The Overcomer

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By Ann Farabee

Without a doubt, the columns I have received the most messages and emails about have dealt with going through difficult circumstances in life. The Lord has certainly allowed me to go through many trials — and my tests have become my testimonies.

I love the promise in John 16:33: “These things have I spoken unto you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

How much tribulation must we deal with that needs to be overcome?

In most of our lives, the answer to that question is: a lot!

But we can be of good cheer! Not only can we be of good cheer, but we can have peace. Not only can we be of good cheer and have peace, but we also have an overcomer! His name is Jesus!

To overcome means to prevail over, to defeat, to overpower or ascendancy. The word ascendancy is a noun that means to occupy a position of power or influence.

The Lord is our overcomer! He prevails over our lives. He defeats and overpowers our enemies. He occupies the position of power and influence in our world. This knowledge surely can bring peace in our lives.

It seems way too often that my husband and I have to look at each other with a sigh and a head-shake as we say, “It’s always something!”

It is always something, isn’t it? I mean — that’s a promise, right? We will have tribulation. The meaning of tribulation is great trouble. Yes, great trouble comes quite often.

I like to repeat this often: Jesus is my overcomer.

• Health problems? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Financial needs? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Anxiety? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Spiritual weakness? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Emotional problems? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Children struggling? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Marriage problems? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Fear? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Problems at work? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Loneliness? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Grieving? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Failure? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Ice cream in a cone melting over my hand? Jesus is my overcomer.

• Need to get a flying bug out of my house? Jesus is my overcomer.

The last two were to see if you were paying attention, but also remind us that Jesus is not only our overcomer in times of life’s big problems, but also in our everyday lives.

Jesus is my overcomer!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or