Day 2

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By David Freeze

  I awoke very early on Tuesday morning in El Cajon at the Motel 6. The previous night, the front desk gave out a second key to my room, and of course mine stopped working. We both went to the office at the same time and got it squared away.

    I’m still on Eastern time and got up very early, beating the sunrise. Starting at about 300 feet in elevation, Alexa told me that the route was very challenging on the way to about 4,000 feet.

    The whole day was about the climbing amid desert scenery. The first significant town was Alpine, almost exactly half way to the top. The initial 2,000 feet went well during cool and mostly cloudy conditions. I saw the first California sun on this trip late morning and steeper roads. A few scenic views, mostly of the California desert, highlighted the morning.

Looking ahead toward the town of Pine Valley from about 4,000 feet.

    Enough water and supply points kept me in food and snacks. At 3,000 feet, the sign posted nearby as I rode Interstate 8 briefly, I met a man and woman from Yuma, Arizona who told me I was crazy to do this ride. We talked at a scenic overlook as he and the woman smoked. They did give me a couple waters.

    With elbows dripping sweat, I topped out at 3,999 feet at the little village of Guatay just after 1pm.  My celebration with the convenience store owner included only an ice cream sandwich.

    A short mostly downhill four mile ride ended in Pine Valley, my home for the evening. It was another short mileage ride of 31 miles. I did celebrate correctly with a pineapple milkshake here in town.

    Tomorrow’s likely route takes me to the Mexican border at Jacumba Hot Springs after some serious up and down climbing in the early morning, then a long downhill into California’s primary agricultural area. I have bigger mileage in mind now for tomorrow.

  Traffic was light all day. Gas in Pine Valley is $4.99 and a 24 pack of water is $8.99. Food is higher but not as ridiculously so. Day 3 will have good supply points but they will disappear as the heat rises as I continue east.
    I missed Accelerate Therapy and Performance on the sponsor list last night. Thanks again to Delaine Fowler for her continued contribution.

    To the readers, some of the days ahead will be extremely challenging for various reasons. All the messages and your prayers are much appreciated!