We Need Hope

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By Doug Creamer

We need Hope

            Last Sunday the Emmy Awards were on. My wife and I try to watch the Emmys and the Oscars. It is fun to see the stars dressed up and looking their very best. It’s nice to hear them express their appreciation to those who helped them along the way. I also enjoy the good-natured roasting the hosts give the stars.

            This year as we watched I found it very interesting how many of the winners came from shows that are not on the big three. Many of the shows are on premium cable and streaming services. I guess I am not the target market for some of those shows. Maybe I need to expand my TV horizons…or maybe not.

            I imagine some people thought that maybe the stars shouldn’t have appeared on the show with so many people in our country suffering after the hurricanes. How could they dress up in such expensive clothes and be in such an elaborate place? When people are suffering, should they be showing off, laughing, and having fun?

            Oddly, I believe they should. When people are suffering they need hope. Nothing can help to lift our spirits like seeing people we invite into our homes each week up on stage being honored for their hard work. Watching their shows entertains and touches us in some way or the shows wouldn’t be on TV. The audience loves or hates the characters in their shows and we want to see what happens to them.

            When you think about it, the shows we watch become a part of our lives and the characters and their experiences a part of our own. So we root for our characters. These shows provide us a few moments of escape from our lives. People care passionately what happens to their favorite characters on their shows. So the award shows allow us to continue the escape as we root for our favorite shows and stars to win.

            In much the same way a good movie can transport us into another world for a few hours, so we can forget the problems we are facing in our own little world. When we are going through difficult times, it helps to go to a ball park and get a dog and a soda and root for the home team. We can enjoy sitting in the stands at a local high school football game, cheering the home boys to victory while we enjoy the band’s half-time performance and the cheerleaders stirring the crowd.

            I firmly believe that the people in the hurricane ravaged areas are not the only ones that need a little shot of hope. Many people are struggling with the bills and the many challenges of everyday life. We need a few hours of laughter and cheering to help lift us up. These kinds of things can help to stir the hope within us.

            One of the best places to find hope when we are struggling with hopelessness is in the Word of God and in God’s house with God’s people. We have all struggled with discouragement. God’s word is full of hope. God’s word reminds us that we are not alone and that God is always with us. God sees the way out of our troubles. God will lead us along the path to joy and peace.

            I assure you that no matter what you are facing, others in the body of Christ have been there and know what you are up against. They have overcome and found victory and they can help you through your pain. They have the scars to prove that they made it so you can make it through to your promised land.

            There is nothing like letting Christians pray and intercede for you. It is awesome to have your brothers and sisters standing around you, fighting for you and helping you stand. The next step is to find God’s promises to you, which are hidden in His word. These promises can be a great source of comfort and hope in dark times. God’s word can be a lamp to your feet to guide you through and out of the storms of life.

            If you find yourself facing hopeless moments, I want to encourage you to find the promises in God’s Word and hold on. Call some friends and ask them to pray and stand with you as you walk through the storm. Pray and talk to God because He knows your every need. Let Him lift your spirit as you lift your head to Him. He loves you more than you can understand and will see you through your storm into a brighter tomorrow.

Doug Creamer’s books are at Amazon. Contact him at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com