Storm Watcher

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Storm Watcher

            I am known around school for my weather forecasts. While I have always been fascinated by the weather, I am afraid that it has become an obsession. I look at the data, study the models, and apply what I know about how weather works in our area.

            Over time I have become pretty good at predicting what is coming. I also predict the number of days we will be out or if we are going to have a delay. The truth is that I miss the forecast just like the weathermen. Last week one of my colleagues left me a note on my classroom board that I was 100% wrong. I laughed.

            The focus of my weather fascination is with storms. I follow them all. If there is a mass of clouds lurking in the Atlantic, I am watching for tropical storm formation and predicted paths. If there is a strong cold front passing, I am watching the line of thunderstorms as they march my way. My greatest addiction is with snow. I am watching storms that are a week or two out there. I am looking at every piece of data I can find and am always on the lookout for another source of up-to-date information.

            The irony is that I often don’t know what is going on with the weather on a day-to-day basis unless there is a storm coming our way. Last Sunday when the sun broke out and we had a nice afternoon, I was unaware that we were expecting such a nice afternoon. Summer weather in the Carolinas: hazy, hot, humid, with scattered afternoon thunderstorms…what is exciting about that? It takes exciting weather to catch my attention.

            Nevertheless, there is always something down the road that will have my attention, and it is back to running the models and making my predictions. I will study the weather models and apply what I know from past experience to develop my predictions. If you want to become proficient at something you will have to study. You can’t expect to become good at doing something unless you spend time working at it.

            The same principles can be applied to our Christian walk. So many people want to find the easy way to following God. True followers know it is an all-or-nothing process. You can’t follow God halfheartedly unless you want to be miserable. With God it is an all-or-nothing adventure. Walking with God involves choosing the narrow path.

            The place to start is by reading His word. The Bible isn’t meant to be non-fiction that we read and just know the facts. As a matter of fact, the devil knows the Bible. He quoted it to Jesus when he tempted Him. So just knowing the Bible enough to quote it isn’t enough. Almost every pastor in my life has told me that I have to learn to apply the Bible to my situation.

            I want to apply the principles and promises to my life so I can achieve an overcoming Christian life. I have to apply what I know and believe if I want to experience a difference. This is the first step toward building a relationship with God.

            God wants us to know Him, which requires that we spend time with Him. This doesn’t mean that we just go to Him with our list of demands. While He wants to hear our prayer requests, He has a deeper desire to share Himself with us. He wants to reveal Himself through His word and through personal revelation to us. The only way for that to happen is when we spend time in His presence. Prayer is a two-way conversation with God.

            The secret to a deeper, richer, spiritual life is a combination of allowing God’s word to come alive in you and allowing your spirit to come alive in His presence. It’s true that God wants all of you so He can deposit more of Himself in you. He wants to work in you and through you. He wants you to live a full life through the good and the bad. He will give you the strength and He will show you the way.

            I want to encourage you to study and apply God’s word to your life. It will change you and make you more like Him. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. He wants to reveal Himself to you, so open the doors of your heart. He will bring peace, joy, wisdom, direction, mercy and forgiveness. Who doesn’t need more of those things in their lives? He’s waiting on you…

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or