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By Ann Farabee

It was time to write my weekly column.

You know what? I didn’t feel like it.

My mind was telling me to skip this week, but my spirit told me to sit down and get to work.

As I headed toward my computer, I passed some reminders framed on my wall: “Faith,” “family” and “friends.” And then ones for love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness and self control.

Yes, it’s me — Ann Farabee.

I write a weekly faith column. I have spiritual words on my wall. I walk by those words numerous times a day, but I rarely notice them.

As I sat down to begin to write, I did what I would usually do first — I checked my phone. I sure am glad I did because:

• If I applied for the Chase Sapphire card, I could get 60,000 extra bonus points.

• If I clicked on the “5 Tips for Health” it might change my life — or maybe not.

• If I clicked on “What African Countries Speak Spanish?”

I might learn something! Maybe I had not really needed to check my phone. I walk by those words on the wall every day going back and forth to the kitchen.

Most times, I don’t even notice them. I sat down at my work table, and moved my Bible over so I could get to the stack of work that needed my immediate attention.

It’s me — Ann Farabee. I write a weekly column. I have spiritual words on my wall.

I had moved my Bible out of my way so I could do my other stuff. I probably should have hit myself in the head with my fairly large Bible.

Yes, I had moved it out of my way so I could do my other stuff. Don’t get me wrong — we all have to do other stuff. Yes, stuff has to get done.

But on this day, the thought, “Moving my Bible out of my way so I can do other stuff,” left me shaking my head. Perhaps because I realized I had then immediately picked up my phone again. I apparently was planning to skip Bible reading.

But I kept looking over at it and when I came to myself, I picked it back up and opened it to a random, or maybe not so random, page. I read these words: “Thou shall call his name Jesus, for He shall save his people from their sins.”

Those words were followed by: “God with us.” Jesus saved us from our sins — God is with us.

What more do we need? When we open the Book, no matter what page we land on, God has a word for us!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.