Choose Peace

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By Ann Farabee

Sure I have peace. Well, I have peace as long as I do not have problems. When problems arise, I sometimes initially respond a bit differently.

Depending on the severity of the problem, I either live in fear or live in faith. I sometimes tend to go with fear followed by faith, when I should go with faith followed by faith.

While in church on a recent Sunday morning, as the worship songs were being sung and hands were being lifted in praise to the Lord, I decided to focus for a moment on the congregation.

There were tears. There were voices raised in praise. Arms were lifted toward heaven. Some heads were bowed with eyes closed. Some were looking up. Some were looking down.

We were united as a congregation.

Though each of us had a different story, different problems and different circumstances, we all were choosing to not only trust in Jesus, but to also worship Jesus.

Worship can spill out like the contents of a cup and it can spew inside of us like a fountain.

Worship can be internal or external, quiet or loud.

Worship can be beautiful.

John 16:33 says that in this world we will have trouble, but we can take heart because Jesus has overcome the world.

I am so glad faith follows fear and sucks that fear right out of me.

Sometimes faith arrives like a feather floating right into my heart, and sometimes faith arrives like a tornado, sweeping in and landing right on me.

Faith is such a beautiful gift from God.

Peace is not always easy to find — especially if one is not searching for it.

Everyone may not truly want peace, but instead may choose to be in a battle.

When in a battle, we have a hope of winning.

There has to be a winner, right?

No. Not in making peace.

Peacemaking can actually produce two winners, and peacemaking is God’s way.

That lets us know that being a peacemaker should also be our way.

How to be a peacemaker?

I suggest starting with the fruit of the spirit: Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self-control.

Numbers 6:26 says that the Lord will give us peace.

Psalm 29:11 says that the Lord will give us strength and bless us with peace.

God gives us the gift of peace, and that promise is enough for me.

I choose peace.