A Song or a Groan

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By Ashlie Miller

Do yourself a favor and read the paper while sitting outside today. If you are close to such spectacular sounds, sit and listen to the high trill of birds. As I sat down to begin writing on my porch, the overlapping chatter of many songbirds filled the air.

Growing up, I remember hearing that birds sing to praise the Lord. Many of their calls are for basic, daily survival. However, we can observe their behavior and see that everything created can bring glory to God. As it says in Psalm 148:7-10, “Praise the Lord from the earth … small creatures and flying birds!” God made things for His glory and praise. Isn’t it remarkable that in Him receiving glory, we can enjoy the beauty and wonder of creation?

Birds sing continuously and loudly. From the early hours of first light, I can hear them rousing the neighborhood with their melodies. In the midday, I hear their symphony while I enjoy my lunch. Depending on the bird, their songs soften or increase in the evening. They are simply doing what they know to do – communicating for various reasons and needs – resulting in an echo of songs that resonate in our hearts.

We, too, can attend to our everyday activities as an offering of praise and worship when done with the joy, purpose, and acknowledgment of the work God has given us to do at that moment. We can worship continuously by ensuring that everything we do is done with all our heart as serving the Lord (see Colossians 3:23, 1 Corinthians 10:31).

Often, I am tempted to do things with a grumbling spirit, which Philippians 2:14 warns us about. I can groan and complain as I rage clean the house – “I guess if I want it done, I’ll have to do it myself!”… “Either no one sees this mess, or they think someone else will clean it up!” Or I can be thankful that I have a large family to serve, that I can serve them another day, and that one day they will be getting similar opportunities to serve selflessly. Do I always succeed? Not nearly. But I can grow a little at a time.

Imagine a day when Christians will eternally worship on a renewed earth using our abilities and interests in unfettered, non-distracted, uninterrupted ways! Our gifts and talents will resonate with beauty, adoration, and glory more purely to God – to work as we were originally intended all those years ago in the Garden of Eden as God dwells with us.

But until that day, much like the birds flitting about, singing, and chirping to our ears’ delight, I pray my daily mundane is more than a monotonous tone of duty and instead reflects gratitude and satisfaction in completing a task with joy. May it sound as lovely as a songbird and less like unsuccessful attempts to stifle grumbling.

Ashlie Miller is slowly growing past rage cleaning as she puts away the dozens of glasses and cups left out each day by her 5 children.  You may contact her at mrs.ashliemiller@gmail.com.