What’s Wrong With Your Hands?

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By Ann Farabee

I remember the moment vividly. After retiring from 30 years of teaching, I worked part time as a math coach in elementary schools. Sitting alongside a young student one day, my focus was to help him discover subtraction. But his focus went elsewhere, as he said, “What’s wrong with your hands?”

I looked.

I saw nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

He kept staring. Then he said, “They have lines in them.”

I looked. They did have lines in them. A lot of lines.

I stared at them.

For I began to remember:

They were the hands that I used as a little girl — climbing trees, playing school, playing games in the back yard.

They were the hands that I used to learn to write with — and began to understand the power in knowledge.

They were the hands that were guided by others throughout my childhood years. Parents, teachers, mentors, friends, those in the church. I learned to do things. I learned about life. I learned about love.

They were the hands that worked tirelessly since I was 16: Roses, McDonalds, Pizza Inn, a cafeteria, and have taught thousands during my years as a teacher.

They have cooked, cleaned, done laundry, made needed purchases — and a whole lot more — so that my home could be a place of love, life, comfort, and joy for my family.

They were the hands that I reached out with to minister to others.

And the hands that I held out as others ministered to me.

They were the hands that held onto some things I did not want to let go — but knew I must.

They were the hands with which I have turned the pages of my Bible.

I feel with them. Touch with them. I give and accept with them.

Grab things with them — sometimes just in the nick of time.

They are hands I held out as I made commitments. Some were kept. Some were not.

Hands that held my baby girl. Hands that held my baby boy. Hands that changed diapers. Hands that reached out to my babies as they learned to walk — and comforted them when they fell.

Hands that wiped away their tears of sadness, failure, disappointments, and joy as my children began their own journeys through life.

The same hands that held my children then became hands that held their children.

The hands that now are used in raising my grandsons as my own.

They are the hands that held onto family members and loved ones that I watched slip away into eternity.

They are the hands that I have lifted in prayer and praise to God.

The word hand or hands is in the Bible almost 2,000 times.

The mind and the heart get much attention — but the hands — should not be overlooked.

For they do the work.

Some day, these hands will be held by a ‘carpenter’ named Jesus, who has nail prints in His hands. The hands that He held out willingly as he offered them to die on the cross for my sins.

What’s wrong with my hands?

I am not sure how I responded to the little guy that day, but his words sure have filled my heart with joy as I ponder that question on this day.

I now have an answer for him:

Nothing, buddy. As a a matter of fact, there is a whole lot right with my hands.

Don’t Miss It

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By Doug Creamer

            I was driving out of town the other morning, along a familiar route. It was the route I took every day for work. My mind was on other things, and my car was on autopilot. Then something snapped my attention back to the present. That’s when I looked at my surroundings.

            Every house on that road has dogwoods in their front yards. The dogwoods were coming out, their white and pink blooms exploding. It was a sight that renewed my soul. I loved seeing the dogwoods every spring on this road. I don’t drive down that road everyday now, so I didn’t realize that I was missing this wonderful sight.

            I drove down another road and saw several yards full of azaleas in every imaginable color. I wish somehow that my camera could capture the wonder and beauty of nature as she begins to wake up each spring. We have several Japanese maples in our yard and they are wonderful to watch as they put out their first leaves.

            There are pansies, violas, daffodils, and tulips, all of which can be seen from my front porch. While out driving I’ve seen iris blooming, too. I have seen a few neighbors putting out their annuals. It is so good to see everything coming back to life.

            That’s the point of what I am writing. With all that is happening in the news, I mean with the corona virus, I am afraid we will miss what is happening right outside our windows. Maybe God is allowing us to have such an early spring to help us. He knew that we were going to need some hope, so He sent an early spring.

            I went for a walk the other evening, and besides taking in all the spring beauty I noticed something else. I heard so many birds singing. It actually made me stop for a moment to take in all the different songs I was hearing. As I began to look around, I saw the birds in the trees.

            As I continued my walk, I saw more and more signs of spring that literally surrounded me. The more I looked upon the beauty, the more my soul felt refreshed. My spirit was renewed as I shed off my worldly concerns and immersed myself in the beauty of His creation. In doing so, I felt the joy of the Lord deep down in my soul.

            It is so easy to allow the cares of the world to squash the joy and the presence of the Lord right out of our spirits. When you think about it, it comes down to a choice. We choose how much news we watch and when we turn it on and off. I believe it is important to be aware of what is happening. But we are choosing to take in less. The little bit we take in can still feel overwhelming, so we have to work at thinking about other things.

            I have consciously chosen to think about good things. I love to work in my yard. I am going to start planning and working on my garden. I am going to look for good news, like the fact that some of the schools in China are beginning to open again. I am going to read and watch some funny things; we all need to laugh. I started a novel the other day. I need to think about the author’s created world.

            My pastor talked about another choice. I am going to choose to live by faith, not in fear. The facts in the news can create a sense of fear. I want to be up-to-date with the facts, but I don’t want them to imprison me in fear. I want to live wise, like washing my hands and practicing social distancing, but not afraid, because God is with me and protecting me. I want to meditate on the goodness and faithfulness of God. I want to pray for family, friends, and fellow church members for more things than protection from the virus.

            I want to encourage you to let your light shine during this dark time. People need to see the difference that Christ makes in our lives. People need to see the hope and faith that is in our soul. We have the answer. I encourage you to make choices that will help your head and heart be firmly planted on the Rock of Jesus Christ. He is our hope and in Him there is no reason to be afraid. Don’t miss that.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

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