Church Curmudgeon

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By Lynna Clark

Long ago my husband had a serious talk with me. It was a rather rare occasion. Generally we are too busy making fun of television commercials or checking the lineup for the Braves or discussing our latest ailments. Our life is very exciting like that.
So anyway, this talk seemed important to the man. At some point he’d recognized his tendency to become a curmudgeon. It may have had something to do with the fact that he taught school for over twenty years. Believe it or not middle school boys, while delightful in their own unique way, can sometimes be exasperating. I remember distinctly David saying to me during our serious talk, “Don’t let me turn into that grouchy old man at church who fusses at the kids.” He followed it up by putting on his old codger voice and growling. “Calm down sonny! You’re in the house of God!”

After I finished laughing at the man, who did a great imitation of the old Muppet guys in the balcony, I considered his heartfelt request. How can we guard against becoming grumpy? I have a feeling the overtaking of our good nature is a subtle process. Scripture advises us to think on good things. But God knows how much life can wear us down.

Today’s good word is from Philippians 3:1. The writer Paul tells us again that no matter what happens, we should make it a practice to rejoice in the Lord. He says he never gets tired of reminding us of that because…
“…this will safeguard our faith.”

An old hymn has the the beautiful request that only the Lord can fill. “Tune my heart to sing Thy praise.”

For me it has to be a conscious effort. I don’t think rejoicing and thankfulness come natural for very many people. And yet, the Lord often asks us to lift up our hearts in praise to Him. It seems to be the key to safeguarding our faith. Maybe with that shield in place we can avoid becoming a curmudgeon.