So, Why Can’t Everyday Be Like Christmas

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By David Freeze

    I often wonder if others get as excited about every new day as I do. I just came back in from a Sunday run, amazed that I got to see one of those sunrises filled with reds, blues and oranges. That sight was awe inspiring, but I wouldn’t have seen it without getting up at 4:40am, running the right route and finishing just at the right time. Within minutes, the awesome sunrise had clouded over.

    I mentioned getting up at 4:40am. Some days, I can’t even wait that long. Two things have happened to my day as I’ve gotten older. I go to bed later and I have continually pushed my get up time earlier. It isn’t always when I wake up because the alarm does break the silence on some mornings. Still, on most days, I am already awake by the planned “get out of bed” time.

    What makes the early mornings happen is the excitement for the upcoming day. I remember one Christmas morning when I was about 12. There was a good chance that a real bicycle of my own was going to be under the tree, or at least in the same room. Just on the other side of one door, the magic of Christmas waited. I hardly slept that night and finally at some point had to get up and look. What I found was a brand new Schwinn bicycle, all shiny and ready for all the joy it could bring. I didn’t know how to ride but anticipation of learning was another joy ahead.

     Over the years, I began to seek those days with something special on the agenda. Including those made by others as much as driven by me. The best ones come with maybe a little missed sleep filled with anticipation with what might happen. Others are surprises, just like the sunrise this morning.

    In just the last few days, here are a few examples. Our local running club culminated months of planning Wednesday with the announcement that a check for over $13,000 would be presented to Rowan Helping Ministries, our local homeless shelter. One of my favorite young runners just scored 1,000 points in her high school basketball career. And my YMCA basketball team, 5th and 6th graders, just finished their season yesterday with huge improvement and many lessons learned over a 10 week season. Today, I saw the sunrise.

    Those few days of excitement should lead to more. In fact, I will do my best to make it so. My new granddaughter is coming to visit tomorrow afternoon, with no particular agenda. That’s right after I get to work with three of my wellness clients who are seeking better health. Interaction with them is always fun. Mixed in is a produce delivery to Partners in Learning, something that I started years ago in hopes of improving the diet of day care kids and staff.

     There is much to do. We’re planning a much improved walking and running track at one of our area parks. The pieces are coming together. And an annual fundraiser called Love They Neighbor is well underway to benefit a young mother with colon cancer.

      Back to the early mornings, why does it work for me? Years ago, as a young dad, I remember getting up at 5:30 am nearly every day. Since then, my mornings consistently get earlier. And people seem to marvel at that. I don’t understand why. I want more of those experiences described above. As much for experiences received as for gifts I can give. Fitting them in with my daily exercise and work responsibilities have driven the earlier wake-up time. I’ll take the trade!

    I recently came across a forgotten Bible verse that backs these thoughts. From those to whom much is given, much is expected! Luke 12:48. Count me in Lord, I’ll do what I can.

     All this from a guy with two small year-round Christmas trees, one upstairs and one down. Yes, the lights stay on full time. As for me, I’m going to celebrate Christmas every day!

The Valentine

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By Ann Farabee

On that day, most teen girls at my high school were looking for – or hoping for – a valentine. I was no exception. Throughout the school day – nothing. Hope had begun to dwindle, even though I had been ‘dating’ someone for a few months.

I got home from school. Walked in the front door.

There it was!

A box. A really big box. A really really big box. It seemed to fill the room.

Pink gift wrap covering it. Red bows draping over it. Red ribbons from side to side. Red ribbons from top to bottom.

The box was much taller than this young girl – as I stood there staring up with an incredulous look on my face.

That box was for me!

And there he was – the boyfriend – stepping out from inside the box.

My valentine had been personally delivered.

I suppose a lot of people had gotten chocolate, roses, or both – but I had been given the memory of a lifetime.

I may have been handed chocolate and roses, but I really do not remember.

It was all about the box – the big box.

It was half a century ago, and now I somehow see it more clearly than I did then.

I think of a teen boy:

Wanting to give a special gift.

Getting the courage to tell his parents his idea.

Looking for – and attaining – a refrigerator box.

Using his money from a part-time job to buy a ton of gift wrap, bows, and ribbons.

Getting the courage to tell my parents his plan.

Struggling to wrap a refrigerator box and finish it off with ribbons and bows.

Waiting at my home with my parents for me to arrive.

Valentines is the sweetest, isn’t it?

I feel sure I had never even dreamed at that moment that I would be celebrating February 14 for many years to come with thousands of students over many many years of teaching.

It has never gotten old.

Beautiful fancy cards that were practically embellished with jewels.

Cards stating, “You blow me away!” with a blow-pop attached.

Or “I chews you,” with gum attached.

Or, “You rock!” with pop rocks attached.

Boxes of candy hearts.

Boxes of chocolate.


Cupcakes. Ahh… the cupcakes.

Handwritten love notes slipped secretly onto my desk..

I wish I had saved every single one.

I wonder if they would fill the refrigerator box had I saved it.

My mother handing me a box of chocolates when I was just a little girl.

My children slipping me a valentine they made secretly in their rooms.

My husband handing me a card and telling me he loves me.


Please tolerate my moment of nostalgia for February 14.

I leave you with the words of this special song from the Beatles:

All you need is love.

All you need is love.

All you need is love, love.

Love is all you need.

Happy Valentines Day.

I love you.

Make a memory.

Hold it in your heart… forever.

Ann is a speaker and teacher. Contact her at or

Eagle Scout

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By Doug Creamer

            I went to my mailbox a few weeks ago to collect the routine deposits. There were bills and some junk mail. One letter that looked like junk mail required a closer inspection. The letter had a return address label with the Eagle Scout emblem on it. I looked at the name and saw that it was a former student’s last name. I stopped in my tracks and opened the letter right there.

            The letter was from a former student’s parents. They were inviting me to their son’s Eagle Court of Honor. It was an honor to be invited and I immediately made plans to attend. I recently learned that only four percent of boys who join scouting will become Eagle scouts.

            A couple of days before the ceremony, I began digging around to find my gear from scouting days. I still have my uniform with the Eagle patch on my shirt. I was a member of Troop 66 in Virginia Beach, which was a large and active troop.

            I found my sash with the merit badges attached. Then there was my skill awards belt. There were several neckerchiefs and a couple of hats. Then there were a pile of patches from various places. I always got a patch for summer camp, a week hiking camp called the High Knoll Trail, and various jamboree patches.

            When I was digging through all this stuff the memories of my time in the Boy Scouts flooded my mind. I think the camping trips and the summer camps were the best times of my young life. I remember many nights around a campfire, telling stories and participating in skits.

            I remember the many leaders who gave of their time and energy to help me grow up and become a responsible citizen. They invested themselves and they left their imprints on my life. I am the man I am today because of the men who believed in me and invested in me as a Boy Scout. I earned my Eagle Scout and I am thankful to all the people who encouraged me along the way.

            I went to Grace Lutheran Church in Thomasville on Sunday to see Ethan Moore (my former student) and JD Lawson receive their Eagle Scout awards. I am so proud of these two young men and their great accomplishments. It was great to see them surrounded by their scouting family and the church family as they received this high honor.

            I talked with Ethan before and after the ceremony. We looked at each other’s sashes which had our merit badges on them. We swapped a few summer camp stories. He went to the Boy Scout camp in Virginia right across the lake from the one I went to when I was in scouting. Then he told me about his Eagle project: building an outdoor chapel.

            I congratulated his parents and headed out. Before leaving, I walked down to the outdoor chapel that Ethan had made and sat quietly for a few moments, awash in memories again of my own scouting days. I led Sunday morning devotions on numerous scouting trips. Wonderful memories flood my mind even now as I write this column.

One of the biggest lessons that scouting teaches a person is that you can’t do it alone. Teamwork, reliability, and dependability are strong values taught to every scout. These same qualities are critical to our spiritual walks. No one was meant to walk out their faith alone. We need leaders and mentors who will advise and encourage us as we walk along the path of life. Boy Scouts break troops into patrols: small groups. Churches offer the same thing through Sunday school classes and home groups where you can participate, contribute, and connect.

            Scouting teaches boys to be trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, clean, and reverent. Doesn’t that sound like a good church member? These character qualities help to prepare us to welcome the lost or those who are searching and help them connect to a life-changing God. It’s not just the pastors; it’s the greeters, ushers, choir members, Sunday school teachers, elders, and every member who can make a difference.

            In the Great Commission Jesus calls each of us to take the message of His love to the world. I want to encourage you to be prepared to do your part in your church, your community, your place of work, your school, and in your sphere of influence. We need each other in the church to complete our spiritual journey. The world needs us as the church to be the light that will lead them to a personal relationship with our loving Heavenly Father.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or

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