Dealing With Depression

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By Rhonda Sassano

Yup.  Still here.  Depression is a real booger. My phone calendar, every morning, reminds me that others are wondering if I’ll be different today, better, more engaged and less distant.  

I’m trying.  

I made myself a list this morning, hopefully from the Holy Spirit… and I thought I’d share it with you.  Perhaps you’ll find something helpful in your own journey.  

  1. Make a list of things I’ve stopped doing.  Pick one to start doing again.  Add another tomorrow. Or next week. 
  2. Express thankfulness for every little thing.  Count my blessings.  Increase gratitude, in my heart, if not in my words.  
  3. Be obedient to the Holy Spirit, no matter what.  It’s the easiest way to be, literally, closer to Father. 
  4. Take care of my self—- wash my hands, brush my teeth, put stuff away, take showers, use lotion, makeup, fragrances, etc. 
  5. Engage in a creative activity that expresses my emotions.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help me acknowledge the feelings in ways that open the door for healing. 
  6. Clean / organize / plant something.
  7. Don’t give in to addictions; let the pain drive me to the Lord instead. 
  8. Speak Scripture over myself.  Read them with my name in there.  Col 1:1-17, esp 17.  Ps 1:1-3
  9. Eliminate sugar from my diet.  Yes, seriously.  Tell myself, “I hate sugar.  I hate what it does to me.  I detest sweet things because they actively worsen my health.  Sweet treats are a trick of the enemy to make my emotions feel better temporarily.”
  10. Time for quiet reflection is vital to recovering healing.  Don’t fill it with music or worship but allow sadness / grief / disappointment / fear / anger to overtake me and bring it to the Father.  Use the honesty tool and write down what Father says. Reread it to myself for 7 consecutive days. 

Remember that brokenness is painful.  But necessary for the next step.  Healing is coming.  Do my part.  Wait on the Lord.  Be of good courage and He will strengthen my heart.  And yours. 



If you are struggling with fear, anxiety, discouragement, disappointment, or depression, please reach me at  I am a certified mental health coach and would count it a privilege to walk with you in your journey to better mental health. 

“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”