Let’s Stop Here!

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Do you remember traveling as a kid? Do you remember looking out the window and asking your parents to stop at some fun place along the way? Well, you will relate to Steve Hartman’s story today… ENJOY!!!

Message in a Seashell

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By Ashlie Miller

The frequent reader may recall my beach entries from last summer and know I relish combing the beach for all sorts of treasures. I have stories for many of them. My brother and I often send each other photos of the most significant or rarest shark tooth one of us has found. He has an excellent display of them in his home. Jars of shells, sea glass, and shark teeth adorn my bathroom counters, porch tables, and various shelves. My children have also picked up the hobby. At the end of a day on the beach, they spread out their findings and share how they discovered them. 

Earlier this year, our super middle son (the one smack in the middle of our five) revealed a seashell he had found. At first glance, I was confused about why my teen thought a broken shell with no remarkable features was worth saving. There was nothing noteworthy in the coloring or size. The shell itself was mostly broken, the sort you usually toss back upon realizing it is incomplete. Sensing my perplexity, he flipped over to the underside of the shell. Written all across the shell was a Bible verse. Though part of the verse was missing – a casualty of the sea – years of memorizing scripture brought the entire verse to mind: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law. – Galatians 5:22-23.”

Unfortunately, the shell broke further in transport on our trip home. A little glue and thoughtfulness enabled my son to put the pieces back together. I think about that shell – the brokenness of it, yet the words allowing us to put it back together. The words “joy, kindness, gentleness, self-control” look up at us as a testimony to its journey.

Our lives can be that way, too. Some of the most beautiful people I know are more than merely resilient under challenging seasons. When storms arise, and the breakers almost shatter them, joy, kindness, peace, and more are present. Is this a natural response because of their personality? Does it just come with age, maturity, and weathering many storms? A closer look on the flip side reveals a relationship with God and an indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

The fruit of the Spirit is quite different from our natural inclinations. In Galatians 5 (verses 19-21), we see works (or evidence) of the flesh. Left to our own devices, that is what naturally displays in forms of self-obsession or self-preservation. These are the common reactions we see among most people under the stress of life. 

When I am under stress, and those breakers crash me into the rock, do I see it as a time to fall apart and lean into myself and my flesh, or does the strength of the Holy Spirit lift me from drowning in the depths of despair, rising above the waves with a message of hope? As others walk by and catch a glimpse of our real lives, recognizing there is more to it than they see on the surface, can they see a supernatural response emanating?

I am thankful for the many examples I have witnessed -the ones who never catch a break, for whom trials come in threes (or more!), yet display remarkable character and fruit.

Ashlie Miller, her husband, and their five children, look forward to days at the coast this summer to hunt for more treasures. You may contact her at mrs.ashliemiller@gmail.com.

Who Paid for You?

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By Doug Creamer

            I woke up this morning and stumbled my way into the kitchen. I started to get things out for breakfast. I was washing some blueberries when I woke up fast. I looked out the window at my storage building, which had parts of a tree on top of it and a huge branch lying on the ground beside it. I could see pieces of the siding blowing lazily in the breeze. There was definitely some damage, I just couldn’t tell how much from the house.

            I ate my breakfast and went out to see what had happened. A huge limb from high in a tree had snapped in the storm from the previous evening and hit my storage building. Thankfully, it rolled off onto the ground. It left behind quite a mess. The main structure of the building is fine, but there is cosmetic damage to the side and some roof damage. My plans for the day had definitely changed.

            While I have a mess to clean up, I find myself thankful that the damage isn’t worse. It could have destroyed the roof and broken trusses. And yes, the plans for my day have changed, but my home and building with its contents are both okay. We are both okay. Messes can be cleaned up and buildings fixed. God is good.

            The damage and mess I have to clean up are nothing compared to the day that this commemorates. Today is Memorial Day. While many will be enjoying cookouts and family gatherings to celebrate the beginning of summer, it is important to stop and think about the meaning behind this day and why we have the opportunity to have this day off.

            Memorial Day is a day to remember those who died while serving our country in one of the military branches. The land of the free and the home of the brave comes at a high price. Many people have lost loved ones in order for us to live in this great land. I know everything isn’t perfect, but when you consider so many other places in this world, we are lucky and blessed to live in such a great country.

            I know by the time you read these words, Memorial Day will be in your rearview mirror. I still want to ask you to take a moment and thank the Lord for the people who laid their lives down so we could live free in this great land. This country is beautiful and filled with some good people. I know there are a few rotten apples out there, but let’s not let them spoil such a wonderful place that we call home: the United States of America. Certainly let’s not let them tarnish what so many gave their lives for us to enjoy and appreciate.

            Memorial Day and Easter have much in common. Memorial Day reminds us of the many men and women who have died while serving our country. Easter reminds us that Jesus died to save the whole world from being separated from our loving Heavenly Father. He took all the sin of the entire world upon Himself so we could live free and forgiven. If we will let Him, He will wipe away all shame and guilt from our lives.

            Men and women died so we could live free in this country. Jesus died so we could live free and so we could have a relationship with God. God is holy and pure. We are sinners. God cannot abide in the presence of sin. Therefore, He cannot abide in our presence. But Jesus died to make a way for us to reconnect with God. His sacrifice pays for our forgiveness and cleansing. Now, because we have been washed in the blood of Jesus, God can abide with us and in us. 

            While summer doesn’t officially arrive for a few more weeks, Memorial Day signals the arrival of summer for most of us. Schools will be out soon. Vacation season is upon us. In the midst of this time, I want to encourage you to have a thankful heart for all the people who died so you can live free here in America. I also want to encourage you to thank Jesus for dying for you and making a way for you to connect with a holy God. It’s time for summer fun: cookouts, family gatherings, swimming pools, vacations, rest, and relaxation. Allow your heart to overflow with thanksgiving for the many blessings in your life. Enjoy your family, reconnect with friends, and be thankful for your country and for Jesus who gave His all for you.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com

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