Traveling Back

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By Doug Creamer

            My wife and I decided to take a trip back to our Alma Mater, James Madison University in Virginia. We had a nice drive up. Our intention was to visit a very dear friend and my niece, who is now a freshman at JMU.

            Our dear friend is living in a retirement community, which offers an apartment for visitors. It was a beautiful place and we were blessed to enjoy staying close to our friend. She gave us a royal welcome and treated us like family. While we talk on the phone and exchange cards, we haven’t seen each other for many years.

            We took a wonderful tour down memory lane. We saw the dorms where my wife stayed when she was at JMU. Then we drove by the places I stayed off campus. We shared stories about our first date and places we liked to go. The campus has more than doubled in size since we left.

            We drove by the home where my friend lived when I stayed with her and her husband for a semester. Then she took us by another home they lived in later, and her daughter’s home. Finally, we drove out to where her husband has been laid to rest. It is such a beautiful location.

            We shared several meals, old memories, and lots of laughs. The weather was perfect and the time flew by. Now we can picture where she lives and reflect on our wonderful time together.

            My niece is just beginning her college experience. I am so proud of her. I met her for coffee and we shared lots of stories. She told me about her classes, what life is like living on campus, and a lot about how things have changed since I attended JMU. She told me about organizations she is joining and budding new friendships. I am so excited for her next four years and told her to enjoy every moment. She is going to do great!

            We had such a great trip that we talked about making it an annual tradition. Both my niece and my dear friend would welcome us warmly and there are still some things we would like to rediscover.

            It’s good to reflect on good times and examine the foundations in our lives. My wife and I were blessed to get good educations that led to good jobs. But I believe it is important to examine our spiritual foundations and look at how we have grown in the Lord.

            We both grew up going to church and knowing the Bible stories. We learned to believe and trust in the Lord at an early age. Life has a way of testing faith. There are always challenges that seem bigger than life that we all face. The question in those moments is will we turn to God or will we run from Him?

            The truth is that there is no challenge in our lives that God can’t help us through. It may look impossible, but we serve the God of the impossible. If may look dark, but He is the light of the world. It may seem frightening, but He is the God who promises never to leave or forsake us.

            When life challenges you, look back at the past. Look back on all the other times that God has come through for you. He didn’t fail you in the past; He will not fail you now. Our lives are full of stories of God’s faithfulness to us. When we reflect on previous trials, we will remember how He came through for us. Those testimonies to His goodness can comfort and guide us through the storms of today.

            God is good, loving, and kind. He sees the best in you and believes that you will make it through to the other side of whatever challenge you face. The God of heaven is rooting for you. He has sent His angels to guard and protect you on your journey. He knows you will stumble and make bad choices along the way, but when you turn back to Him you can be sure He will be there for you. He is there for you. Your past proves it.

            I want to encourage you to reflect back on your life. Look for God’s hand as He guided you along life’s way. Look for the provision He gave you. Look at the friends He sent at just the right moment for you. He is and always has been there for you. Let your faith rest on the rock of your past experiences with God. I believe He has good things for us in the future.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or