Trusting God

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By Doug Creamer

Trusting God

            My former pastor told us a story many times about getting a skin cancer diagnosis. No one wants to have any kind of cancer on or in their body. The doctors had taken a biopsy and when he called to check on the results, he received news that he didn’t want to hear. He was away from the house when he got the news. When he arrived home his granddaughter met him at the door and asked, “Do you want to hear my Bible verse?” He looked at her and said, “Yes.”

            The Bible verse was Hebrews 10:23 – “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Isn’t that just like God? The world gives us some bad news and He sends us some good news. God promised that He was going to be faithful even in the midst of a cancer diagnosis. The end of the story is that God kept His promise. The doctors removed the offending cancer cells and he was completely healed.

            That story came to mind recently while I was sitting in my dermatologist’s office. It was time for my annual checkup and I had a cyst I wanted him to check. The nurse greeted me warmly and escorted me back to the exam room. Before I could tell her why I was there she asked about the cyst on my arm. I told her about it and the previous cyst that had been on my arm. It had been hit by a door jamb when I rounded a corner too quickly and there was a scab where it had been. 

            She explained that it didn’t look like a scab to her and that the doctor might want to take a biopsy of it. She left me to sit and think about it. The doctor came in and immediately focused on my arm. I explained what had evolved over time. He told me that he was very concerned about it and that he had never seen anything like it. He also informed me that he was removing it before I left the office that day.

            In a way, I was relieved to have it removed, but also concerned because the doctor thought it might be cancer. It didn’t take him long to remove the offending thing from my body. I asked the doctor what we needed to do if it happened to be cancer. He looked straight at me and said “Don’t worry, we got clean edges and there is nothing further for us to do.”

            I took the doctor at his word and have not worried about the outcome of the pathology report. But the big bandage on my arm has caused many people to ask what happened. As I have shared my story with others, I have learned that many people have had similar experiences.  

            My dad told me not to worry, that this was only the beginning of other little things to be removed from my body. He has had some things zapped or frozen off his skin. He has also been cut like I was and recovered completely. My mother has had skin cancer removed from her body too, and she has completely recovered.

            The stories that family and friends have shared have been a source of encouragement. I am not sure I really needed it as I have obeyed my doctor’s orders and not worried. He said I would be called this week with the results of my pathology report, but I think he is more concerned that my skin heals up properly.

            I share my story with you to encourage you to get things that don’t look right checked out. If doctors get to things early enough it is only skin deep and you will probably recover quickly. If you wait, it can grow deeper and cause more complications or even spread to other places. You know the moles that have been there your whole life and those that have changed or suddenly appeared. Be wise and get things checked out.

            It is vitally important that in all things we trust God. He is our source, protector, and healer. He keeps His eye on us, watching over us day and night. Nothing slips by His attention and nothing catches Him by surprise. He is with you and will walk with you through whatever you are facing. His right arm is not too short for you. His angels stand ready to fight for you. Nothing is too difficult for God. Nothing is impossible for God. Call upon Him and trust Him.

Doug Creamer has a new book at Amazon: EncouragingU: Summer Stories. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or