Mind Your Business

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By Lynna Clark

Because of my plethora of allergies and subsequent mystery illness I read every label; food, cleaning products, toiletries…

Did you know that a certain brand of flushable wet wipes is made with advanced wipe technology? Yep. It says so right on the package. Not only are said wipes developed with advanced wipe technology, but they have also been scientifically tested.

I wonder how they do that.

Can you imagine running into an old friend from high school. You’re trapped in the cosmetic aisle because it’s just so narrow and everybody needs to push a cart. It’s been a while and they ask, “So where do you work now?” “Umm…” you say. “I’m actually in the field of science… new technology… and stuff.”

“Wow!” they say. “You’re searching for the cure for COVID?”

“Umm… no, but there’s just nothing like a soothing wet wipe.”


We can’t always come off looking like a genius. However, I for one appreciate the advanced wipe technology and the scientists who were thoughtful enough to add safe effective ingredients like aloe and witch hazel.
So! Our focus for today is from 1 Thes.4:11,12.

“Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands… Then people who are not Christians will respect the way you live and you will not need to depend on others.”

May the Lord bless the work of our hands. And may He give us special grace and strength to mind our own business.

Quite an ambitious prayer! But according to the verse, it may be the key to reaching those who don’t know the Lord.

Imagine that!