By Pastor Vic
Broken, Needing Repair
By Doug Creamer
My dryer needed some repairs. They weren’t urgent, but they needed to get done. I have the ability to do some repairs. My nephew has a power washer that needed some repairs and I was able to do that. But for many things, I call my brother. He just has this amazing ability to understand how things work and what part needs to be replaced.
In the case of my dryer, I knew what part was broken, but I had no idea how to repair it. My brother found some YouTube videos that explained exactly what to do, step-by-step. After watching the videos, I still wanted his help. In the end, I am really glad my brother came over because I am pretty sure I wouldn’t have been successful on my own.
My brother has always been great at fixing things. He says that now with the help of YouTube videos he is willing to try just about anything. I think many videos make it look easier than it really is because they are professionals. There are certain tricks to every trade that can make tasks easier. There are also people, like my brother, who seem more mechanically inclined.
Almost all plumbing projects are a nemesis to me. I always end up with a little container under the joint to catch the drip when I am done. I recently replaced the faucet in a bathroom and I just can’t seem to get it to stop dripping. After multiple attempts, I discovered a leak in the hose. Hopefully, a new hose will solve the problem.
When things break, I will sometimes make an attempt to fix them. Often I like to find someone with the knowledge to get things going again. Through the years I have had my brother and some friends fix things for me, but sometimes they think we need to get a professional. Sometimes things do require a professional to get it done right and safely.
We all get knocked down at times in life. When that happens, we treat it like something around the house that needs repairs. We pull ourselves back up by our own boot straps. Most of us don’t like asking for help. It’s a form of pride. I got knocked down and I will get back up.
For many things in life, we can do that. Then there are times that we need to lean on family and friends. I have some neighbors and friends who have been in the hospital for extended periods of time. When they got home, they needed lots of help. Family and neighbors brought food and offered whatever help was needed.
When people are going through grief, I struggle to know what to do to help. I have been told by many that the best thing to do is be there and let them talk. I can sit and listen, but it feels so inadequate. When we go through seasons of grief, we need each other.
Addiction is another situation where people find their lives are broken. The trouble with addiction is that the person has to admit to themselves that they are hooked on something. When a person gets to that point, then they can begin the steps to recovery, with the help of others.
In every situation in life, it takes faith and knowing that Jesus will walk with you through whatever you face. He promises to never leave you or forsake you. When the religious leaders of Jesus’ day asked why he was hanging around with broken and sinful people, he replied that it’s the sick who need a doctor. He said God desires that we show mercy to others more than making sacrifices to Him.
I think Jesus wants us to be His hands and feet when we see people who are broken and in need. I often don’t know what to do or say to help. Jesus made Himself available with no condemnation, just plenty of love and mercy. He often extended forgiveness, which helps to begin the process of deep inner healing. His words were kind and gentle. He was moved by His compassion. People found hope and acceptance in His eyes.
I want to encourage you to consider how you might be God’s ambassador, His representative, His hands and feet to the people He has placed in your life. Sometimes the simplest favors, a few kind words, or a shoulder to cry on can spark hope and faith. Taking a moment to listen and show compassion can unveil God’s love. I wonder how different our world would be if we all lived with more understanding, love, care, mercy, and compassion?
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or
Pizza on Trees Video
By Ann Farabee
It is Enough
By Lynna Clark
David made my favorite breakfast this morning. He cubed leftover boiled potatoes and browned them to make home fries. Beside those were scrambled eggs with cheese. As we enjoyed our feast I made yummy noises and commented. “I LOVE Thursdays!
He smiled back at me and said, “I love YOU!”
Next thing I know, I’ve covered my face in my hands and tears are dripping into my eggs. The man is just too good. I’m in so much pain these days that he does everything for me. He knows my heart but I still tried to explain. “It makes me so mad that I can’t do the things I want to… like work in the yard, and cook, and clean. I’ve always enjoyed keeping house and raising kids and working in the school office. Now I’m too weak to do ANYTHING!”
He was quiet but his eyes brimmed over with enough sympathy that I could hear his words. “Honey I can’t do the things I used to either. Neither one of us can do what we DID. So we just do what we DO. We’re in a different stage of life. That doesn’t mean that the things we do now are not important.”
I thought on his words. I guess I’m not the only one who used to be busy from dawn to dusk. The clock went off at 5:15am for so many years that it took forever to get used to NOT getting up at the crack of dawn. Oh I still wake up around then. But now I waddle to the potty then climb back into bed. It’s really not such a terrible life.
But my strength is so small.
I suppose there are very few times in our lives when we have great strength and faith to move mountains. How much do we really need? Maybe that’s why the Lord reminds us that all we really need is a speck… a drop… even as small as a mustard seed. According to His Word, that is enough. He gets the best glory when we rely on His strength anyway.
Today, I have just enough faith to lift feeble hands toward heaven and cry out to my loving Father. “I want to do more Lord. But for now, apparently this is enough. For if I needed more, You would give it.”
To me He whispers this reminder from Psalm 37- “Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him and He will help you. Be still in the presence of the Lord and wait patiently for Him to act.”
Beloved Reader: May the God of all comfort strengthen you to do what you can. Then rest in His great love and know… It is enough.
Memorable Moments
By David Freeze
A different location still brought out a crowd of 292 participants for Rowan’s best known race. The dairy cows lined up to watch the runners as many of them made rare visits to the rural countryside. Here are some of my own special memories from last week’s 38th annual event.
A total of 55 volunteers worked the event while participants came from five states.
Hope Julian, 11, from China Grove, won the women’s 5K with a sizzling 22 minutes and 5 seconds.
Molly Nunn, from Clemmons, has won the women’s 8K multiple times and did again at 30:17, the same time as last year. She won $125, a portion of which she donated back to the race and plans to use the rest to help purchase a new pair of shoes for her training partner from Winston-Salem.
Lisa Deaton of Charleston, S.C., shows off her age group medal and hoodie from last Sunday’s Winter Flight. Deaton and friend, Michael Liebowitz, flew to the race. Submitted photo.
Matthew Martin, another China Grove finisher, beat his brother Jonathan by 5 seconds to win the 8K in 24:55. Those finishes were special enough but both Martins got a memorable treat. Matthew said, “Our grandma is Anna Martin and her memory has gotten pretty bad plus she physically can’t get around very well. But she is pretty healthy. Our dad brought her with the intention of getting as close to the finish line as possible so that she could see us finish the race. The plan was also to leave her in the car while keeping her away from folks due to COVID. It worked out perfectly that she got to see us finish from the comforts of my dad’s car. We are extremely thankful for the firemen/volunteers that they were able to clear a spot for her to spectate. We’re glad she got to come because it’s been a while since she has seen us race. We always enjoy Winter Flight and we’ll be back next year!”
Mrs. Martin and her son arrived a little late to the race after the road was blocked by the firefighters because the runners would finish a short distance away. Those Locke firefighters found out about Mrs. Martin just as someone moved their car from a spot at the finish line. They made a way to get her car to that perfect spot just as her grandsons finished in front of her while winning the race. West Rowan Fire Department also worked the event.
As the area’s best runners, the Martin brothers are training hard to beat the course record at the Myrtle Beach Marathon on March 6.
Lisa Deaton and her friend Michael Liebowitz of Charleston, S.C., fly to a race on as many weekends as possible. Last Sunday, they landed at the Mid Carolina Regional Airport and took a loaner car to the race site on Sloan Road. We talked on Tuesday morning as Lisa shared her report on the race and much more.
Lisa knows her stuff because she directs the Race the Landing 5K in Charleston and has for eight years. Lisa also is an excellent runner, winning her 5K age group Sunday in 23:05 at age 56. But as one serious runner and race director to another, I was focused on her words as she described her first Winter Flight experience. Both Lisa and Michael are pilots and Michael owns the plane, a Cirrus SR22 that’s special because the plane has its own parachute. Lisa said, “We love coming to N.C. better than any other state. I have family in Statesville and our favorites are the Outer Banks and this area. I’m a flatlander so the hills were tough but well worth the great course. Where did you get all those smiling, gracious and kind volunteers? And the race was COVID perfect! We just liked everything about the appealing race including the cows and the little colored dots on the race bib signifying our wave start.”
It takes a while to put this event to bed for another year, just as it takes months of planning to have it. Rowan Helping Ministries will receive a check for more than $10,000 and the runners, walkers and volunteers went home with a great experience.
The next race is the always well-organized event at Centenary Methodist Church’s Will Run for Food 5K on Feb. 27. Look for it and other upcoming events at .
Pizza on Trees
By Ann Farabee
Teaching Sunday school to 6-8 year-olds was so much fun! I mean, how do you have greater moments in life than to have a child interrupt your well-planned lesson to ask you if there is Kool-Aid in heaven? The ensuing discussion led them to determine that God would give us pizza on trees if we wanted it.
We would begin class with prayer requests, and sometimes as I prayed aloud I would say, “God speak to us.”
But one day, I guess a little guy had heard that one time too many. He blurted out, “I don’t hear God!”
A girl in the class was not pleased with his interruption, so she yelled at him, “Why don’t you listen?”
After further — and calmer — discussion, it was determined that some of the ways God speaks to us are through others, through nature, through reading our Bibles, and in our hearts.
The heart concept was a tough one for them, since they were concerned about what they called the ‘Valentine-shaped’ object in their bodies being spoken to by God. We all eventually agreed that God speaking to our hearts meant that he spoke to us in our minds and in our spirits.
They definitely left class that day determined to start listening for God’s voice.
Isaiah 48:16 tells us that God’s message has been told clearly and plainly — not in secret.
Isaiah 48:17 tells us that God teaches us and leads us in the way we should go.
The first part of Isaiah 48:18 says, “O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments!” It ended with an exclamation mark, too, so obviously it was spoken with emotion. My interpretation of it would be something like, “Why don’t you listen?”
How does listening to God’s commands help?
How would listening to God’s commands change a situation?
The last part of Isaiah 48:18 tells us:
We would have peace as a river.
We would have righteousness as the waves of the sea.
Peace as a river can mean an abundant full flowing river that spills over onto the banks with blessings of every kind.
Righteousness as the waves of the sea can mean unfailing, seemingly boundless strong but gentle movement, with goodness, fairness, and honor that cannot be measured.
I call those beautiful promises from God!
All we have to do is listen!
By the way, there may be pizza on trees in heaven. You never know…
Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or
God is Creative
By Doug Creamer
I admit that I am obsessed with weather. It might be more than a hobby for me. I look at the models daily to watch upcoming storms. I am always amazed at how radically a model can change from one run to another. One run can show a snowstorm, the next there won’t be a storm, and then there’s a rainstorm. It reminds me how difficult it must be to forecast weather.
What is interesting to realize is that a weather model only shows what happened in similar circumstances in the past. No two weather events are exactly the same. You may get a nice rain shower this time, but last time you had flooding rain. Last time you got snow, this time you get sleet and freezing rain. Each weather event is unique.
I was pondering this as I looked at the weather models this morning. In predicting the weather for the future, we examine what happened in the past to develop our expectations for the future. Sometimes our predictions are correct, and sometimes they are wrong. This can happen in any area of life. If you are scheduled to play an undefeated athletic team the obvious prediction would be that you will lose. The reality is that undefeated team will at some point be defeated. Who’s to say whether or not you might be the victor?
I think the same thing can be applied to our spiritual walk. Just because God acted a certain way in the past does not mean that He will act exactly the same in this situation. Some people may argue that the Bible teaches us that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The Bible is true. God’s character is the same, but He will approach situations and people in unique ways to accomplish His purpose.
Think about children and discipline. Some children only require a look or simply one word, and they will get back in line. Other children can be told not to do something and they just keep on doing it, even if they get punished. Parents in those cases have to learn how to adapt their discipline to get their children to comply. It can also depend on whether this is the first time you are being told, or the fifth. I know that most principals that I worked for treated the first offence much differently than the fifth.
So why would we think that God can only work in the exact same way He acted before? Sometimes God wants to test our obedience. This time put the singers and musicians in the front if you want to win the battle. Another time, you engage the warriors from the city and then start to run. When they follow you out of the city another group of men ambush the city from behind, and the victory will be yours. Another plan might be for a shepherd boy with faith and a few small stones who will defeat a giant.
Jesus demonstrated the same thing in His ministry. For one man He simply spoke and the blind man received his sight. For another, Jesus spat and made mud and spread it on the man’s eyes. He then had to go to a specific place to wash. Jesus did different things with different people. My point being that He didn’t do it the same every time.
We have to understand that we serve a very creative God. He wants our love and obedience. He will go to great measures and approach us in many different ways to get our attention. I try to listen and obey, but sometimes I fail. Thankfully, I haven’t needed a donkey to speak to me and tell me I was going in the wrong direction. When we put limits on how we think God is going to act then we might miss what He is doing.
I am expecting God to do great things this year. After last year, I imagine we all want to see Him do wonderful things. That means that I have to be open, available, and obedient if I hope to see God’s marvelous and powerful hand at work in and through my life.
I want to encourage you to raise your expectations that God is going to do something wonderful in your life. Next, I encourage you to take your limits off God. Be willing to see Him move in ways you never expected. He is creative and He deals with each person as an individual. God is good, and we can expect good things from Him. Let’s allow our creative God to move in His own unique ways.
Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or
Be Easy Video
By Ann Farabee