We Need Rain

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By Doug Creamer

            I make the daily trek to get the mail. Normally, there is some kind of catalog, some junk mail, and a few bills. I know the catalog count is going to increase, especially as we enter the holiday season. No one can stop the monthly bills. I did think about inventing a recycle box to connect to the mailbox so the mailman could toss all the junk mail in automatically for me. I think that it’s a million-dollar idea.

            I opened the water bill the other day and almost passed out. It was sky high. How could the water bill be higher than the electric bill?  It’s been a hot month and I know the air conditioner has been running a lot.

            All I have to do is walk around my house and I quickly realize why the water bill is so high. We love our outdoor spaces and they are covered in beautiful plants…plants that require watering. Then, there is the vegetable garden, which has a few things going. And I can’t forget the red raspberries, which are producing a wonderful fall crop for me. I love going out every other day and picking some for my cereal.

            Several weeks ago we were getting some pretty regular rain showers but it has stopped again. I think the recent hurricanes off the coast zap all the energy that might give us a shower or two up our way. Whatever the cause, we have been dry. When it is dry, I need to keep things watered, and that watering leads to higher water bills.

            It won’t be long now and we will start to get some fronts coming through the area. Actually, I am looking forward to some cooler weather. It’s been a hot, dry summer and I am looking forward to the change in seasons. I have lots of work that I want to do outside, but I am waiting on the change in the weather.

            Some nice fall rain would be welcome, not that I am asking for the remnants of a tropical system to come our way. I would prefer the cooling fronts from Canada. The main thing is, I believe we could use some rain. In fact, I am praying for some rain. The prayers have become a cry not only for the natural rain, but I am also asking for some spiritual rain.

            I hear stories of churches that are closing. I see that many people are doing other things on Sunday besides going to church. There hasn’t been a decrease in our population, so why are churches closing and why is church attendance down?

            I know I live in the Bible belt. In the south, it seems our faith has always been a part of our hallmark. We are believers. The trouble is not church buildings. There are plenty of those around. There is a church in every town to meet every style. Some churches work hard at reaching out, while others could do a little more. I really don’t think that is the problem.

            I think we have a spiritual apathy in our society. It’s not unusual; there were plenty of times in the Bible where the children of God became apathetic. Look around, people have filled their lives with all kinds of things. God isn’t one of them. They would rather do other things besides seek God’s face.

            That’s why we need some heavenly rain. We need a visitation of God’s Spirit to awaken the disconnected. We need renewal within our churches and revival for those who are lost and not seeking the Lord. Every one of us knows people who don’t attend church and who do not seek a relationship with their Heavenly Father.

            People need the Lord. He is the author of hope, mercy, forgiveness, the peace that goes beyond understanding, and the One who provides a purpose for our lives. Jesus is the answer. People are seeking the answer through material possessions, drugs, alcohol, and worldly pleasure. The answer is seeking the Lord and knowing who we are in His eyes. We are His children and He is our Father. He loves us beyond words.

            I want to encourage you to join me in praying for some spiritual rain. Pray that the lost will receive their sight and see their Savior. Pray that the broken-hearted will find comfort in their Father’s arms. Pray that the hungry and thirsty will find their satisfaction in the Spirit of God. Pray for heavenly rain, the kind that will renew our hearts and bring the lost home.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com