Day 26

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By David Freeze

Finally leaving the Texas hills!

  The day started in Navasota, just a little later than I planned. My red flashing light chose this morning to need new batteries. I had packed up everything, then dug out the batteries and got it going. The fantastic room was wonderful! Just hold that thought for a few minutes.

    I headed east on State Road 90 to Anderson, then turned on State Road 149 for some climbing practice, although I am sure I don’t need any more. During a flatter lull, I stopped at the community of Richards. A local guy named Matt Nichols held the door for me, then asked about my trip. We ended up talking for 10 minutes about the state of world, and clearly were on the same page. Matt said, “But all we can really do is know where we’re going when our life ends.” We laughed about my daughters and their different approaches to my bike rides. Matt owns a ranch and says he loves it in Richards which might have 100 residents. He also said, “When I get on that horse each morning, I don’t know for sure what will happen.” Same for me when I get on the bike.

    I crossed Lake Conroe and entered Sam Houston National Forest. For a while, I was on the Texas Forest Trail with thick woods on both sides of the road. I passed through New Waverly on State Road 1375, then turned on State Road 150 for the rest of the day. Punkin and Evergreen were small crossroads, but Coldspring was a bigger town at a little over 800 residents. Finally, I had a steady headwind for a ride into Shepherd where I am spending the night. Each road through the day got a little flatter,  making me happy.

    I called last night and got an amazing rate for the night at Hometowner Inn and Suites. That quickly, I got the best room for the trip, just one night after it’s predecessor. Tonight, I am writing this while sitting on my own couch in a huge room. I have already thanked the owner for the great deal. Even better,  there is a Subway and a convenience store on the same property. I have already eaten a pint of Blue Bunny Double Strawberry and a foot long Subway Veggie Delight. Another pint of Cherry Vanilla awaits.

  Today’s ride was 78 miles during a mid-90’s day. It was another good one, with just enough to see and the meetings with Matt and the motel owners.

  I have already scoped out tomorrow’s route if all goes well. I plan to head for Kirbyville, one of the last towns in Texas. I’m excited to see that the train tracks will be beside me all day. Also, I need to mention that I have not been harassed by flies in East Texas, but the loose dogs have started chasing the bike. The Adventure Cycling maps said they would.

    More little towns with services are showing up, and that means more people. And there will be lots of water ahead. Matt mentioned too that I will have to know how to get through the bayous, so during that part I will follow the Adventure Cycling maps. I will admit to making my own route several times in the last week. Nearly every map route segment shows me heading east now.

    Thanks again for your support and comments! I am hoping for another good day tomorrow to keep the fun going. Come back tomorrow and I’ll let you know how it goes!