Times of Refreshing

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After coming back from a refreshing time at the beach, we had many things that needed our attention around the house. We have worked our way through the laundry pile and tried to catch up on the watering. Even getting back to some of the routines of life hasn’t tarnished too greatly the sense of refreshment I had when I left the beach.

Where are all the summer scattered showers and thunderstorms? I don’t think we have had a shower in over two weeks here. The last band of showers that pushed through didn’t give us a drop. We did get quite a bit of wind, which gave us a pleasant gift from heaven.

I don’t ever recall having several cool days in July. The air was humidity-free, the temperatures were delightful, and the northerly breeze was refreshing. I worked in the yard all day on Saturday, which my muscles reminded me about on Sunday. Even Sunday was a great day. I read in the shade of the trees for a while and even did a little more yardwork.

I sat outside late in the evening and early in the morning. I ate my lunches outside. I just couldn’t get enough of that cool, refreshing air. I am not naïve; I know that summer’s heat has returned to stay, but those couple of days were awesome. I was enjoying the cool air so much that I didn’t mind weeding…I didn’t say I liked it, just didn’t mind it.

I recently wrote about being refreshed at the beach. I think we all find a sense of refreshment when we are away from the routines of life. When we can rest, do enjoyable things, eat delicious food, and connect with those we love, refreshment has a way of washing over us. But I believe there are other ways to be refreshed.

I know that many churches hold revival services. This is when we bring in a guest speaker who brings words of encouragement and challenge to stir us deeply in our spirits. Spending several evenings in church listening to the word of God being taught will almost always revive the spirit. The word of God is like living water flowing in and through us which undoubtedly will renew us from the inside out.

The Bible teaches us that repentance can also bring renewal and revival. I am not sure whether repentance breeds revival or revival brings repentance, but all I know is the end result is a refreshed spirit. I have been praying for revival for our land for longer than I can remember. I know that when people repent from their sinful ways, God washes over the people taking away the blight of sin and the pain of guilt, which in every case will refresh the soul.

Some may think that they really don’t need to repent, but God’s word teaches us that none of us is free of sin. There are many good people out in the world that I have had the pleasure of knowing, but they still sin. We need the redemptive power of Jesus’ blood to turn us from sinners into the sons and daughters of God. There is nothing more refreshing than seeing a sinner become born again. When we are born again we are fresh, clean, and redeemed. Jesus paid a high price so we could be refreshed and set free.

Whatever trial you are facing, whatever trouble you are in, I know someone who has all the answers. He is humble and gentle and cares more about your situation than you do. He is filled with forgiveness, hope, and the strength you need to overcome every obstacle and set you free. He loves you more than you can imagine. He will never turn His back on you, never give up on you. He knows the pains of your past and wants to bring healing and peace. All you need to do is turn around and call out His name because if you do…He will come running to you.

I want to encourage you to turn around and call out to the savior Jesus who stands ready to receive your broken life because He can make it brand new. It doesn’t matter if you are young or old, Jesus accepts all. Think of the criminal on the cross, he had nothing to offer but an eternity with Jesus to receive. The free gift of God which includes unbelievable love, complete forgiveness for your past, a peace that goes beyond understanding, and times of deep refreshing are waiting for you. I encourage you to ask the living God, He will not disappoint you.

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

She Might Be Wicked

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I keep a list in the front of my Bible. The title is “Nutshell Verses.” If you’re not into wisdom, stop reading here. Just kidding. Have you noticed the newest tactic to get you to sign up for emails you don’t want? They’ll pop up a message which has choices like “YES! I want to receive a zillion emails about products I don’t use.” Or “NO! I do not like saving the earth and baby bunnies.”

Annyyywayyy, most of these nutshell portions of Scripture start with words like “Above all else,” or “This is what the Lord requires of you.” In other words, it’s usually a short list that will greatly enhance our lives. One of my favorites says: “If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace and work to maintain it.”

This little secret to enjoying life is so valuable that the Lord included it in both the Old and New Testaments. [Psalm 34:12-16 and 1 Peter 3:10-11]

It even comes with a promise. Both passages add, “For the eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and His ears are open to their prayers. But the Lord turns His face against those who do evil.”

Are we wise enough to recognize evil when we see it? I think so… at least some of the time.

The following true story comes with a disclaimer. Please don’t think that I am crazy enough to believe that David and I are holy. How ridiculous would THAT be! We don’t even volunteer for Kid’s Club at church. Everybody knows that’s where the holy people are.

Anyway, years ago we bought a house. It was full, in some rooms from floor to ceiling with almost seventy five years of junk.

I know… probably not our wisest move. But it had a great porch and was right beside our church. Every time we’d make a little headway cleaning out the old place, the former owner would stop by, barge in and want stuff that she had not been able to see before we uncovered it. One day, David told her no. He latched the screen door and would not let her in. [We had closed on the house two months earlier.]

Merciful heavens she was hot! I seriously expected fire to leap from the bowls of hell and consume the man. If she’d had her way, David would be a smoking pile of ashes right now.

Later our sweet pastor’s wife innocently commented. “She might be wicked.”

I tipped my head at the understatement. Then I realized. We weren’t just dealing with a disgruntled person. We were actually in the presence of evil. I hadn’t recognized it. Therefore I had no idea how to deal with it.

Has evil ever knocked on your door? Did you recognize her?* Does she speak words of fear, temptation, anger, or lies?

Latch the door. Turn away. Pursue peace.

She may swear at you, stamp her foot, pound on the door and demand her way. But if you truly desire good days, ignore her little tantrum. Maybe have a bowl of ice cream or call your lawyer to draw up a polite letter.

She has no place in your life. You owe her nothing. In a nutshell, turn from evil. Seek peace. God watches over those who do right. His ears are open to your prayers.

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