Our Focus

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By Ann Farabee

If I had a dollar for every time I told a student they had to focus…

Honestly, they were focused — just not on what I felt was the priority. There were so many distractions that diverted them from what they needed to focus on. Distractions like: The boy across the room. The girl across the room. The pencil that was not quite sharp enough and would benefit from several more trips to the pencil sharpener. Looking out the window at nothing. Is that a bug on the floor? Why is he taking apart that paper clip?

Focus as a verb means to concentrate.
Focus as a noun means the focal point — or center of interest.

Many times, I have whispered to a student, “Would you just try to focus?”
It’s not just kids, is it? Adults also lose focus on what they need to be doing and begin to focus on something that is not a priority.

Hmm? So, what should our focus be? It should be focusing on our focus.
And our focus should be what is at the center of interest.
And our center of interest — if we are Christians — should be Jesus.
Why? Because Jesus’ focus was on us as he went to the cross.

• Focus should be fed. Distractions should be starved. What we focus on will grow.

• Focus on things of the spirit, for being spiritually minded brings peace and life.

• Focus our eyes on what lies before us, for each day we get closer to home.

• Focus on doing our best — God takes care of the rest.

• Focus on working hard — God will bless our hard work.

• Focus on prayer. As Martin Luther said, “I have so much to do that I have to spend the first three hours in prayer.”

At times, our focus on focus will drift.
At times, our priorities will tend to shift.
But if we focus on Jesus — God’s presence, God’s power, God’s peace, and God’s promises will prevail.

We are not Superman or Superwoman, but we sure do have a super God.
A God who is worthy of being our No. 1 focus!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at  annfarabee@gmail.com or annfarabee.com.