We Win

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By Ann Farabee

When we go out into battle against our enemies, see horses and chariots, and are seemingly outnumbered, what should we do?



What do they have to do with it?

Horses and chariots represented power, as the Israelites were facing overwhelming opposition.

Power is also how we fight our enemies.

But not with the power of horses and chariots.

Deuteronomy 20:3 gives us a great game plan for what NOT to do:

 *Do not faint.

 *Do not fear.

 *Do not tremble.

 *Do not be terrified.

Easy to say, right?

To faint would mean to weaken in purpose or spirit.

To fear would mean to be afraid.

To tremble would mean to shake involuntarily, as a result of anxiety.

To be terrified would mean to be in a state of intense fear or desperation.

I cannot speak for you – but I have actually been there – faint, fear, trembling, and terrified – all at once.

I was battling an enemy.

I saw – and felt – the power of the enemy.

I saw that I was outnumbered by the forces of the enemy.

It seemed to be a battle I could not win.

But then, Joshua 1:9 came along, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Going through something in our lives is often quite personal, but whether we go through it alone or with the support of others, it will work out.

How do we know?

Deuteronomy 20:4 tells us so:

For the Lord our God

Goes with us

To fight for us

Against our enemies

To save us.

The Lord our God goes with us.

We do not have to go alone.

The Lord our God fights for us against our enemies.

We do not even have to fight.

The Lord our God will save us.

We do not even have to worry about the outcome.

We win.