The Deep Cleaning

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By Ann Farabee

My goal: Deep clean a room each day until my house was perfectly clean. Yes, I had learned the term “deep clean” and really wanted to find an occasion to use it.

Day 1. Room 1. As my project progressed, I noted that one room takes entirely too long!

Day 2. Room 2. Realizing my motivation had begun to dwindle, I gave myself a pep talk, “Time to go to the next room!” Then, a little more excitedly, “Time to go to the next room!” Yes, I talk to myself.

As I was beginning to work, I saw a rainbow on the floor in front of me that had been created by the light coming through the beveled glass in the entrance doorway.

After looking at it for a second, I headed into the next room.

God was obviously already at work, for there was a rainbow on that floor, too. It was even more magnificent than the first one! The colors were so vivid! And…there was no beveled glass in sight to create it.

As I worked, God began to speak to my heart through the rainbows.

“In my Father’s house are many rooms. In my Father’s house are many rooms,” were the words that kept being whispered into my spirit.

I looked back and could still see both rainbows, even though they were in different rooms.

Seeing the two rainbows had made me feel like I was looking at a bridge providing a beautiful connecting link between earth and heaven.

Amazed, I just shook my head. I had been in one room and God had sent a rainbow.

It had been so beautiful. I had stepped into the next room and there was another rainbow. It was even more beautiful.

I knew the connection God was making in my heart. In every room — in every part of our lives — God is with us. Our time in our room on earth is beautiful.

It is filled with God’s beauty and His spirit. It is filled with rainbows to remind us that His promises are true.

Genesis 9:13 tells us that God set the bow in the clouds. Can you envision that? God Himself setting the rainbow in the clouds just for us — to remind us that His promises are true! That’s what I call a rainbow moment!

Then, one day, when it is time to leave our earthly home for our heavenly home, it will be like stepping into the next room.

The next room will be even more magnificent than the earthly room we are now living in, for it will be filled with colors that go beyond the spectrum of colors that we now know — for we will be with the Light of the World — our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

No, my deep cleaning project was not completed. But there was some deep cleansing in my spirit. The first room and the next room made sure of that.

This was not my first rainbow moment, but it was a good one.

What’s your rainbow moment? I would love to hear about it.

Contact me at Ann Farabee is a teacher, writer and speaker.