Count Your Blessings

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By Ed Traut

Psalms 103:2 Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits–

  • We command our natural mind, heart and soul to praise Him, because often we are focused on concerns.
  • It is so easy to forget or to be distracted from all that we are blessed from by focusing on our burdens and concerns.
  • We should recite and remind ourselves continually of all that God has and is doing – all His benefits!

Prayer:  Lord how I clap my hands in great joy thinking of all the things You have done and I have so much only because of Your greatness and mercy to me.  Holy Spirit I pray that You will keep me focused on these wonderful things and not the few negative things that the enemy tries to bring to my attention.  I praise and bless You and my soul worships You.  Amen.