School is Opening

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By Doug Creamer

            This is a very strange week for me. All of my former colleagues are heading back to school and I am not. Why is there such a big smile on my face as I type that? The truth is, I am going to really miss being with my former colleagues and friends. You get close to the teachers you work with on a daily basis. I will miss catching up with them and hearing about their daily lives.

            The first week back for teachers is one that is filled with meetings. There is very little time to actually be in your classroom preparing for the students. There is so much that needs to get done that most teachers stay way past quitting-time. There is the cleaning, decorating, getting handouts ready, and finding some time to actually start planning your lessons.

            The students in Stanly & Davidson counties arrive next week. Here in Rowan County, the students are already back. I always loved starting in early August because we got out in May. It is so hot in August, you might as well be in school. Late May and early June are so much nicer to be out of school. It is also nice to get first semester exams out of the way before Christmas.        I have lots of opinions about education, like the importance of work-based learning. I also believe in starting school later in the morning versus earlier. All these opinions are no longer important. The political powers will make decisions and schools will go on without me.

            I want to be very clear here. I believe in our public schools. They are great places for our kids. There are some awesome teachers out there who make a huge difference in the lives of their students. I never once felt unsafe at school, thanks to the SROs. I know so many teachers who give their hearts and souls to their students.

            I gave 34 years of my life to the public school system and do not regret one moment of it. I tried to always give my best to the students. I tried to reach the students using a variety of instructional methods. I know I wasn’t perfect and there is always room for improvement, but I worked hard and I loved my job.

            Are the public schools perfect? No. There are people in every organization and business who do not bring their A game to their jobs. That doesn’t mean that all schools are bad. It just means that schools are just like every other organization. For the most part, schools are filled with people who love and care about the students that they serve.

            To the parents of students, allow me to share a few thoughts. First, I know this is tough, but your little angel is not always so angelic. Children make bad decisions no matter how good of a parent you are. It’s OK. It’s better that they make the mistakes now where there is a good safety net. Support the teachers and schools because we all want the same thing…to see your child grow up to become a responsible adult in our community.

            To the parents, grandparents, and community members I have one request. Please pray for the students, teachers, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, staff, and administrators of your local schools. We need God in our schools. He will protect us. He will guide us. He will inspire and encourage us. He will give us wisdom as we face the many problems that are in our society. He will love and support us when times are tough. I will say it again: We need God with us every day in our schools if we hope to raise up the next generation.

            I believe in the power of prayer to change situations and circumstances. I promise you I prayed before I went to school. I also knew how important your prayers were to my success as a teacher. No one can do it alone. Schools and school systems need our prayers.

So let’s join our spiritual hands and lift up our local schools, asking the loving and gracious God of heaven to bless the 2019-2020 school year. I encourage you to support the schools in your community, especially if you have children or grandchildren going to school. Your prayers, cards, and encouraging emails are truly blessings to the teachers who are working on the front lines. May God bless you and our schools as they look forward to a great school year.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or