Time to Dig Deep

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By David Freeze

Fitness has gone into a never-before-seen world of no gyms and no group activities, all just as Robin Satterwhite and Isaac Miller should be hitting their stride while participating in the Post wellness program.

I asked them what they miss the most and how they are compensating. Satterwhite, a professor at RCCC, said, “I do miss the variety of having three gyms to choose from. Each gym has a different environment or atmosphere. Regular patrons and staff, particularly at the Forum, seem to be extra supportive. I live on a farm and have a good walking or running trail here, plus we have been able to use the track at Catawba.”

Miller, a Salisbury police officer, had another take. He said, “It really hasn’t changed anything for me. I’m blessed to have a department that believes in physical fitness and we have a good gym. I love going for long runs, so I’m great when we are outside. The gym was always a distraction for me because I’m a people watcher and it’s easy to get lost in thoughts of them. Working out at the police department or on my own gives me the freedom to get lost in the workout itself. Catawba College’s track is still open and there’s plenty of room. I marvel in the fact that I’ve been running for 45 minutes or more.”

Both Satterwhite and Miller have shared comments about eating too much. I asked about other problems that still linger. Robin said, “Believe it or not, I haven’t had the urge to cheat this month. My fat cravings (pizza, cheeseburgers, etc.) seem to have subsided. My heart rate and blood pressure have both dropped. My anxiety levels have improved tremendously each month. I am losing weight, but it seems I lose, then get stuck for a while, then cycle again. I have taken a popular depression and anxiety medication since 1996 with a side effect of weight gain. My doctor said the drug can make weight loss difficult. I want to explore a lower dosage to hopefully boost weight loss. I want to also be off blood pressure meds.  Secondly, persistent knee discomfort has hampered my workouts some. David arranged a physical therapist visit to address this.”

Miller added, “My problem is saying no to a good dessert, which I am better at. Sugar is still a weakness of mine. And tacos! My wife is Hispanic and some foods we eat are really heavy, but we’ve gotten a lot better at steering away from unhealthy foods.”

The program is goal driven and March wasn’t the best month. Satterwhite said, “I have not met my goals for March but I won’t give up. I am using 1,510 calories daily and monitoring it on Myfitnesspal as well as doing my six days of workouts weekly. The stationary bike or elliptical trainer for aerobic activity are easier on the knee. I am looking forward to getting to the bottom of that issue.”

I think Miller is turning the corner. He said, “I’ve seen the most improvement in my calorie discipline. I typically only eat sweets when they fall within my calorie limits. Also, I find that I really want to work out. Missing a run makes me feel empty. I associate a day of not running like a day without kissing my wife before going to work. The day just isn’t right if I miss either.”

Neither Satterwhite or Miller is consistently on track right now. Robin said, “I am not where I want to be, but I will get better.”

Goals for April are important to Satterwhite. She said, “I want to see more weight loss. I hope to reduce medications with my doctor’s supervision since I have taken them for over 20 years.

Miller said, “Honestly, I’m not on track with where I want to be. Going into April, I should have already been under 300 pounds. I take full responsibility for every pound gained and lost. I often visited the taco truck knowing I shouldn’t. Results on the scale are a must for me. Multiple strangers tell me they’re rooting for me and others are keeping up with my progress. I’ve recently began multiple runs a day or a run and strength training combo (2-a-days). I want to smash realistic goals. I can put up double digits weight loss every month and I’m going to do it. Next month I will be at 295 or less!”

Miller is at 308 right now and has lost 16 pounds since Jan. 1. Satterwhite is down 6.5.

It’s a long process. See you at the end of April. Stay safe and active!