Hope from Psalm 109

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By Rhonda Sassano

”Oh Father, make yourself real to me like You promised me You would. Because of Your constant love and Your heart-melting kindness, come be my hero and deliver me! I’m so broken, needy and hurting. My heart is pierced through and I’m so wounded. I’m the example of failure and shame to all who see me. They just walk by me, shaking their heads, glad I’m the one suffering and not them.  It’s the internal voices in my own head that beat me mercilessly, that mock me and insist I’m unworthy and  unloved and unloveable.  How can I escape my own thoughts?  No matter where I hide, they find me, sneaking up out of the blue and stabbing me til blood pours out.   

You have to help me, O Lord God! Idols are everywhere, and it is so convenient to allow them to distract me from my pain…  but afterwards, nothing has changed.  My heart still hurts, my circumstances are just as overwhelming.  

I cannot live here.  

No.  No longer.  No more.  Not again.  

Savior!  My true hero, come to my rescue and save me, for You alone are loving and kind.  You truly care for me and want to know my deepest wounds and ugliest scars… You felt each injury.  But Your gaze is healing ointment that burns, but purifies.  Like fire that sears but cleanses. When Your breath blows over it, the ash dissipates and a new heart is revealed, soft and pliable, the hardness gone.  I will be so changed that everyone will know it is You that has won my victory, and they will all say to the Lord, “This is Your work, only You could do this!”

I will give my thanks to you over and over, and let everyone hear my lavish praises. 

For You stand right next to me, a broken one.  You are undeterred by my weakness, and unashamed to be my Champion.  You delight in my desire for You.  You are my saving hero and You rescue me from all my accusers, even from me.  


“God is not looking for those who can but those who will.”