To the Class of 2019

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I went to my 34th graduation as a teacher. In the 18 years I have been at East Davidson we have had all our graduations outside on the football field, except this year. After days of rain, the field was too wet for graduation, so we held the ceremony in the gym.

Leading up to graduation, I encouraged administration to pursue some way to stream the ceremony. I am not sure how it all worked out, but in the end we offered a live stream. So after the seniors headed down to the gym, I headed to my air-conditioned classroom to watch the festivities. It was great to have a front row seat in a comfortable chair, watching the senior Golden Eagles soar.

In our technology driven society, we need to find ways to provide more things like that for our students and their families. My mother watched her grandchild graduate from the comfort of her home. It allows people to participate who may struggle to physically be there. I am glad to have been able to attend several of my nieces and nephews weddings virtually.

One of my favorite parts of graduation is listening to the inspiring speeches. Two of the seniors gave speeches. The first young lady reminded the seniors that today one door was closing and another one was opening. It is the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

I liked that she talked about the various destinies that each of them faces. Our destiny is often determined by our career choices. Some of the students will be putting on military uniforms and defending our country…to those, I salute you. Some will pursue careers in the arts or sciences. Some will go to the community college, while others will attend universities.

The second young lady reminded the seniors that there were parents and teachers who want to see them succeed. She talked about walking through the trials of life and maintaining a positive attitude. She told the students to surround themselves with extraordinary people who will push them to higher levels of success.

One other thing she talked about is being a hero. She defined that as someone who helps at least one other person. She thus challenged the students to lead a life of helping others. She told the students to make wise choices so they could lead a life they would be proud of…which would bring them joy and happiness.

I love to listen to the students and reflect on what I would say to a graduating class if given the chance. Here are a few thoughts from a teacher with 34 years’ experience:

Try to find something that you enjoy doing that someone will pay you a living wage to do. Many people hate their jobs. You are young and now is the time to make some good choices so you will enjoy your career. If you love what you do, you will never have to work a day in your life. I have loved being a teacher…most days.

Choose your mate wisely. Life is more fun when you can spend it with someone you love and who loves you. Work at the relationship. That means you still need to go on dates even after you have been married for many years. Staying connected is vital to a fulfilling relationship.

Choose those you call friend wisely. The people in your life will either build you up or tear you down. We are all destined to walk through difficult times in life, and having a friend who will lift you up, or even carry you, can make all the difference.

Finally, and probably most importantly, connect with your Father in Heaven. I know that many people carry a bad image of a father because theirs wasn’t there, or was a poor example of a godly man. Your Heavenly Father is perfect. He loves you with agape love. He is always on your side and wants the very best for you. He is not a Santa Claus who grants wishes, but a loving Father who will stand with you through the good times, and especially, the bad times.

I want to encourage you to connect with God. Connecting with Him implies that you will read the Bible. Start with Matthew and read Jesus’ words. Pray and talk with your Father in Heaven. He will hear you and talk with you if you are willing to listen. Make wise choices and commit your ways into His hands. He will never leave you or forsake you. Good luck, graduating seniors…go out and soar.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Meet Nick

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Nick is a well known person in town. You may have heard his name, since he is on the Council. He is a highly educated, in-charge kind of guy. It would be safe to say that he is a religious leader, who tends to be hypocritical.

People probably think of him as having a lot going for him. One would expect him to be content. One would expect him to be confident. But… he isn’t.

Because …he has a spiritual problem. One night, he could not stop thinking about it. Sleep would not come. He knew about Jesus. He knew Jesus had the answers to his questions. So, in the dark stillness of the night – while others slept – while no one was around – he went searching for Jesus.

It was as Jeremiah 29:13 says: You will seek me, and find me, when you search for me with your whole heart.

Nick found Jesus. And, after that encounter, his heart was changed. He decided not to share the news with others, though. Instead, Nick became a secret believer.

As time passed, the details of his days began to show his growing faith, and at one of his Council meetings, he publicly defended the name of Jesus.

There may be a bit of Nick in all of us. We have all been there at times – as secret believers – not quite boldly ready to proclaim the name of Jesus from the rooftops at that moment – or even the next moment – but slowly becoming stronger and stronger in our faith each day. Then, one day – the boldness shows up!

That happened with Nick:

He heard the news. Jesus had died on the cross. He knew he needed to be there. He no longer cared if he came secretly! He carried seventy five pounds of myrrh and aloe with him to anoint the body. That was enough to bury royalty! Along with Arimathaea, he began to compassionately, respectfully, and lovingly prepare the body of his Jesus.

Surely, as he began to wrap and anoint the body, he thought back to how Jesus had welcomed him in the dark of the night – and how his life had been changed.

Surely, his tears were flowing – even on to the linen cloths of his Lord – as his actions boldly informed the world that Jesus was his King.

Surely, it was a time of communion like none other, as the honor of serving his Jesus was just as real in His death as it had been in His life.

Nick knew.

We know, too.

As it was the story of Nicodemus, it is also the story for each of us:

In the dark of our night.

In the details of our day.

In the death on the cross – that led to our victory.

The answer is Jesus.

The story of Nicodemus was brought to you by John 3:1-21;7:50-52; and 19:39-40.

A Picture of Grace

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He looked through the woods as we drove. “Easter comes early this year. I wonder if the dogwoods will be ready?”

Like him I hoped so. They are such a beautiful picture of grace.

Have you noticed how much Jesus loved visuals? As He spoke of worry, He pointed to wildflowers. Instead of just saying that God would provide, He referred to the birds. I bet it gave Him much pleasure to create the dogwood.

Look at this stunning visual of His sacrifice. Each cross shaped blossom displays blood stained “wounds.” Each center exhibits a “crown of thorns” as if the very heart of God shouts, “This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased!”

Let’s fall to our knees and worship this God Who draws us to Himself.

All heaven and nature point to Him.

How can we do less?

“For God made Christ, Who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.” -2Corinthians5:21

“O God be merciful to me, for I am a sinner.”

Love U-4-Ever

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“I read your column every week,” she said with a slight smile, but the look on her face told me this was not a casual conversation.

“The one about your daughter,” she whispered, “I really needed it. I keep a copy of it in my purse.” I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I knew exactly what she was saying to me. The look on her face reminded me of myself at times. There was no doubt in my mind. She loved an addict – and she was hurting.

The column she referenced was almost two years old. And… as part of my personal story, I knew it all too well.

The tragedy flashed through my mind as we stood there:

The call had come that morning. My then 19 year old daughter woke up in an apartment and found her boyfriend dead from an overdose. She was arrested, facing numerous drug charges. The life I had envisioned for her would not be happening. What had been a mostly private addiction dealt with by our family, on that day became very public – on TV and on the front page of the newspaper. I was heartbroken, angry, and grieving. I had lost the battle I had been trying to fight for her.

Later, as I watched her cry while standing over his casket, my bitterness remained. Until… I saw the words she had carefully chosen for the card attached to the single rose she had sent to the funeral home: Love U 4-Ever. But, the word love had been replaced with a heart. As the power of those words infiltrated my heart, so did the power of God. God somehow broke through my stony heart and sent healing to our relationship.

Love – of all things – the emotion I felt the least of at that moment – is the emotion that brought the healing.

I had written that column 15 years later, when I finally felt peace about sharing it. I love for someone to approach me and tell me how something I wrote impacted them. But…on this day, I somehow knew that this lady I did not know would ask this question I did not want to answer: How is your daughter doing now?

I shook my head, looked down at the ground, and felt the tears begin to fall. She hugged me, and prayed the sweetest prayer over my family. Then, she told me about her daughter, and I prayed for her.

That one day. That one person. While looking to me for reassurance, she ended up being the one to offer reassurance. And in turn… may the words I write – or say – in this column reassure you and lead the ‘addict you love’ to freedom.

John 6:33 tells me that in Him, I can have peace. In this world I will have trouble, but I can take heart! He has overcome the world!

I refuse to lose heart. The battle is the Lord’s. I will live in victory.

Love an addict? As the child of an alcoholic, sister of an alcoholic, and mother of an addict, I understand. We are not alone. Many suffer as we do. We do our best to make the right decisions, based on our knowledge of our loved ones. We do not have time to worry about what others think. God CAN do a great work in the lives of those we love. Our love and prayers may be all we have to give, and sometimes it may be ‘tough love,’ but it still counts as love. Proverbs 3:5 says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. We trust You, Jesus!

Are you an addict? No matter where you are, God is right there. God knew you before you were conceived. He knows your heart. He knows your pain. No one wants to be an addict.

When life is at its worst, God is at His best. Ask for help- and mean it! This may be your day to be set free. Love U 4-Ever.


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We are entering exam week at school, that final push to finish up another year. It is hard to get students focused on doing well on their exams because they are already thinking about summer vacation. Well, the truth is that teachers are thinking about summer vacation, too. I am ready to send the students home to their parents so I can get some rest and relaxation.

We had a crazy school year. We started off with two hurricanes affecting our area. We were out for a couple of days for each one. Then we missed a week for that big snowstorm. I thought we were going to get a snowy winter, but thankfully Mother Nature backed off and we didn’t miss any more school.

I think I am a little more excited for this school year ending because I am retiring. I have been trying to clean things out as I find a little time here and there. I have found things stuffed away in my file cabinets that are really old. One thing I found was something I bought when I was student teaching.

The decision about what to keep and what to toss is challenging. The school system has decided not to replace me, so most everything I leave behind will probably be tossed when I walk out the door. I have worked hard to organize my files so it is hard to just leave them. But I got some advice from a former principal this week, and it was to toss it all. I really don’t need any more clutter around the house so she is probably right.

I contacted my former principal a few weeks ago and asked if we could meet before I retire, as she was such an inspiration in my career. She was gracious to come pay me a visit. We shared plenty of laughs and lots of memories. We also talked about how things have changed since we both began our careers. We both strongly believe…it’s all about the students.

Students come from incredibly diverse backgrounds and many do not have what we would consider a traditional home life. Some of the students come from troubled homes, and our job was to help them achieve success in spite of their circumstances. My former principal and I agreed that there were students that gave us grey hair and tried our patience, but to see them graduate gave us great satisfaction. We both know that without our help some of the students would not have made it.

I have always tried to keep an open door for students if they needed someone to listen. It is hard to gauge the impact of those conversations. One student came while I was super busy and wanted some advice about choosing a college. We talked and I offered some techniques on how to make important decisions. Knowing she was a Christian, I told her to pray and ask God to guide her. Years later I heard from a sibling what a powerful impact those few moments had on her life.

I will never know the impact that a few minutes of my time had upon my students. That is what I try to remind myself every day, that if I will make myself available to God, He can use me. He knows where I am and He will put people in my path. We need to have sensitive spirits so we can hear and obey the leading of God.

I am convinced that there are people in your life who need to hear from heaven. You may be the only conduit that God has available to reach them. He wants to use you but you have to be available to Him. Someplace a parent or relative is praying for someone like you to come into their family member’s life and offer them hope and guidance. The keys are to be ready, available, and willing to give out of what you have received. Hope, forgiveness, peace, direction, and love are truly wonderful gifts that you have and God wants you to share.

I want to encourage you to be willing to share out of the abundance God has given you. It isn’t always money others need. People need time, consideration, love, support, care, and possibly a helping hand. You see, the biggest need most people have is you. They need you to be Jesus to them. They need you to be His hands, His feet, His words, His arms around them. Any one of us can do that…we just have to be willing to give of ourselves.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

The Wisdom of DECA

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I went to my last State DECA Competition as a teacher last week. DECA is an organization for Marketing students. I have been an active sponsor for the club for my entire career. DECA allows the students to compete, develop leadership skills, become more civically minded, and have social interactions not only with their peers, but with professionals as well.

DECA members compete on the district, state, and international levels. In my career, I have been able to take students to the international DECA conference five times. We qualified a number of other times but were unable to attend for various reasons. It’s exciting to see your students make it up on the big stage at the state conference. This year two students made it on the stage, and they came off with the biggest smiles.

DECA trips give me and my students an opportunity to get to know each other in a greater way. This year I took my students to Olive Garden, where we shared a great meal and lots of laughs. We played some games and asked each other some questions. It is interesting to listen and learn about what the next generation thinks. I enjoy spending time with my students.

For a number of years I have worked with the state officer election process. I give the candidates a test and then help the screening and nominating committee as they interview the candidates. The committee does a great job assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the various candidates. Each year as I listen to these young people I find renewed hope for the next generation.

Each year I get a few moments alone with all the candidates right before they take their test. I tell them they have succeeded no matter whether they win or lose. They put themselves on the line. I also tell them about the time I ran a state officer. It was a close race that year. I might embellish the story just a little each year as I tell it. Several current and past state officers told me how much they enjoyed the story, so I told it again.

I cherished and enjoyed this year’s DECA conference. I took a great group of students who made me proud to be an East Davidson Golden Eagle. It was fun to go and see some old DECA friends. As I looked around I realized that I have become one of the older ones. How did that happen? I don’t feel older, but maybe just a little bit wiser.

I want to be a wise person not only in my professional life, but also in my spiritual life. As I consider how I got wiser professionally, I realize that I always found people who were better than me and hung around them. I tried to glean…OK, steal, any good idea I could from them. I wanted to take advantage of their experience. I realize that if I want to grow spiritually, I am going to have to do the same thing.

I know we can all grow on our own. I believe great growth can come when we are willing to submit and get under some great teachers. I have been fortunate to have some great pastors who shared their personal experiences. If we can acquire their experiences, we can save ourselves from having to learn the tough lessons they learned. If we will listen and apply the scriptures in the way they teach us, we can become wise.

Wisdom doesn’t always come with age. We have to glean it by listening and applying the lessons presented to us. The Bible is full of wisdom, but unless we apply it to our lives it is useless. God wants us to succeed and to have a good trip through life. But there is much we have to learn. I want to surround myself with friends who push me to live up, and to reach my highest potential. I want to garner the wisdom from those who have the scars of experience. I want to choose to grow in wisdom, knowledge and insight.

I want to encourage you to consider carefully who surrounds you. Do the people you call friends have your back? Do they want the best for you? Do they see your potential and try to draw it out of you? Do they encourage you and lift you up when you are down? Are they wise and are they willing to share their wisdom and insight? The choice is yours to reach your greatest potential.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041 or

Wasting Time

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Wasting Time?

Everyone in my 6th grade class was working diligently on an assignment, except for one student. She had not even picked up her pencil. I finally walked over to her and whispered, “You need to stop wasting time.”

She looked up at me and said, “I was thinking about my daddy.” Tears welled up in her eyes as she told me that her army dad had left that morning to serve overseas in what she referred to as an unsafe place.

What I realized most at that point – was that I had been mistaken. She had not been wasting time. It was far from that. For her, this was a time of war. This was a time to weep. This was a time to mourn.

And…the other students apparently felt it was no longer a time to work at their desks. They knew instead that it was a time to speak. They began to ask if they could help.

They knew it was a time to love. One student walked over to her – and the others followed. She tearfully shared some of the emotions she was feeling.

Some knew it was a time to help her heal, so they offered words of encouragement. Some knew it was a time to embrace, so hugs were given.

Some knew it was a time to speak, and they closed their eyes to speak to their Savior.

I saw her months later in the mall, after a new school year had begun. Her dad was with her. It was my time to weep, as I realized that for her family, a time of peace had come.

God had made everything beautiful in his time.

I lost count of the number of times I used the word time as I wrote this, but I do know that God’s timing is important and we should trust it – as we face times in our lives that, according to Ecclesiastes 3:1-11 have a season and a purpose under heaven.

I learned some valuable lessons from that young lady and her classmates that day:

–What may look like – or even feel like – wasting time – may not be wasting time.

–We sure can learn a lot from taking time to look beyond actions – and see the heart.

–Sometimes, we should stop – and make time for those who need us.

​No wonder the word time is in the Bible 623 times…

Psalm 1

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1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.

6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Taking Care of our Temple

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The weather is beginning to change. Many trees are blooming. Even though we haven’t seen Mr. Sunshine very much this year, it almost feels like spring. I walked around the yard the other day and there is plenty of work that needs to be done outside already. The problem is all the rain. I don’t want to complain though, because summer is coming and we will be begging to get a shower.

I kept busy doing some things inside last weekend, even though I wanted to do some outside tasks. I woke up Saturday with my back feeling a little tight. All the things I did that required bending over or doing some lifting all included some grunting. You know that sound that we all make when we are lifting.

By late in the evening I noticed the tightness in my back wasn’t going away even if I rubbed it a little. My Mom used to always tell me, “Just rub it,” about any part of my body that wasn’t feeling just right. I was rubbing it and it wasn’t feeling any better. Then, without provocation, I felt a stabbing pain in the back.

I was hurting pretty bad and not sure why. I hadn’t done anything. I asked some of the guys at work on Monday if any of them had similar events. All the older ones knew exactly what I was talking about, only one younger one did. That prompted me to wonder if I was of a certain age. My pastor, bless his soul, assures me that I am not of a certain age.

The pain humbled me enough that I sought some prayer. My wife began the process and I asked the elders and pastor to pray for me on Sunday. God in His love and grace took most of the pain away so I could function better, but left the edge of a reminder that I need to be careful with this temple I reside in and take care of it.

I don’t know why, but it seems that I have had to ask for prayer quite a bit this year. I’m not very good about asking for prayer. I have a tendency to fight my own battles. I am good about pulling myself up by my own boot straps. I like being the encourager, not the one needing encouraging. I like being strong. I like being the friend you can depend on. I like being the prayer warrior, the one who intercedes for others, not the one needing the intercession.

I can hear my mother now, “God is teaching you a lesson.” What does He want me to learn? First, I think He wants me to be careful with this temple. I am willing to work hard, but maybe I need to learn to work smarter. I am not twenty-five any more.

Second, I think God wants me to watch what I am putting in this temple. I am not just talking about food and drink, but vitamins and medicine, too. I also need to guard my ears from certain conversations, music, and news. I also need to watch what I am seeing. There is so much beauty we can enjoy, and many things we need to avoid.

I think I need to be careful what’s inside, in my thoughts. Philippians 4:8 gives a great list of things we should think about. I don’t know about you, but sometimes my thoughts can be negative and discouraging. God wants me to keep my thoughts positive and focused on Him.

There is a lot more to worry about with this temple…see right there…worrying! It’s so easy to head down the wrong path. God knows we all need each other. I need you to walk beside me, to encourage, challenge, and lift me up, but you need me to do the same. We all need to draw closer to God, spend some more time in His word, and learn that it is OK to lean on each other.

I want to encourage you to open up and allow someone lift you up when you are down. It’s hard, I know, but you might just discover how much you are loved. The Bible says we are supposed to encourage each other and to challenge each other to a deeper walk with God. So the next time you see someone a little down, reach out a hand and lift them up. Share one of your beautiful smiles with them and brighten their day. Remember, it’s OK to accept one, too.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Ain’t No Sunshine

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Our firstborn lives in the Midwest. We visited by phone one morning on her way to get groceries. When she stopped for gas, I heard her say to the screen on the pump as she pushed the buttons, “NO, I do NOT have a rewards card. NO I do NOT want one. NO I DO NOT care about saving money. YES! I need a receipt! What? Now you’re out of paper and I have to go inside? Do you not know it’s 3 stinkin’ degrees out here? STOP with all the questions! Just give me the gas for crying out loud!”

Her door slammed and her voice returned to her normal pleasant tone.

“Hey Mama. How are you? How was your week-end?”

“Are you freezin’ Darlin’?” I laughed at her misery. According to my phone it felt like negative 11 in Ramsey, Illinois where she lives.

“It’s so COLD!” she confirmed as she cranked up the heater hot enough to singe the hair off her legs. Except I’m pretty sure she was wearing several layers of britches.

“It snowed the whole time we were in church yesterday. Our cars were covered when we got out. Then last night we had a fellowship meal and wondered if anyone would come. We had a great crowd and a really good time!”

I smiled at my daughter’s cheery disposition, well… minus the whole gas pump thing. She is one of the most positive and encouraging people I’ve ever known.

Her oldest daughter had a wreck last week in South Carolina where she attends college. Thankfully it was not her fault. Someone ran a red light and did several thousand dollars worth of damage to her vehicle. Stephanie was saying how thankful she was that Mykaela was not seriously injured.

“She’s pretty sore, and very shook up. Her car isn’t drivable, but they gave her time off from work. The other person’s insurance has been amazing and very helpful. It could have been so much worse.”

I glanced out the window as she told me about the things on her plate for the next few days. To me it was overwhelming. She’s writing a VBS curriculum, planning her sessions for a ladies retreat, and putting the final touches on a Girls’ Conference hosted by her church this week-end.

I looked at the mud that’s puddled up all around our house. The yard is so squishy it’s hard to get to the bird feeder, or anywhere else for that matter. It poured down again last night. I hate all this rain and silently wondered if it would ever end. Her words broke into my thoughts.

“Jeff and I spoke at a couples retreat for pastors and their wives this past weekend. It went really well, even the games. I came up with a Jenga game where we told something encouraging about our spouses and churches according to the stickers we drew. It was so much fun!”

Personally I’d rather stick a fork in my eye than play games which also require sharing my soul. I hate to admit it but I may be entering the early stages of Crudmudgeonry.

Another glance out the window revealed tiny birds taking a splash in the puddles under the feeder. They seemed as happy as-if they had good sense.

Cheerfully she informed, “I’m at Aldi’s in the parking lot. But the Jeep is really warm now. We can keep visiting if you’d like!”

I couldn’t help but smile as Stephanie continued. One can learn a lot from birds… and daughters… especially when they bring their own sunshine.

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