What Wisdom is Not

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By Lynna Clark

Have you ever gotten bad advice? It sounded like a good idea at the time, but somehow things didn’t go as planned.

“We could remodel that old house ourselves and save a lot of money.”

“Put some icy hot on your forehead. Your sinus infection will clear right up.”

“Here, you lead the conga-line. Let me hold the video camera.”

“Let’s get Zumba. We’ll just dance that poundage off.”

Makes you wonder who we hang out with doesn’t it.

Poor ol’ Nehemiah tries to do a good deed in chapter 6, verse10. He goes to visit a shut-in, who apparently had a godly reputation as a prophet. That’s where he got some bad advice. Thankfully Nehemiah recognized it for what it was: another trap. Some really good looking people, can tell us some really smart sounding stuff, and we can fall face first into a vat of “sure wish I’d’ve seen that coming!”

So how can we recognize truth? You are already thinking it. Jesus is Truth. His Word is Truth. Pure, wise, works in all situations, Truth. And it works in regular normal stuff. However, when there are many, many details to hammer out, and many, many decisions to make, the odds of getting it ALL right are much slimmer. And then you have all the good looking, godly sounding people standing around making wise observations. Stuff like, “When God closes a door He opens a window.” I always wonder why, if God slams a door in my face, why would He want me to squeeze my big ol’ hind quarters through a window?” Maybe He does. Maybe He’s teaching me persistence or some other virtue. Or maybe He wants me to put those Zumba lessons to good use. See how tricky this can get?

That’s why today’s prayer is for wisdom for those in the decision making roles. James has a couple great passages on wisdom. Chapter 1 talks about going through trials and letting our endurance grow, so we’ll be ready for anything. Verse 5 tells us if we need wisdom, just ask. I think the Lord loves hearing us own up to the fact that we don’t get it. But we are at least wise enough to admit that. And He doesn’t go for a lot of floundering around either. Ask. Step out of the way. Trust.

A verse that comes to mind is “Without faith, it is impossible to please Him.” Hebrews 11:6. The other passage in James regarding wisdom is chapter 3:13-18. If you get a chance read it. Wisdom there is described as pure, peace loving, gentle, willing to yield to others, full of mercy, etc. What it is NOT, is braggadocios, jealous, selfish, etc. So pray. Wisdom is a precious thing and in short supply in this world. Pray today, that we as a church tap into the only Source of true wisdom. Pray for the Lord’s great guidance in every single move, every tiny step, for His glory! He has promised to give it if we ask!

More: James 1; James 3; Hebrews 11:6