It’s Been a Quiet Week…

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By Doug Creamer

            For many years on Saturday night we would listen to Garrison Keillor on the radio. He had a program called “The Prairie Home Companion.” It was a two-hour variety show that we enjoyed. My favorite part was when he told a story about a fictional town out on the prairie.

He always began the story with, “It’s been a quiet week…” Then he would launch into all the happenings in this fictional town. There was always humor and something going on down at the church, or maybe the little cafe. The story was always clean, filled with faith, and funny.  

I guess I was thinking about this because as I reflected back on my week, it feels like it has been a quiet week. What I mean is that there haven’t been any major events. That’s good. Some folks I know are dealing with big things. I know friends who have lost loved ones and others who are fighting cancer. I know some who are fighting the awful bug that is going around and others who are at the hospital.

            I’ll take my quiet week. Don’t get me wrong, I have been busy. I’ve been working on my websites, working on developing a class that I hope to be able to teach, and teaching my Chinese children on the internet. Sometimes, while it feels quiet, it seems busy.

            I had to get my old vehicle running again; it was time for the inspection. I tried jumping it, but the battery was too far gone. I got a new one and she cranked right up. I drove it around for a while the other day; she is purring like a kitten again.

            There were a few highlights in the week. I took my brother out for his birthday lunch. I won’t say which one it was, but we had fun. It was great to laugh and talk with my OLDER brother. On my way home, I stopped in at East Davidson. I got to see several colleagues and talk with some friends. I miss seeing my work friends on a daily basis.

            Date night this week was at a special restaurant in town. We went to say good-bye to one of our favorite servers there. He got a new job and it was his last night. The dinner was great, but so was the opportunity to wish him well.

            I had a great conversation with a former student this week. She is helping with my website design. We got to talk and share about our lives, the ups and downs. I love to hear how steady her faith is no matter what comes her way.

            I was blessed to spend time with the pastor and his family this week. Whether we are going over the routine things about the church, sharing hopes and dreams, talking through some challenges, or just laughing and cutting up in the office after church on Sunday…I’ll say it again, I feel blessed. His family makes me feel like I am a part of their family.

            You see, quiet weeks are still filled. No matter how busy or quiet a week might be, spending time with God has to be a priority. With the nice weather we had recently, I was spending time quietly on my porch or going for walks. I feel lazy on cold, wet days, but just because it is difficult shouldn’t keep us from our Father.

            I saw several pictures recently on Facebook of friends with their children asleep on their chest. That’s the kind of closeness that God wants with us. Some of my best conversations with the Lord occur with my head on my pillow. It’s quiet and the distractions of life are removed. I can hear His voice and curl up in His love. God wants to be that intimate with us. If He knows the number of hairs on our heads, He is already intimately acquainted with us. We need to open our hearts and become more aware of Him.

            I want to encourage you to draw close to God. Crawl up in His arms. He wants you close to His heart. I know the importance of awe and respect for the Almighty. I try to worship Him as exuberantly as King David did. He deserves it. But I want that closeness so I can hear God call me His son and Jesus call me brother and friend. God’s love is more profound than any of us can understand, but I want to be immersed in it. I encourage you to run into your Heavenly Father’s arms.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or