Hello Peeps

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By Lynna Clark

It’s been a while. I won’t go into the wherefore and the whyfore. Let’s just say I’m struggling with a good bit of pain and brain fog. The following short story is meant to encourage those of you who have been there and done that, and especially you who are currently in the midst of a struggle. I don’t much like the story but I always try to write from where I am. For if I can’t be honest, then why write. Right? So here you go. Also a little bit of news will follow. Much love!


Have you ever begged God, pleaded with Him on hands and knees for mercy, but none would come? That’s the place I found myself a few weeks ago. Except I wasn’t physically on my knees because I knew I wouldn’t have the strength to get back up. So much pain coursed through my body that I could not get relief.
“Lord, are you there? I can’t get away from this agony. I can’t even get comfortable in my best chair. Seriously, I NEED You. Can I get a little help here?”

As usual, the heavens were silent.

Though I reviewed and confessed my sins, tried to think of ways to please the Almighty, read Psalms of praise, even lifted trembling hands in search of His help, none came.

Had a doctor walked in and said, “Sorry. The diagnosis is not good. You are dying.” I would have hugged his neck and praised God that the misery would soon be ending.

I couldn’t help but wonder if the Lord had turned his back on me. I can’t remember feeling so forsaken.
In the background the pastor on television spoke of Satan desiring to “sift Peter as wheat.” Sounds about right. I’ve somehow landed on a big ol’ sifter and been shaken until all the parts of me have been torn asunder. Yet the sifting continues. I left the room and tried again to get comfortable somewhere else. Later I asked David. “So what was the point of the message? Where was the Lord when Peter was being ‘sifted?’

My sweet man smiled while tears of compassion pooled in his eyes. “Jesus was praying for His friend.”
I looked at the passage in Luke 33:31. Not only was Jesus praying, it says He was pleading. What was He begging the Father for?

“That your faith would not fail.”

New understanding came with the thought. Apparently it’s important to the Lord that I not give up, that I not question my faith in Him. Because that’s what He’s praying for me.
He loves me, even enough to pray for me.

“Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us. Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble?” -from Romans 8:34 & 35

Praise God for His great love!
Lord, today I submit again to Your great plan, no matter what that means. And if it could be Your will, I would love for the sifting to stop.


Now’s your chance to get my books at half price, which is cheaper than it costs to print them. BUT ONLY LOCALLY. I can’t do this on Amazon. HOWEVER! While supplies last, Missions Pottery in Lexington, NC at the square and Attractions on Main in Salisbury, NC still have a nice selection. Not to mention, you are going to LOVE the unique items in each shop. Stop by and support our local businesses. Thank you!