Always Ready

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Always Ready

            There is a group of teachers that get together before school on Wednesdays to pray. It is nice to know that there are colleagues who support and pray for each other in the workplace. I try to always be there even though sometimes I arrive a couple of minutes late. I find it to be a highlight of my week and an important spiritual boost in the middle of the week.

            Last Wednesday everything was going along as planned. I woke up and started my day as usual. I even remember thinking about the fact that is was Wednesday and I needed to get going so I could be on time for prayer group. My routine moved along at a good pace. Everything was falling into place. As I finished getting ready, I remember looking at the clock and thinking, “I wonder why I am ready so early this morning?”

            I couldn’t think of a reason why I was ready early so I decided to have some extra quiet time. I enjoyed my extra time with the Lord not realizing that I was missing prayer with my colleagues. I happily made my way to work. About half way there I realized it was Wednesday and I had just missed prayer group. I became very upset with myself. How could I have forgotten my reason for getting up early?

            I arrived at work and was making my way across the parking lot when I heard a loud crash. Several teachers turned and headed in that direction. We found three cars that were involved in a wreck. Another teacher and I made the rounds checking on the people in the vehicles and then she called for help. As the police arrived, we headed into school.

            The students picked up on the excitement and asked what was going on. I told them and they asked lots of questions. One of the students became concerned about whether someone in her family might be involved in the wreck. I told her I would walk out with her and check. Sure enough it was someone in her family. I assured her that they were alright and helped her to safely make her way over to her family member’s side.

            As I walked back into school the Lord whispered to me, “Do you see why you missed prayer today? I needed you to be someplace else.” I stopped and turned back toward my student and was so glad that I could be there for her. I thought about this as I headed back into school. Sometimes God intervenes in our lives because He needs us to be someplace where He can use us. We may not always understand, but if we are observant and available He will use us.

            I thought about Jesus; He asked the Father three times if the cross was God’s only plan, was there any other way to fix the problem. I noticed something really important about Jesus’ request for a change in plans. In each case Jesus ended His request with, “nevertheless not my will but yours be done.” While Jesus’ flesh wanted a different plan, His spirit was in submission to God’s perfect plans. Jesus went and did what the Father needed Him to do.

            Moses didn’t want to go back to Egypt and bring the people out, but God sent him and he obediently went. When Ananias was told to go and pray for Saul he didn’t want to go. He was afraid and rightfully so. But God needed him to be obedient so Saul could be raised up to do a mighty work for God. God often uses reluctant people who walk in obedience.

            I think that is the secret to being led by the spirit…obedience. God is always looking for people who will step in and bring His presence into a situation. He needs men and women who will be His light and bring His testimony into a situation. Our faithfulness will release His Spirit to work. Where His Spirit is there will be peace, joy, grace, mercy, forgiveness, and a whole list of God’s attributes. His presence will bring exactly what is needed in that moment and in that situation.

            I want to encourage you to look around and be alert, especially when you find yourself in unexpected circumstances. God might have a plan that includes using you in that situation. He may want your light to shine to show people the way. His plan may include using you to encourage and strengthen someone in need. When we live alert and ready we can be sure God will provide opportunities for us.


Doug Creamer has two books at Amazon: The Bluebird Café & Revenge at the Bluebird Café. Contact him at