Certain of the Good Work

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By Lynna Clark

New Year’s Day: typically a day of new beginnings. I don’t know about you, but I tend to live on a guilt trip. There is just no resolution big enough to fix all the areas where I feel inadequate. For example: As I look over recent Christmas cards it reminds me of all the people I love that I didn’t get around to sending a card. And this was going to be the year. I think I sent out three. Sorry if you didn’t make the cut.

I’m hoping to pick up my blog again with a little change. Instead of the five to seven hundred words I usually write, I’m trying to keep it around three.

Three hundred that is. Three really would be a challenge. Annnyyywayyy…

Here’s what the Lord gave me today. Philippians 1:6 says “And I am certain that God Who began the good work within you will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”
A couple key thoughts jumped out.

It is God who began the work in me. It is also HE who will continue it through me. And best of all, it is HIS work, not mine.

Think about that.

It’s not even up to me. So take that GUILT!

The Lord is faithfully working in me even when I feel so very inadequate.
May we rest in the knowledge and certainty that the Lord is faithfully working within us in spite of our weaknesses. In fact, His strength is made perfect in our weakness. [2 Corinthians 12:9]
Happy New Year beloved ones!

“God knows how much I love you and long for you with the tender compassion of Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 1: 8