Wonderful Winter Day

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By Roger Barbee

The 26-degree temperature and frozen bird baths announce this morning’s cold, the first hard chill of 2022. In fact, (“I think to myself, what a wonderful world”) that it is the first one of this winter season as I watch robins, cardinals, chickadees, and thrashers trying to create just a crack in the cruel ice of the birdbaths. All they accomplish, however, is a slide across the unfamiliar frozen circles or a sideways hopping along each edge. They quickly realize the futility involved here and adapt—and gracefully fly to other sources. Above all this life the almost harsh winter sunlight penetrates the scene, but it comes from a slightly more northernly track; proof of the lasting rotation which announces, if one is observant, winter season’s end began on December 21, at 21:48 UTC because that is when the winter solstice occurred in 2022.

Despite the occasional winter cold, I watch the sun rise each day to mark its position over the lake and note that each day’s light is a bit longer before sunset. In this way the gloom of raw, winter days is lessened and hope for warm, light filled days is sustained. For instance, as I type these words the next morning, one patch of the back garden is abruptly filled with red-winged blackbirds that gather at the non-frozen bird bath like members of a dunking sect. They drink, then hop to the turf under the feeder that hangs from the bare dogwood tree. Life, even on such a morning, swarms here and across the whole earth.

In 1967 Louis Armstrong recorded “What a Wonderful World”, the well-known song written and arranged by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele. I quote from it in the first paragraph because it is a fine reminder of what we are given in this “wonderful world.”

Once, when I was a young man struggling with my first heartache, my mother said to me, “Son, sometimes this ol’ world is hard.” She, the mother who reared six children alone, certainly knew how true her words were. But she also shared her love of trees and birds and flowers. One memory I hold close is of her standing at her kitchen window, looking out at her back yard that was full of maple trees that we had planted. Today, all these years later, my wife and I enjoy birds visiting a birdbath that adorned her yard beneath those maples. She found solace where she could and used it as one of her shields against the hardness that life sometimes showed.

Yes, the January cold has arrived. Ice. Snow. Short, dark days. All of it raw and real. But even these days hold the promise of better ones coming as marked by the winter solstice that happened a few days ago.  Look out, find the beauty in a cold morning, then share it with a friend.

Another Good Cross Country Season

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By David Freeze

Coach Jason Bryan and both his men’s and women’s cross-country teams finished off another fine season last weekend on the Tom Rutledge Cross Country Course in Joplin, Missouri. Bryan, in his 10th year, continues to lead the effort as the teams reach higher in national prominence.

The women ran the 6K Championship race and finished 21st out of 34 teams. The final season ranking of No. 21 in D2 improved on the ranking of No. 23 going into the race. The previous best national ranking in program history was 28th, achieved last year.

Sophomore Madi Clay of Morganton again led the team with a solid 44th place finish, just four spots short of All-American designation. She ran 20 minutes, 48.3 seconds in a field of 260 finishers. Other finishers in order for Catawba were Mikayla Jones, Raina Andrews, Natalie Almond, Sydney Cockerham and Jenna Coleman.

The men ran the 10K (6.2 miles) Championship race and finished 22nd out of 34 teams. With that final ranking of No. 22 in D2, the team eclipsed the best prior finish in program history of 33rd in 2021. The men’s team was ranked No. 37 entering the race. Top finisher for Catawba was Oussama Ajala at 31:07.8. Others in order were Erick Ramirez, Tanner Smith, Anthony LeCorche, E.J. Threatt and Andrew Whitehead. There were also 260 finishers in this race.

After significantly improving on her finish from last year’s nationals, Clay said, “Mostly, I’m just extremely proud and impressed with how both the girls and boys team did this cross-country season. Everyone worked very hard and came together to achieve something never done before at Catawba. Personally, my race went fairly well at nationals. I was so close to getting the title of all-American so there is some regret in that I didn’t push just a little harder. But at the end of the day, the memories I made with my teammates were far more important than any race ever could be. Overall, nationals was an amazing experience and I can’t wait to go again next year.”

Bryan said, “We are so proud of this team and the history they made this season. We spoke at the beginning of the year about getting both teams to the NCAA meet and being able to reach that goal. Getting both teams in the top 25 in the country was really special.”

In 2014, Bryan’s first year, the men’s team was 10th of 11 in the SAC conference and the women were 11th of 11.

In other local happenings, the Runner Friendly Community signs at the major entrances to Salisbury will be updated early in 2024 as the previous designation ends in December of this year.

The Butterball 5K race on Thanksgiving morning at The Forum had entrants from New York, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, California, Oklahoma, Ohio, Florida and Colorado, a total of 11 states represented as of press time. Turkey day races are all the rage across the country now, making Thanksgiving Day the most heavily participated racing day in the nation. Rayna Gardner and Matt Marsh at The Forum deserve lots of credit for presenting a first class and runner-friendly event locally.

Other races coming up soon include the Freeze Your Buns 5K and Fun Run on Dec. 2 in Spencer. As part of Winterfest, the afternoon 2 p.m. start offers a different option for runners who don’t prefer an early morning start and for those who will stay around to enjoy the festival and its skating rink.

The long-running Santa 5K, set for Dec. 9, moves across the road to Sloan Park and the Country Life Museum. A visit by Santa has again been arranged and weather permitting, he will drive a tractor to lead the race. The annual Bigfoot Reunion takes place the same weekend in the woods next to the 5K course. Occasional sightings have been rumored in the past, but no proof exists.

The Jan. 1 Resolution 5K is back at The Forum. Look for more information on these and other events at www.salisburyrowanrunners.org.

Keep On

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By Ed Traut

2 Thessalonians 3:13 And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.

  • It is the nature of God in us that causes and propels us to do what is right at all times.
  • We choose, even when it is inconvenient, to do the right thing that God may be glorified. 
  • Sometimes people and situations make us tired, but we are to focus and not   allow ourselves to get tired, but to keep doing good.  

Prayer:  My Father, I yield and submit to You, I praise Your Holy name today, that You fill me with Your joy and Your spirit that I will continue to do good and always to be unselfish and to be focused on doing what is right.  I love You Lord.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

Truth Worth Hanging Onto

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By Lynna Clark

My mom-in-law used a handful of catchy phrases that she deemed appropriate for certain situations. For example: If someone thought they were “all that” and dropped the ball at church or a family function, she would remind us that “One monkey don’t stop the show.” If something hurtful happened she was quick to remind us that “What doesn’t kill us will make us stronger.” When plans changed unexpectedly we knew we could count on her to say, “When God closes a door, He opens a window.”

I think my favorite, and her wisest saying was that “Things won’t always be this way.” In 2020 after the year most folks have had, I believe we can all shout a loud “Halleluiah” to that!

I hear talk about our new normal.


I refuse to let this become my new normal. I look forward to handing out all the hugs I want; to smiling without hiding it behind a mask; to watching television without all the fearful warnings and even better, without the political ads filled with lies and character assaults.

I think we’re better than this.

I think this year has been a wakeup call to remind us of how good it is to work hard, send our children to school to professionals who know stuff; to shop for groceries without looking at each other suspiciously; and best of all to worship without fear. Let’s return to THAT normal!

After all, what hasn’t killed us has surely made us stronger!


While the proverbs of my beautiful southern mom-in-law are very wise, she would agree that Scripture is wiser still. May the Lord strengthen us to rest in His promises.

“The Lord is good, a Stronghold in the day of trouble. And He knows the ones who trust in Him!” – Nahum 1:7


Where is God?

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By Ann Farabee

As a children’s Sunday school teacher for many years, I was often asked this question, “Where is God?”

My response: God is in heaven.

God is in our hearts.

Another question often asked was, “Is God watching us?”

My response: The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous.

His ears are open to our cry.

He sees the past, present, and future of our lives.

He never sleeps nor slumbers.

His eyes are constantly watching us.

He is our hiding place.

He preserves us from trouble.

He surrounds us with songs of deliverance.

He instructs us in the way that we should go.

He guides us.

These are a few of God’s Promises in the book of Psalms.

How can that be?

As I typed these words, God was speaking to my heart. Those words totally wreck my heart.

To say God ‘wrecks my heart’ is slang for a state of euphoria. Euphoria means experiencing pleasure, excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness.

How in the world could I have a state of euphoria?

I am old. I am tired.

I forget things.

I am busy.

One of my favorite statements seems to be, “It is always something.”

When I say those words, a sigh usually accompanies them.

But then I remember the goodness of God! And I thank God — for everything!

God is a miracle that we all have access to.

He will come live in our hearts.

The Holy Spirit is God’s spirit, God’s power, God’s breath, God’s active force and influence over the universe and His creations. God created us in His image, and He speaks to us through the Holy Spirit.

Jeremiah 31:33 says, “I will put my teachings in their minds. And I will write them on their hearts.”

In our minds. On our hearts.

He is our God.

We are His people.

What more could we ask for from our Savior, Jesus Christ? Incredible. Amazing. Extraordinary. Magnificent. Wonderful. Marvelous. Spectacular. We are God’s people!

Where is God?

He is everywhere!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.

Peace from Pieces

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By Ashlie Miller

A familiar scene if you love the movie “A Christmas Story” – mother and the old man are sitting together, sipping a drink, and looking outside after an explosion of wrapping papers thrown about by Ralphie and Randy on Christmas morning. My husband and I have grown to resonate with this scene in the last several years. My husband has intentionally taken PTO the week after Christmas because it provides a peaceful culmination after a busy year, much less a busy month. Ideally, there may be a chill in the air, even cold rain, forcing us to embrace the peaceful surroundings of the home.

Peace is often like that, arriving after much chaos rather than the self-realized ethereal feeling that one seldom actually can achieve. No, real peace can come after devastation and destruction because real peace is a Person – Jesus Christ.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27.) Wait! “Let not your hearts be troubled or afraid”? Why would Jesus say that after declaring the peace He would leave them?

In a class I co-teach weekly, we recently referenced entropy in the second law of thermodynamics (no, this isn’t a science class – it’s a Biblical foundations class). Over time, systems become more disorderly and uncertain. We began discussing that if a bomb goes off, the result is disorder, death, and chaos rather than wholeness and order. One young man offered this thought – “But didn’t the bombs dropped on Japan in 1945 end up in peace?” Naturally, we explained that we meant the literal consequences of shrapnel and pieces on cities and people. But that got me thinking – maybe this young man is right. Order and peace after devastation.

Consider Mary. After 400 years of silence from God – no prophets, no angels making appearances – suddenly Gabriel appears with news and a message. Although prefacing the message with a “Fear not,” he gives Mary the news that she will be with child, but not just any child, THE Child who will be the promised Messiah. While Mary’s response was worshipful and grateful to serve humbly, would that have been my response or yours? The pregnancy was not the result of sinful actions. This was what God was allowing her to experience – and it would result in shame and loneliness. It could have resulted in her death. And yet, there she is, worshiping immediately after the bombshell news. Why?

Think about your life, maybe even this year – has a bomb dropped into your lap? Did it meet you with despair and grief, leaving you to wonder about God’s love, goodness, and purposes for you? As you look at the shrapnel of broken pieces – dreams, hopes, plans – do you wonder if you can ever be whole and useful? What was the purpose of all of this anyway?

Before you continue in a tailspin, consider – God delights in using broken pieces because it brings Him glory. The Person of peace, the Prince of Peace stepped down from heaven to be among men to find broken pieces and put them together to bring restoration and healing.

God allowed Mary to be put into a position of shame to bring peace ultimately. Could He be looking at the fragments from the explosion in your life as a way to bring you to peace with Him? We already know from last week’s Advent candle that Hope and Faith give us the confidence to believe in Him. It is not merely blind faith built on nothing. Imagine walking in that confidence and experiencing true Peace with God this holiday season. It is possible because Peace is a Person who dwells among us.

Ashlie Miller is wife to Chad Miler, pastor of Mission Bible Church in Charlotte, NC. Together they are parents of five children in Concord, NC.

Character & Choices

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By Doug Creamer

            I have talked with several guys recently who were trying to get a new job. The conversations quickly turned me back into a teacher. I started to pour into these guys all the knowledge I have about the job search process. While there are some basic things that still hold true about the job search process, I have not kept current with all the new methods. So the teacher was doing a little learning in these conversations.

            One thing we can all agree on is that employers are seeking candidates with some character. I would like to clarify here. There are some guys that I know whom I might describe as characters in a fun and joking manner. These are the kind of men you want around you in both good and bad times. They will be right there to help you whatever you might be going through. But you better have some thick skin because they will pick on and tease you and keep you laughing. Some people might call them characters, but I prefer to call them friends.

            In the job search process, character refers to the way you live. A former principal and the faculty I worked with at East Davidson worked tirelessly to instill moral character in our students. It’s doing the right thing regardless of the circumstances. It’s giving your best every day. It’s being an employee that an employer can trust. It’s being faithful to your job and your employer. It’s working hard with a strong work ethic. If you have character you are the employee every employer wants working for them.

            People with strong, moral character make good choices. We all have opportunities every day to make choices. Sometimes we make the good and right choices, and sometimes we make the wrong choices. Why is that? Simply because we live in a fallen world and we are only human. We are going to make the wrong choice sometimes. Someone with good character strives to make the right choices in life.

            Making the right choice affects every area of our lives. How we treat our supervisors and co-workers reflects on us. The way we interact with customers or sales staff says a lot about who we are to the world, which watches us closely. Many people will not go to church, but they will interact with you, and they will base their decision on whether to become a Christ-follower on your interactions with them. I have heard it said that you are the only Bible some people will ever read.

            I gave the sermon at our church on Sunday because our pastor was traveling. In the message I told our congregation that God chose Mary and Joseph based on their character. Joseph was a man of integrity who didn’t cheat his customers. God was looking for a good man who made right choices to raise His Son. Mary was also chosen to help raise Jesus in a loving family. Both Mary and Joseph had to be people of great faith who could be trusted with the highest calling I can imagine, raising Jesus.

            I still believe that God is in the business of looking for people with great character that He can trust to carry out His work on the earth. We are His ambassadors to the world. We are called to carry His message of salvation and hope to a world lost in darkness. You may never know the impact of your warm smile or a simple word of encouragement. God is looking for people who will be light and hope. God is looking for people with integrity of character that He can trust to do His will today.

            I want to encourage you to carefully consider your choices. My pastor often tells our congregation that the way we live our lives matters. Many people are watching your life to see if Jesus makes a difference in your life. How does He affect you? Are you a contagious Christian? Are people hungry for the Jesus they see in you? Do they see Jesus as your Savior and your friend? We are in the season of giving; you have the opportunity of sharing the best gift of “Good News” with the disconnected or disenchanted. You can offer Jesus as Savior, friend, deliverer, healer, forgiver, and life preserver of hope. There are people around you who need to hear this message of love and hope, especially at this time of year with its many challenges. I know God is looking for people like you and me, people of character, to carry His light into the world.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

Wrestlers Indeed

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By Roger Barbee

The baby-faced boy walked past me as I watched the wrestling on Mat 1. As he skirted between me and the action on Mat 1, his headgear with his school’s logo slipped from his hand. An older teammate strode to him.

I was attending a fourteen-team wrestling tournament in Alumni Hall of a Maryland independent school last Saturday. It was the first competition for the new season of 2023-24 and the Hall was packed with wrestlers of all sizes and ages and both sexes, coaches, parents, trainers, host school staff, four mats, officials, and me– all in Alumni Hall.

Folkstyle wrestling in high school has changed since I practiced it over fifty years ago. Yet it is the same. While we never had a tournament with fourteen teams, while we never wore headgear, while we never had wrestling shoes, we did have matches of three two-minute periods, and each wrestler tried to defeat the opposition.

Some fans of sports enjoy comparing today’s athletes with those of the past, but that seems to me like comparing an orange with an apple. They have some likenesses but are two different fruits. I wrestled in the 1960’s much like those boys and girls did in the Hall, but in my opinion any other comparison is fruitless. The wrestlers today, even the average ones, know and can execute and counter so many more moves than those of us who wore tennis shoes for matches and practiced on canvas mats. But there is still one similarity.

While the skill of those boys and girls on Saturday was not that good, their desire and determination was outstanding. Yes, there were wrestling moves that were not executed correctly and countermoves that were, well, just wrong. There were glaring errors in the correct starting positions, and the officials had to “coach” a wrestler more than once. However, those students were on the mats and trying. To paraphrase President Roosevelt from his The Man in the Ring speech, no one outside the ring has a right to criticize he who is in the ring.

As I kept watching, I thought of some great American wrestlers and wondered if Dan Gable or John Smith or Kyle Snyder or so many other great wrestlers ever competed in a tournament like this one. Of course they did because everybody starts somewhere and that is usually by just trying, by being present, and by going on to become better, maybe not great, but just better. To be, as Ohio State’s Coach Tom Ryan says, “Authentic.”

And this: When the older teammate strode to the baby-faced boy who had dropped his  headgear, he showed him how to fasten the headgear chin strap through the lowered shoulder strap of his wrestling singlet to allow it to dangle next to his hip. When the younger boy had done it correctly, the more experienced boy patted him on the shoulder and said, “Now you’re a wrestler.”

A wrestler, indeed.

What I Am Thankful For

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By David Freeze

What I’m thankful for:

Salisbury being designated a national Runner Friendly Community again. First awarded in 2018, Salisbury is one of only 45 cities in the nation to be recognized.

A new pair of running shoes and the excitement each new pair brings. From a guy who is also thankful to have worn out well over 250 pairs.

The opportunity to volunteer. For what volunteers put in, they get a lot more back. Thanks to Rowan Helping Ministries, the United Way, Salvation Army and so many more for providing these opportunities.

Children, God’s treasures and grandchildren, the most delightful and cherished gift ever.

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library where Dolly sends each child a book a month and has for over 25 years. The most recent was “Ten Ways to Hear the Snow.” Not just good for kids.

David Whisenant and his years of reporting on local news, betting he will find other ways to make a difference in his retirement.

Newer Salisbury Post columnists like Ashley Miller, along with all the regulars. Mike London for keeping up with all the sports happenings, while mixing in plenty of local history along the way. And Andy Mooney for making the paper look good each day.

All 100 North Carolina county seats visited during 2023 for a better understanding of North Carolina. I still have a list of a dozen or so worth a second visit.

Our list of local races, all benefiting worthy charities. My thanks to all runners and walkers who have participated this year, especially those that got their Thanksgiving Day off to a great start at The Forum’s Butterball 5K with proceeds headed to Prevent Child Abuse Rowan.

The ability to see America by bicycle or on foot and the Post and Elizabeth Cook who decided back in 2013 these ventures were worthy of coverage. All the readers, especially those that thought enough of the adventure to chip in with information and to follow along. Plus all the new friends made along the way.

The South Rowan Y Service Club and their lifetime ice cream support on these cycling adventures.

Christmas parades, good for all ages. I try not to miss one locally and always get to see people I don’t see often enough.

Law enforcement and fire departments all around the surrounding area, and all other first responders, especially those working on Thanksgiving. Our military branches, always ready.

Few regrets! Visualize yourself looking back at the end of your life. What do you wish you would have done? Make plans to go do that! Don’t leave it to would’ve, could’ve and should’ve.

Those who can find focus not on what they have lost but what they still have. We all have loss, but we have no choice but to keep going. Like a bicycle, we have to keep moving to stay balanced.

The Hatman, Charles Sloop, and all the mystery about his hats hanging on the dairy farm fence. Where have the hats and the thoughtful spelled-out sayings gone?

Hebrews 13-3 and all those who love and encourage one another.

My daughters, their husbands, granddaughter, the large group of friends and family I have been blessed with. And most of all, the Lord Thy God who has provided so many other blessings that we all have received. Don’t forget to count and share them today!

God First, Others Second, Me Third

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By Ed Traut

1 Corinthians 10:24 Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

  • Sometimes we need to be reminded of what really matters in life.
  • We are so much happier and more fulfilled when we focus on others and not on our own need and our own selfish ways.
  • May God give us the ability to always focus on others regardless whether they are Christians or friends.

Prayer:  Change my heart I pray O Lord and fill me with Your ways and Your heart that I can be like You and reflect this caring for others and doing good for others I pray.  I do not want to be concerned about myself.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

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