Our Story

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By Doug Creamer

Our Story

            We all have a story. We have unique experiences that make us who we are today. Those experiences, combined with our perception of how we see God interacting with our lives, creates our testimony. Our testimony is our “God story.” Do we see God as close and intimate with us, or a more distant God who watches over us?

            You know that I believe that God is close and intimate with us. The Bible teaches us that He created us for fellowship. The Bible also teaches us that God knows the number of hairs on our heads. In my case, he is going to have to count daily, if not hourly, to keep up with that information. If He saw me in my mother’s womb, He must be keeping a much closer watch on us than any of us imagine.

            We all go through difficult times, and how we see God interacting with us during those times helps to create a story, our story. It’s that story of how we got through the trials of life that God wants us to tell others who find themselves stuck in the hurricanes of life. Difficult times can feel like hurricanes, snowstorms, or earthquakes, when everything that we consider solid gets shaken up. It’s in those moments that we often turn to God for help, when we find ourselves dependent upon Him.

            I remember a number of years ago that a friend’s wife got cancer. Instead of announcing it at church, they found a dozen people who believed in God’s power to heal and they surrounded themselves with those people. They saturated her life with prayer and support. While I don’t remember all the details of her treatment, I do remember them announcing to the church that she was cancer free. I also remember that anyone they knew after that who received a cancer diagnosis also received a visit from this couple. They wanted to share their story.

            In the middle of difficult or even tragic times, we need the hope that others who have sailed those seas and survived those storms can bring us. We need to know that we are not alone, that others have felt our pain and hopelessness. We need people with similar experiences to show us the way to the other side. That’s why your story, your experiences, are so vital to the Kingdom of God.

            Recently, I found myself sitting in a doctor’s office hearing the news that I had what looked like a cancerous growth on my arm. I remembered a former pastor telling us about hearing similar news. I called him after I left the doctor’s office. I needed to hear the story again, how he got through it. Thankfully my pathology report came back “no cancer” and my arm is healing up well. But I needed my former pastor’s story and his prayers to see me through.

            Many of you have stories that others need to hear. I know they are painful, but the hope you found could help others who might drown. I can’t tell you how many students I helped whose parents had separated or divorced. Seeing that I made it through helped them take steps and move forward in their lives. I didn’t want to expose that pain in my life, but because I was willing, it helped so many students who needed to hear my story.

            Your story might be about COVID survival. Maybe you or your child has been through the torture of drug addiction. You may have a story of surviving an abusive relationship. There are so many of you who have dealt with sudden medical emergencies like heart attacks that can share some comforting words with others. Maybe your story is about the tragic loss of a loved one and how He helped you pick up the pieces of your life. Whatever your story, there are others in your life who need to hear it so they can find their path to survival.

            I want to encourage you to consider your story and be willing to share it with others who are facing similar circumstances. One of the most powerful stories you can share with someone is how you came to faith in Jesus. Many people are struggling with doubts, fears, shame, and other things that are holding them back from God. Your story might free them and open their hearts to a personal relationship with their loving Heavenly Father. We never really know the power of our words to bring hope in the middle of storms unless we share them. Be willing to share your story.

Doug Creamer has a new book at Amazon: EncouragingU: Summer Stories. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Day 31

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David Freeze

  A great start, then a poor ending

  I had a wonderful evening on the False River in New Roads, all except for one thing. I was concerned about the route for today and the weather forecast. I wanted a decent route to where I could cover some miles, see some things and be inside for tonight if the predicted rainy forecast came true.

    So, I tweaked the planned route and decided to finish in Amite City. That is pronounced A-meet which seemed odd to me and Siri. Anyway, I didn’t think I could do near 100 miles and was going to settle for 71, especially since some rolling climbing was set for today.

    I took SR 10 for the first 12 miles or so and crossed the Mississippi River on the beautiful Audubon Bridge. Then my route included SR’s 61, 954, 964, 412, 959, 63 and 16. That last one is where the trouble started. I had earlier had a couple of light showers and the temperature had cooled considerably. SR 16 was my final road for the day as earlier planned, but I was rolling pretty well and kicked around the idea of going to Franklinton and a 97 mile day.

    SR 16 had a wonderful asphalt road, but the bike and breakdown lane was terrible. They use a reddish brown pavement and rough is the best way to describe it. But still, I was pretty sure I could make Franklinton and still get tonight’s story in on time. I noticed a thumping on the rear tire and it became worse even on the smooth cement pavement near bridges. I stopped and saw immediately that the back tire was again going flat.

  I fixed the tire or thought I did, but then it blew again. Plus, I had struggled to get the gearing working and had trouble with it. After 90 minutes and running out of good light, I tried Uber with no luck. No taxis either, and finally I decided to see if the PD or Sheriff’s Department would get me to the nearby motel so I could work on it there.

    And they did just that. Deputy Nolan Bryant came first, but we couldn’t get the bike in his car even with the front tire off. Alex from the fire rescue brought a truck and took me and the dissembled bike to the motel. I got some food, wolfed it down and went right to work on this update.

  I am going to start on the bike in a few minutes and see what I can do. If not, I will call Eric from Skinny Wheels and discuss the problem. Either way, it looks like another late night. There are no bike shops on the route till Mobile, Alabama. Plus the gulf hurricane scenario is being discussed today, especially by Nolan and Alex. I need to be making miles to the east quickly.

    I am anxious to get started on the bike, but will take time to thank new sponsors Mindi Fires and Wayne Cobb. If things weren’t already interesting enough, several scenarios are ramping up. Let’s get together

tomorrow and see how it all works out! And send those prayers! They are always appreciated!

The Big Reveal

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By Ann Farabee

• It was time for the big reveal:

Pink balloons burst out of a huge box and began floating away. It was now official! Everyone began talking at once, hugging each other, and expressing their excitement! There was not a doubter in the crowd. We all knew what the pink balloons were revealing to us. A baby girl would soon arrive! How exciting!

• It was time for the big reveal:

The gift had been wrapped and placed on a table, waiting for the recipient to unwrap it, so it could be revealed to him. The paper was ripped away and the little boy squealed with joy, while running around the room saying, “I wanted this! I wanted this! I can’t believe I got it!” He ran off quickly to put that remote control car to good use! How exciting!

• It was time for the big reveal:

The high school athlete stepped up to a microphone to reveal the name of the college he planned to attend to play basketball. Three different college jerseys were on the table if front of him, so he reached down and picked up the one with the name of the school he had chosen. Cameras clicked! The crowd cheered! How exciting!

• It was time for the big reveal:

A group of children huddled around the table waiting on the birthday cake to be revealed. When they saw it, their eyes lit up. They then began to yell, “Happy Birthday!” at the top of their lungs to celebrate the birthday child! Oohs and ahhs took place! How exciting!

• It was time for the big reveal:

I had finally begun to believe that my problem was going away, but on this day, it reappeared with a vengeance. Discouragement crept in. I prayed, “Lord, I need help!” I then opened up my Bible because I knew words from those pages would reveal God’s promise of peace to me.

There it was! The big reveal was taking place:

John 14:27 says, “Peace, I leave with you. My peace, I give to you. It is not peace that the world gives you. I give it to you. Do not let your heart be troubled. You do not need to be afraid.”

The revealing of the pink balloons. How exciting!

The revealing of the remote control car. How exciting!

The revealing of the college the athlete would attend. How exciting!

The revealing of a birthday cake, followed by oohs and ahhs. How exciting!

The revealing of God’s word to our hearts.

The spirit of God revealing himself to us!

How exciting!

How miraculous!

How powerful!

Lord, may we always be amazed that you reveal your Word to us.

May it always be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.

May we always cherish it.

May we always realize how blessed we are that we have access to our God in heaven through the revealing of your word to us.

May we pay attention.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.


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By Doug Creamer

            When my wife and I worked full-time, we rarely called each other. I remember calling her on 9/11. Phone calls to each other didn’t require something that big, but until our last couple of years, we just didn’t call each other much while we were working. So, when she called me one winter afternoon about fourteen years ago, I knew something was up.

            I could tell by her voice that nothing was wrong. She told me that there was a kitten hanging around the library where she worked. Someone had obviously dumped her and she wanted to know what I thought about adopting a new baby. She was concerned for the kitten because it was going to be a very cold night that night. I couldn’t say no.

            She brought the kitten home and we agreed that she wouldn’t come in the house until we had her checked out by a vet. She lived in the garage for several days. We fed her and went out and played with her. She was glad to see us. She seemed friendly and wanted in the house.

            We already had a cat and it took a while for the two of them to learn to get along. Once she made it in the house, we discovered that her personality was true cat. What I mean is that she acted like she could take us or leave us. If you tried to pet her, she only allowed three or four strokes before she would try to nip you.

            When our other cat passed away, she acted a little less aloof. I remember the first time she jumped into my lap. I wasn’t sure what to think. She settled down and I was allowed to pet her seven or eight times before she tried to nip me. As time went on, she would jump into my lap and stay about a minute, during which time I was allowed to pet her. No nipping. She always liked to be in the same room as us, just to see what we were doing.

            When I retired and started to teach the Chinese students something changed. She became my teaching buddy. I introduced her to the students and they fell in love with her. They asked to see her. She would walk between me and the camera and the kids would always laugh. She became a star. “What is Kimble doing?” “Where is Kimble?”

            She sat with me while I was teaching. She became increasingly more affectionate. I didn’t realize that we were getting closer. She would join me at the computer when I prepared for classes and help me do the evaluations after classes. If she wasn’t sitting beside me, she was in my lap. The nipping was long gone and she stayed in my lap for long periods of time.

            Since I am up long before the crack of dawn to teach, I often take an afternoon nap. She would always join me. In the cold months, she would lay right up against me. In the warm months, she would lie beside me or down near my feet. She always wanted me to pet her for a long time before I fell asleep. She would purr loudly.

            She suddenly and unexpectedly passed away last week. Until she was gone, I didn’t realize how attached I had become to her. She entertained my Chinese kids and helped to keep them focused. She was my little buddy, always close by, and always hungry for attention, especially in these last couple of years. My routines have changed since her departure. She left a furry hole in my heart.

            As I reflect on her departure I realize that none of us knows how much time we have left. The “suddenly” can come at any moment. Do you think you are ready to meet your maker? Have you made peace with Him? Have you invited Jesus to be your Savior? We need to make that decision before we take our final breath. All eternity is dependent on that decision. I want to see you in heaven and the only way there is through Jesus.

            I want to encourage you to make the most important decision of your life. Decide to believe and trust in Jesus. You don’t need to clean up your life or have all your questions answered, you just need to invite Him into your heart. He’ll forgive all your sins and welcome you home. No one knows when their time will come. I want to encourage you to be ready. Leave all doubts about your eternal destination behind. As for Kimble, I believe there are pets in heaven. I also believe she is waiting there to take a nap with me. 

Doug Creamer has a new book at Amazon: EncouragingU: Summer Stories. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com


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By Ed Traut

Galatians 2:21 I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!”

  • Grace – an enormous gift and kindness from God.
  • We can not be righteous in our own strength or through the law, it is all by God’s goodness and grace though Christ Jesus.
  • Jesus paid a very dear price for us to be saved and to become righteous – it is a total summation of God’s grace.  Thank You Jesus.

Prayer:  I lift my hands in worship and praise to You today for this wonderful salvation and Your goodness and this gift of eternity and eternal life.  Thank You Lord.  Thank You for Your grace upon my life.  Help me express grace to others and enjoy and walk in the grace that You give and not take it for granted.  I bless Your Holy name.  Amen. 

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Day 26

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By David Freeze

Finally leaving the Texas hills!

  The day started in Navasota, just a little later than I planned. My red flashing light chose this morning to need new batteries. I had packed up everything, then dug out the batteries and got it going. The fantastic room was wonderful! Just hold that thought for a few minutes.

    I headed east on State Road 90 to Anderson, then turned on State Road 149 for some climbing practice, although I am sure I don’t need any more. During a flatter lull, I stopped at the community of Richards. A local guy named Matt Nichols held the door for me, then asked about my trip. We ended up talking for 10 minutes about the state of world, and clearly were on the same page. Matt said, “But all we can really do is know where we’re going when our life ends.” We laughed about my daughters and their different approaches to my bike rides. Matt owns a ranch and says he loves it in Richards which might have 100 residents. He also said, “When I get on that horse each morning, I don’t know for sure what will happen.” Same for me when I get on the bike.

    I crossed Lake Conroe and entered Sam Houston National Forest. For a while, I was on the Texas Forest Trail with thick woods on both sides of the road. I passed through New Waverly on State Road 1375, then turned on State Road 150 for the rest of the day. Punkin and Evergreen were small crossroads, but Coldspring was a bigger town at a little over 800 residents. Finally, I had a steady headwind for a ride into Shepherd where I am spending the night. Each road through the day got a little flatter,  making me happy.

    I called last night and got an amazing rate for the night at Hometowner Inn and Suites. That quickly, I got the best room for the trip, just one night after it’s predecessor. Tonight, I am writing this while sitting on my own couch in a huge room. I have already thanked the owner for the great deal. Even better,  there is a Subway and a convenience store on the same property. I have already eaten a pint of Blue Bunny Double Strawberry and a foot long Subway Veggie Delight. Another pint of Cherry Vanilla awaits.

  Today’s ride was 78 miles during a mid-90’s day. It was another good one, with just enough to see and the meetings with Matt and the motel owners.

  I have already scoped out tomorrow’s route if all goes well. I plan to head for Kirbyville, one of the last towns in Texas. I’m excited to see that the train tracks will be beside me all day. Also, I need to mention that I have not been harassed by flies in East Texas, but the loose dogs have started chasing the bike. The Adventure Cycling maps said they would.

    More little towns with services are showing up, and that means more people. And there will be lots of water ahead. Matt mentioned too that I will have to know how to get through the bayous, so during that part I will follow the Adventure Cycling maps. I will admit to making my own route several times in the last week. Nearly every map route segment shows me heading east now.

    Thanks again for your support and comments! I am hoping for another good day tomorrow to keep the fun going. Come back tomorrow and I’ll let you know how it goes!

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