Culture Wars Abound

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By Roger Barbee

The loud voices from every side that are involved in the oft referred to culture wars give me pause, and I remember the experience of my mother.

My mother was a divorced woman of six children in Kannapolis, North Carolina during the 1940’, 1950’s, and 1960’s. She hemmed washcloths in Cannon Plant #1 and attended a local Baptist church. It is that Baptist church during the 1950’s and its treatment of my mother that caused me to remember. While I was only a boy of only eight or so, I was old enough to hear adult talk and old enough to sense something was wrong.

A devout Christian, my mother took her six children to church twice each Sunday and every Wednesday night. She Believed and worked to make sure that her children Believed. The church we then attended accepted our presence in Sunday School and “preaching” and Training Union, and all else. However, my mother was told by church deacons that she would not be allowed to teach children Sunday School because she was a divorced woman. And, as one deacon strongly pointed out, the Bible taught against divorce, and it did not matter that my father was an abusive alcoholic who had deserted his wife and children. She was divorced, so no teaching children for her.

A few years after this ugliness, we moved to an in-town mill-hill house and began attending a Baptist church a few blocks from our new home. My mother confessed that she felt uncomfortable in a woman’s Sunday School class because she was the only divorced woman in the class, and she was often reminded of that either directly or indirectly. However, before long the church announced that an adult was needed to teach the children’s Sunday School and my mother stepped up.  Perhaps she was the only adult who volunteered to teach the class, but no matter, she began teaching the class and for the next fifty years she taught “her children” the Bible. When she retired from teaching the class, the church named the Children’s Sunday School wing in honor of her—the divorced woman who at one time was considered “unfit” to teach in her Baptist church.

All of this occurred over sixty years ago, and now, a divorced man, I have been a deacon and Sunday School teacher in a Baptist church. Some Baptist churches even have pastors who are divorced. There has been a cosmic shift and our culture survives. The issue of “divorcement” is not the only cultural change in these years, but it is the one I am most familiar with, and it demonstrates that things do change, and our culture can and does change as well. And we are no worse off for the cultural change.

For instance, many church attendees are quick to point out the sins of homosexuals. These church goers, while admitting “we are all sinners”, seem to condemn homosexuals because, as I am often told by church goers, “They continue their sinning life style.” Yet, the same church goers will admit  that every church is “Full of sinners”. But perhaps those sinners have a different favored sin than the homosexual– if one’s sexuality is a sin. In fact, I suggest we all have a favored sin, a breaking of a Commandment that we seem to gravitate to. Me? I’ve never met a woman that I have not liked, and I work at controlling that part of me, even at the advanced age of almost 75.  I once saw a church sign that read: “Don’t judge the other person because they sin differently than you do.” Amen to that.

What I find wrong in my mother’s ordeal with her first church and what she initially experienced at her second one is not what the Bible teaches, but how some deacons and church members interrupted its teachings. The Bible is a complex book that teaches simple truths such as “Love one another as I have loved you.”

All of this noise surrounding CRT, LGBT, BLM, and more will pass, but it will take its toll just as the “good deacons” did with my mother. But my mother knew that the battle was not about her, but one within each of the church leaders who were searching for an external enemy instead of looking inward, where the  greater threat stirred. Their names do not appear anywhere honoring their service to either chuch. But the divorced woman’s does.

Heart Rate and Why Important

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By David Freeze

People who exercise regularly eventually get around to paying attention to their resting heart rate. Some even use the resting heart rate as a measure of how intensely they should push themselves in the next workout.

With my recent blood infection, kidney stones and stents, I had plenty of reasons for my own resting heart rate to go haywire. Earlier in the year, I had an angiogram, a medical procedure that takes pictures of how your heart is working. But for the procedure to work, either naturally or by medication, the patient’s heart must beat at less than 55 beats per minute. Thankfully mine did, something around 52 which I was proud of.

In my most competitive years, from about age 35 to 45, I could usually keep it well under 50 and sometimes in the lower 40s. My heart and cardiovascular system were at their healthiest and strongest during that time.

What does your resting heart tell doctors and why should we pay attention? Usually at the first meeting of our beginning runners class, I ask the participants if they monitor their resting heart rate regularly. Almost none have and few remember the last time they checked. But exercise enthusiasts, on the other end of the spectrum, monitor theirs regularly. The heart is just like any other muscle, and it needs work. By getting exercise and challenging your heart, it gets stronger and gradually will take less beats to do the same work.

I tell those in the class who often struggle at first that their resting heart rate will gradually decrease as they get fitter on the way to doing a continuous 3.1 miles. The same goes for cycling, swimming and all cardiovascular sports. Even lifting weights or doing pushups will strengthen your heart when done correctly. My pushups done in the morning are harder on my heart for a short period of time than running is. Such is the basis for the popular high intensity workout programs like HIIT, short in duration but very intense in methods and practices. Sort of like the difference between running 100 yards as opposed to a distance race.

Why does the resting heart rate matter? An increase in resting rate has been linked to an increase in mortality from chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and cancer. Resting heart rate can be used as a low-cost, noninvasive way to assess risk for cardiovascular disease and the effectiveness of interventions related to physical activity. Young or old, a stronger heart and cardiovascular system will usually be linked to all kinds of positive happenings that you hear me mention often.

Other factors are connected to individual assessment like stress, smoking, alcohol consumption and body mass index. When a person who doesn’t exercise has a low resting heart, possibly the reason is a term called bradycardia, linking dizziness and shortness of breath to the low pulse.

An elevated resting heart rate of 80 bpm or higher can be an indicator of increased cardiovascular risk. The risk is most pronounced when the resting heart rate goes above 90 bpm. Resting heart rate varies by sex. Women tend to have smaller hearts and lower blood volume and hemoglobin, which means the heart needs to beat more frequently to nourish the body’s tissues.

A person’s average resting heart rate also changes throughout the lifespan, being much faster in infants and slowing by adulthood. The average ranges also change slightly as we age.

Resting heart rate can also be affected by any medications taken. For example, beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers can lower your resting heart rate below 60, while medications to treat asthma, depression, and attention deficit disorder might raise it. Be careful here!

I have always heard that the very best time to check your resting heart rate is just as you wake in the morning before getting out of bed. But any time you deem yourself completely relaxed will work. Use a good quality blood pressure meter that also records pulse rate for easy monitoring. And if you get an unusual reading, check again before any concern. I keep the batteries working in mine!

Saturday is the Bare Bones 5K at Knox Middle School benefitting Relay for Life. It is open to everyone of all abilities with more information at .

One of Us

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By Lynna Clark

My husband’s mom is one of the sweetest, funniest, most determined people I have ever met. When her son & I married, she hugged me and called me her “other daughter,” stating matter of fact, that “daughter-in-law” was not a term that fit our relationship. How kind. And she has never treated me less than her very own daughter. Her hugs are like those of her son. She wraps me in her arms and locks down so tightly that I am left breathless; partly because I am overwhelmed with being loved so much, and partly because she is squeezing the life out of me. How rare are hugs like that?

We were in the family car between the funeral home and the cemetery on the way to bury her husband. As we drove by the Krispy Kreme, she noticed the “HOT NOW” light was on. She suggested to the driver that we lead the funeral procession through the drive through. There was no disrespect to her husband of over 50 years. He was certainly used to her off-beat humor. It was her way of making us feel better.

Did I mention that she is stubborn? That is actually an understatement. Because she is in her eighties, we worry that she will do something that will hurt herself, since she doesn’t know she is too old to climb in the attic or down into the creek. She has at least enough wisdom to ask someone to come “watch her” while she puts a ladder on the creek bank so she can climb back up after situating the rocks so that water won’t pool. One spring, her son asked her several times not to climb her rickety attic stairs to retrieve seasonal items. We noticed one day, that Easter had been taken up, and summer was upon us in the decorating sense. So he went over while she was gone and put screws into the attic door so that she could not get the steps down. On the string hanging from the door, he attached a note saying, “Pull all you want. They are not coming down. Call me if you need something.” He is a lot like his mom.

She told us one day, that her favorite word in life is steadfast. She says in that word is expressed all she strives to be. And yes she is, steadfast. Throughout her life of 86 years so far, she has always been faithful, steady, strong, loving, but unwavering on the things that matter. And funny trumps stubborn any day! She goes to a contemporary church on Saturday night. If the band is especially good, they get the OK sign with a little wink that says, “Well done!” Then on Sunday mornings, she attends her traditional church and enjoys their fine choir. She loves both. I respect so much that she is wise enough to understand that we are not in competition. And she never lets age, or the opinions of others hold her back!

You may feel that because of your age, you do not have anything to give. YES YOU DO! YOU MATTER TO THE BODY OF CHRIST! Put your unique background, experience, and expertise to work for Him! And again, someone really needs to hear your story!

Lord, help us look at people like You do, each one having great worth, no matter their stage in life. Help us, no matter our age, health, or background, to realize that You have a job for us to do. Strengthen us to be steadfast, and to faithfully carry out our part in Your great plan!

More: Psalm 92:14; Job 42:12; Isaiah 46:4; Jeremiah 29:11

1 Corinthians 15:58 KJV- “Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord; forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”

PS: Our beloved Nina remained steadfast until she walked right into the arms of her Savior. Though she is no longer my neighbor, I will always think of her as one of my favorite people. She taught me so much about life and love. I miss her every day.

Stepping Back to my Past

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By Doug Creamer

            I recently received an email from a colleague at East Davidson High School. My colleague informed me that one of my former students had won a scholarship, and had mentioned me as a role model in his life during the interview process for the scholarship. My colleague wondered if I would like to come back to East and present the scholarship to him. How could I turn down that opportunity?

            East Davidson has their awards day in the gym on what is typically the hottest day of the year. I attended 18 of those events, and began to wonder if sitting in that hot gym was actually what I wanted to do. Thankfully, God had mercy on everyone and delivered a cooler day.

            After I arrived and checked in, I started to bump into old friends and colleagues. It was so wonderful to see people who I had worked alongside, and to have a few minutes to catch up. We talked about how things had changed since I retired. Some of my colleagues talked about how COVID had affected them, their families, and how they taught through it. They were all glad that things were settling down some and they were getting back to what we all remember as routines.

            I had the opportunity to personally thank a few people who served as references for my current job. I deeply appreciate their help and have great respect for the role they played in my life. I count it an honor and privilege to be considered their colleague and friend.

            When I walked into the gym to find my seat a former student waved me over to sit with him. David was also a DECA member who did very well at both the district and State DECA competitions. He graduated and is now attending N.C. State. It was wonderful to talk with him and to hear about his hopes and dreams…another Golden Eagle who is soaring.

            As David and I talked, we realized that we were both there to honor the same student. I taught Matthew when he was a freshman. He was in my Principles of Business class. His grades were outstanding, just like I heard from other teachers about his character. He always worked hard in my classroom and was a very respectful young man. Matthew stayed in contact with me after I retired because he has a dream to publish a book.

            After the ceremony I got the opportunity to talk with him. He has his college and career plans firmly in place. We shared about our lives since I retired. He is still the same respectful young man I knew when I taught him. By the time you read this in the paper, He will be another Golden Eagle soaring from the nest at East Davidson.

            Several colleagues asked if I missed East Davidson. I miss seeing my colleagues and teaching students like Matthew and David, but that chapter of my life has come to a close. I am thankful for the experiences, opportunities, and the memories that will never fade. Now I find myself on a new adventure, a new chapter that I am thoroughly enjoying.

            I think it is important for us to look back at our past. We have learned so much in our spiritual journey, and we need to remind ourselves of our victories. God wants us to have a strong faith, so He will allow us to face challenges. Our job is to remember how God helped us in the past and know and trust that He will help us through our current trials.

            It is also good to reflect back on our prayers and see the many ways and times that God has answered our prayers. Our prayers change situations and circumstances. Why? Because we have a God who delights to answer our prayers. Battles are won in prayer through persistence and perseverance. It is good to review our victories and refresh our faith in troubled times.

            I want to encourage you to look back on your life and look for the many times and ways God has come through for you in critical moments. Looking back, we can often see God’s hand guiding us through the difficult times. He is always with us. He promises never to leave or forsake us. He is always making good plans for our future. God wants us to have a good trip through life, but He knows that there will be some bumps along the way. Looking back we can see His faithfulness and that will help us trust Him as we move forward into our future.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

Open Caskets

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By Roger Barbee

In 1955 when the body of 14-year-old Emmett Till arrived home to Chicago, the only thing that identified him was a ring. His swollen body was missing teeth, an ear was severed, and an eye hung out after he had been kidnapped, tortured, shot, wrapped in barbed wire attached to a heavy fan, and dumped into the Tallahatchie River by two white men in Money, Mississippi.

His mother, Ms. Elizabeth Till-Mobley, saw the body of her only child and made a courageous decision. She told the mortician to leave her son as he was and insisted on an open casket so that all the world could see the horrific acts committed against her son by white men.

            Now, here we are all these years later and more children and their teachers have again been brutally murdered. Young, small, precious bodies in Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas so mangled by bullets that DNA is needed to identify some of them. Mutilated like the body of Emmett Till.

            The photographs we see of the victims are ones made in happier times like when a 10-year-old holds a certificate for making his school’s honor roll. Or a photograph of a smiling teacher likely taken for the school web page. Happy faces. Clean clothes. Life at its fullest. No photographs of mutilated bodies, body parts separated from their body, blood, and gore.

            Open caskets! Awful and even grotesque when they show the result of the carnage caused  against a 75-pound body by an AR-15 rifle.

            Perhaps it is time for another brave decision such as the one made by Ms. Till.

Acting on His Word

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By Ed Traut

Matthew 14:19  And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people.

  • Jesus initiated the miracle, but –
  • It was the disciples that actually distributed the food and acted out the miracle.
  • Often times it is just us acting on His word to see the miraculous in working.

Prayer:  Lord I surrender to You today that You guide me and instruct me that I can do whatever You say that I can see the miraculous power of God working.  Help me to step out always in faith.  Amen.

Ed Traut
Prophetic Life

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