Day 27

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By David Freeze

A long hot ride with no real hills!

    For some reason, as I go farther east, I get the first signs of daylight earlier. This morning, I left the wonderful motel in Shepherd and had two breakfast tacos by 7am. The forecast called for mid 90s and very humid. After about 9am, I never stopped sweating and my shirt and shorts were soaked.

    More towns are showing up, with most of them offering a store. Leaving Shepherd, I rode Farm Road (yes, it was actually labeled that way) 223 to Dolen, then turned east on State Road 787, followed by Romayor, Rye, Votaw and Thicket. Then it was east again on SR 1283 for Honey Island and Koutze. The star of the day was mostly flat and fast US 90 for Evadale, Buna and Kirbyville where I am spending the night.

    All the towns were small but the roads and shoulders for the most part were really good. Drivers were courteous even when I had to ride in the road because rumble strips were taking up most of the shoulder. Much of the day’s ride was through woods, sometimes with the bigger trees shading the road. Part of a long straight segment in the middle of the day was through a portion of the Big Thicket National Preserve.

  Today wasn’t the best scenery or people day, but it was strong mileage day at 91. As I mentioned, tonight should be my last in Texas as I plan to pass into Louisiana about mid morning tomorrow. Towns and stores still look frequent.

    Humidity and heat will hang around for a few days. Counties In Louisiana are called parishes. Lots of water coming up, even a few sightings of the mighty Mississippi River. I saw the headwaters of the Mississippi in Minnesota a few years ago, but this time it should be wide and deep.

  My motel is the Gateway in Kirbyville, a town started because of the lumber business. I got another big break when I hit town. I didn’t have to look for the motel, nor the main convenience store. Both were on the main road and with only one business in between. How do I tell the best convenience store? It is the one with the Hunt Brother’s Pizza sign! Always! And I bet I can get breakfast tacos there in the morning.

    Depending on how things go tomorrow, I should have an important mileage update. I am going to do some planning now and of course, eat my second ice cream. My total calorie intake is huge right now. Seems I am eating constantly.

    Remember the sponsors of the ride! Frank and Janis Ramsey, Father and Son Produce and Dick and Jean Richards are some of them. Join me tomorrow for the latest on my Louisiana entry! And keep sending those all important prayers!