Lynna’s Letter “F”

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By Lynna Clark

“For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” -2 Timothy 1:7

I used to live in fear. Even though I knew the Lord, I allowed fear to control me in every aspect of my life. Eventually I went to counseling and a very wise man pointed out this verse. For if fear is not from God, then where was it coming from? Was it of my own making? Or maybe the very pits of hell.

Hebrews 2:15 reveals that when Jesus died for us, He set us free from the fear that has kept us captive all our lives. Finally it dawned on me. Why would I choose to be a slave to fear when Christ has set me free?

Fear is a stalker and can easily rob us of rest. Instead let’s choose faith: the confidence that God truly has our best interest at heart. According to our verse for today, that is also the key to a sound mind. Wouldn’t that be nice!