives around us. We have bird feeders and love to see the customers come. We love watching the hummingbirds at our feeders, too. I miss them in winter. I like watching the squirrels play and I think deer look beautiful. I just don’t care for them eating my vegetables. We also have turtles, frogs, and toads around our house. Don’t care for the snakes too much.

            God created all the animals and I believe He finds pleasure in them as well. Animals and birds can be so beautiful and entertaining to watch. God must be keeping a close eye on the animals too, because He said that every time a sparrow falls, He notices. Many people think that God must be so busy with all the crazy things going on in the world, how can He possibly find time to help or even care about minor things that occur in our lives? But God is omnipresent. That means that God can be watching some birds play in a field, and sitting with a sick person in the hospital, while He is keeping a close eye on a soldier who is away from home.

            I want to encourage you to remember that God is right there with you in every situation that you find yourself in. He is not too busy to care about your minor or major needs. In fact, He is planning out in detail every aspect of your life. He cares more about you and your situation than you care yourself. God keeps a close eye on all the animals of the world, but He is keeping a closer eye on you, because you are the apple of His eye.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

The Whole Bible

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By Ed Traut

Matthew 13:52 He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.”

  • Rather than replacing the one with the other, we embrace both the Old and the New Testaments.
  • There are so many truths and principles from the Old Testament that we can learn from about God and His interaction with mankind.
  • There is treasure to be found if we will just search for it in His word.  Holy Spirit lead us on that very journey.

Prayer:  Lord I love Your word and I hunger and thirst to know more of Your scripture and Your word.  Open it up to me Holy Spirit that I can have understanding and revelation continually every day from Your word.  Lead me I pray in Jesus name.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

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