Fill me up…

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By Ann Farabee

Ah, nothing like going for a ride in our 1966 Rambler station wagon. Windows down. Our family of five was packed in the car, with the breeze blowing — or sometimes with zero breeze blowing. My younger brother had to sit in the middle of the back seat — with his feet on the hump, awaiting aggravation from his two sisters.

Daddy called it a joyride. We were on the road to nowhere. That road usually took us to the dairy bar. I can almost taste it: A big slice of pound cake covered with vanilla ice cream. Vanilla ice cream covered with hot fudge. Hot fudge covered with whipped cream and a cherry on top.

We ate it in the car.

No wonder I still eat ice cream daily.

Final stop on the way home — always the service station.

The attendant would be at the driver’s side window in a flash, “Fill ’er up?”

Every time.

My dad always wanted his tank to be filled up.

Did the tank need to be full?

I was not sure about that, but I did know that if you ran out of gas, the car would start sputtering and shaking, would be unable to function, and maybe have some damage.

This was all proven by me one day, as a young college student, trying to get back to campus without enough gas.

To be full means to hold as much as possible.

To be filled means that the amount of something occupies all the space in the container.

What does the Bible say about being filled?

Believe it. Receive it.

Luke 1:41 says, “Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the baby leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.”

Elisabeth believed — Mary’s child was the Messiah.

Elisabeth received — She was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Believe it. Receive it.

Psalm 81:10 says, ” Open your mouth wide and I will fill it with good things.”

We believe — We are to open our mouths wide.

We receive — God will fill it with good things.

Believe it. Receive it.

Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him.”

We believe — Trust in him.

We receive — The God of hope will fill us with joy and peace.

Daddy, I guess you would never have gotten the fill up had you not pulled up to the gas pump, allowed your gas tank to be opened, and received it. Thanks for the lesson!

Fill ’er up!

I mean — fill it up!

Here’s my cup, Lord. Fill it up, Lord.

Lord, empty me — of me — so I can be filled — with You.