Surround Me NOT

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By Ann Farabee

Surround me

Hiking mountain trails is – or perhaps I should I say was – one of our favorite things.

If a cruise ship was unavailable, hiking would be at the top of our list.

While hiking with the husband, there were three rules – all created by me.

Rule Number 1: Go in front of me, as needed.

Rule Number 2: Go beside me, as needed.

Rule Number 3: Go behind me, as needed.

Sometimes, I need a guide.

Sometimes, I need someone by my side.

Sometimes, I need a push.

My husband learned to do all three.

A mountain hike can be a bit treacherous, which means there may be insecure footing, insecure support, hidden dangers, hazards, or perils. Exactly!

I reached a point on the trail that was dangerously steep, with not even a tree limb to hold onto. As I stood on a rock, looking down below, the ground was not even visible.

I got scared. I froze. I would just sit here forever. I would not be going moving forward on the trail, nor would I be going back down the trail, because the descent appeared to be just as scary. I remained frozen in position.

There had to be a Plan B.

Words of encouragement surrounded me from those passing by us, as I sat on the rock, afraid to look down.

 Charles suggested that he could stay behind me in case I slipped.

I was skeptical.

He suggested that he go ahead of me, so he could grasp my hand, pulling me forward.

Still skeptical.

Or would it be best if he would just go beside me?


He ended up somehow managing to do all three.

I was then safely on secure ground.

He had gone before me, behind me, and beside me.

 It was not easy for him – but he thought I was worth it.

All I had to do was take his hand.

All I had to do was trust him.

Trust  – is an amazing thing.

Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is the Rock eternal. Isaiah 26:4

Trust in the Lord with all our heart. Proverbs 3:5

The Lord goes behind us, before us, and lays His hand on us. Psalm 139:5

The Lord our God is with us wherever we go. Joshua 1:9

God thinks we are worth it.

We may as well give up and trust Him completely!

Because we are surrounded…