Be Astounded

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By Ann Farabee

I understand, Habakkuk.

I really do.

Life sure can be a mystery.

Sometimes, there are things we need to know.

Sometimes, there are questions we need to ask.

Knowing that you — a minor prophet — took your questions to God, helps me know that God will answer my questions, too.

When reading your questions from Habakkuk 1:2, I felt your pain. I felt you crying out.

I sure have been there.

You asked, “Oh Lord, how long must I cry out and You will not hear me? How long must I cry out and You will not save me?”

I sure am glad you asked God those questions, because I really wanted to know the answer, as well. We may not often admit it, but sometimes it seems as if it is taking forever for the answer to come.

Yes, Habakkuk. God answered you.

God who created the world — and created us — is willing to answer our questions.

That knowledge takes my breath away.

As does the response Habakkuk received.

God’s response? In Habakkuk 1:5, God said, “Be utterly astounded! I will work a work in your days, that you would not believe, even if I told you.”

God was going to do an unbelievable work in Habakkuk’s days. “Will work a work”’ meant that he would begin, continue and finish. “In your days” meant it will not be deferred, put off or postponed. The unbelievable would happen in his lifetime.

We need to believe God will do the unbelievable. Really believe — not just for the past or for the future, but for the here and now. God is here. His presence is real. He will work a work in our days.

Mark 11:24 tells us that whatever we ask in prayer, believe that we have received it, and it will be ours.

Jeremiah 33:3 says that we are to call on him and he will answer us, and show us great and mighty things, that we did not know.

• Lord — your plans are bigger than we could ever imagine.

Help us to imagine the unimaginable.

• Lord — you still do the unbelievable.

Help us to believe the unbelievable.

• Lord — you still can — and you still will — astound us.

Help us to be utterly astounded.

Lord, may we expect to be astounded by the unimaginable and the unbelievable. Amen.

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or