The Seasons

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By Ann Farabee

Sometimes, we have tough seasons in life.
Can we make it?
Yes. We can.

God sits on the circle of the earth. God thinks of us more than there are grains of sand. God holds our right hand. He counts the stars and calls them all by name. His power is absolute!

We can do things we have never done.
We can face situations we have never faced.
We can grow spiritually.
We can prosper financially.
We can thrive emotionally.
We can strengthen ourselves physically.

Sometimes, it feels as though a difficult season will never go away. But, God brings us peace in the promise that it is just a season. It will pass. We can make it.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ten verses later, it says that God has made every thing beautiful in his time.

Every thing means every thing.

Genesis 8:22 says that as long as the earth remains, there will be springtime and harvest, winter and summer, day and night.

The word season can mean for a while.

Being in a difficult season for a while is when we need to hang on, pray fervently, ask others to pray for us, and trust God in the process. It is only for a while.

• Seasons remind us that change is a part of life.
• No season lasts forever.
• The season we are in is not the end of the story.
• We can learn from the season we are in — and prepare for the next.
• Seasons that are hard to endure help make us who we are.
• We need to hold the previous seasons in our hearts — for we have grown from them.
• Remnants of the previous seasons will remain. That is good.
• Seasons pass. Lessons from them last a lifetime.
• In every season — God is still God.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or