Believe for it…Part 2

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He had become well-known and a man of fame in that city and abroad. He had gained a magnificent reputation, and He was known as one of exceptional character. He was the Healer.

Multitudes had come to hear him speak and to be healed of their infirmities. Luke 5:15-16 says, “But Jesus walked away from the crowd and went into the wilderness — to pray. Yes, Jesus left the crowd and went to an isolated place to talk with the Father on their behalf.”

That is remarkable.

Jesus loved everyone, so I am sure He loved those in the crowd. But at that moment in time, He needed a “praying in the wilderness” experience.

Sometimes, we need that, as well. Not always just on our behalf, but also on behalf of others. A prayer for someone is one of the greatest gifts we can give or receive.

As for me, I need to give that gift more often. Sometimes, it may feel that our prayers are not a big deal — but they are. Our prayers reach God!

Our prayers transcend the world and go straight to our Heavenly Father.

When God freed His people from slavery in Egypt, instead of going straight to the Promised Land, they went on a journey through the wilderness. But while wandering around in that wilderness, God revealed Himself to them.

Being in the wilderness sounds horrible, but if it brings us to a place of solitude with our Savior, we have the victory. That sure beats sitting around complaining about our difficulties, right? Going into His presence is His present to us — as we are surrounded by love, rest, and peace that comes with being in the presence of our Savior.

If God leads us there, why would we not go into the wilderness — apart from the crowd — to pray?

It would be like failing to accept the gift of His presence. God’s Word tells of many times Jesus prayed. Here are some of my personal favorites:

• “Early in the morning while it was dark.” — Mark 1:35

• “On the mountain during the night while making a decision.” — Luke 6:12-16

• “At a special occasion.” — Luke 3:21

• “With others — Peter, James and John went with Jesus to the mountain to pray.” — Luke 9:28

• “When in need — in the garden, Jesus asked that the cup be removed from him.” — Luke 22:42

• “When in pain — On the cross, He cried out in agony.” — Matthew 27:46

• “For those who had hurt him, Father forgive them.” — Luke 23:34

• “In surrender to God’s will — Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit.” — Luke 23:46 Jesus prayed, and so should we. 1 Chronicles 16:11 says, “Look to the Lord and His strength.”

Seek His face always.

Always means always!

Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker. Contact her at or