You Are Royalty

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By Doug Creamer

            I am not sure I want to admit this in writing, but I did watch the interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. I thought I would watch for just a of couple minutes, but I couldn’t pull myself away. It was interesting to hear them talk about their private lives in such an open way.

            There were so many interesting revelations, and I imagine that by now most of you are tired of hearing and reading about them. While many might be jealous of their lifestyle as royalty, the two of them revealed that it is not an easy way of life. There are certainly some drawbacks and things that we really don’t know about living as royalty.

            One of the more powerful revelations was Meghan’s personal struggles mentally. Thankfully, she reached out to her husband, who stood beside her and determined he would find the help she needed. Sadly, the royal family nor the administration that surrounds them reached out to offer any help. Harry made some very difficult choices to protect his family and get Meghan the help she needed.

            I believe it is possible for all of us to find ourselves in places where our minds are not working properly, where our thoughts are not dwelling on the positive and good in life. Like Meghan, we have to reach out and keep reaching out until we find the help we need to get through to the other side. Find those people who believe in you and support you to help you through the dark places. Never give in or try to fight those battles alone. Always keep fighting.

            While Harry and Meghan have removed themselves from the daily routines of the royal family, they are still royalty. They have access to the Queen and stay in touch with other members of the family. They are still part of the family, much like each one of us are members of God’s royal family.

            We are members of the most important royal family of all time. You are a prince or princess. You have royal blood flowing through your veins. You have complete access to the King of Kings on a daily basis. Your calls for help will never be denied or overlooked. God cares very deeply and compassionately for every situation in your life. He will never leave you. He will ALWAYS walk with you through whatever trial or tribulation you face in life.

            Prince Harry and Meghan told us that they had lost their royal protective services. I want you to know that you always have God’s secret service (His angels) watching over and protecting you on a 24/7 basis. I imagine we can all think of times when our angels were working on our behalf to protect us and keep us safe.

            I think it is important to be reminded that we are royalty. I think it is easy to become discouraged and think less of ourselves because we are haunted by our failures or shortcomings. We need to remind ourselves that those have been taken care of by His royal blood. Since we are clean and forgiven before God, we can take on our roles as the royal priesthood.

            We have complete access to God and can ask for His intervention in any and every situation in our little corner of the world. God not only wants us to take up our positions, but expects us to be people of prayer to intervene. Our prayers have royal power and authority. When we pray, according to God’s will, we have the King of Kings backing up our prayers.

            One last thing I felt as I listened to Harry and Meghan was a sense that the royal family had rejected them. I want you to know that there is nothing you can do that will cause God to reject you. When you sin, and we all do, all you have to do is turn around and ask God to forgive you, and He will. Nothing can separate you from the love of God. If you have accepted Jesus as your savior, you are in the royal family. The choice is yours. God wants you in the family.

            I want to encourage you to make sure you have made that all-important decision to accept Jesus and be in the royal family. Then, never forget that you have a special place in His family. You have a very important role to play in His royal priesthood. And remember, you are always protected by His royal angels. It’s good to be in The Royal Family; remember your responsibilities and enjoy your privileges.  

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or