Easter’s Renewal

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By Doug Creamer

            Did it rain at your house last weekend? I was beginning to think we needed to build an ark. We had over five inches of rain. I thought we were going to have a rainy Easter Sunday, too. Thankfully, the clouds pushed away, granting us a beautiful day to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

            After church on Sunday, I headed to my brother’s house, where my family gathered to share a delicious meal. I am not sure how many people gathered but the crowd included people from a one-year-old through several in their nineties. There were four generations gathered together and we all had a great time.

            After we ate, one of my nephews initiated a huge Easter egg hunt. It took a whole bunch of us to “hide” all the eggs. The eggs were so plentiful that there wasn’t much hiding going on. Eggs were scattered everywhere.

            Each person was given a container to collect eggs. When the littlest children could wait no longer, the signal came and we all started to collect the eggs. The plastic eggs contained candy and play money. All the play money could be taken to the “store” and exchanged for prizes. The laughter and excitement filled the air as young and old hustled to collect eggs.

            I have to tell you there is something special about watching people in their nineties collecting Easter eggs. The parents were clicking pictures of their little children as they discovered the fun of collecting eggs. I thought later that I should have taken pictures of the ninety-plus-year-olds collecting eggs. That will be a memory that I will treasure forever.

            As things were winding down, I walked with my Dad as he collected the last couple of eggs that were out of reach of the little children. That is another special memory I will treasure. Then we all sat down and looked through our eggs to discover how much money and candy we found. When I turned in my money for prizes I bumped into my mother, who was having a grand time picking out some special treasures of her own. The joy and excitement dancing in her eyes is another treasured memory.

            The little children, my great nieces and nephews, came around showing off their special treasures. The laughter and excitement could not be contained. Everyone went home with bellies full of great food, a bag of candy, a collection of prizes, and hearts and minds refreshed from a great time of fellowship.

            I can easily imagine Jesus coming and joining our family gathering on Easter Sunday. In fact, I think it would fill his heart with joy to know that families around the world came together to share fellowship, love, laughter, and great food.

            I think it is no mistake that Easter is in spring, a time of renewal. Nature reminds us of God’s renewal promises each spring. God sent His Son to heal and restore the relationship He intended from the start of mankind. We break our relationship with God through our wrong choices, but Jesus came to offer us a renewed chance at a relationship with God.

            When we take communion, we are remembering His death until He comes again. His blood paid the full price for all our sins and wrong choices. When we receive it we are forgiven for all our sins and wrong choices. His body was broken to bring us healing. His broken body heals our body, mind, and spirit. Jesus took the whipping, the crown on His head, and the nails in His hands and feet to pay for our healing. After dying for us, He rose again on Easter morning. He is the only God who rose from the dead. It’s our ticket to an eternity with Him in heaven. Our relationship with Jesus offers us healing, forgiveness, and an eternity with Him in heaven.

            I want to encourage you to receive Jesus, who rose from the dead on Easter. It is a gift you cannot buy or earn. It is one you have to receive. God knew you couldn’t fix all you have done wrong so He sent His Son to fix it. He paid for everything and offers you an Easter basket filled with hope, joy, forgiveness, mercy, grace, and a renewed life here on earth, and one day with Him in heaven. These gifts are available for you if you will receive them. They are free and available to you no matter how old or young, and especially no matter what you have done in your life. Come and receive your renewal.

Contact Doug Creamer at PO Box 777, Faith, NC 28041or doug@dougcreamer.com